1. what time is it? 1:25 AM
2. what is your name? Cristal Bernal
3. when is your birthday? April 20th, 1983
4. how many siblings do you have? Four brother and three sisters.
5. what are your siblings names? Half brothers: David and Nicky, Half sister: Karina, Biological brother: Julian, Biological sister: Maria, Stepbrother: David, Stepsister: Monica.
6. do you have a job? You bet your sweet ass I do.
7. if yes, where? Mexican restaurant. Good food.
8. if no to #6, where do you want to work? Although I DO have a job, I still want to answer this. I want to work outside while helping people.
9. do you have a car? NO! NOO! Cars scare me when I am driving.
10. what kind of car do you have/want? A simple one, dammit. Still looking at that 1970 Chevelle SS.

11. movie: I don't have a favorite movie. American Beauty came to mind, though.
12. song: No idea. Right now it's Mae's "This Time Is The Last Time."
13. band: RIGHT now- Dead Poetic. I hate picking favorites when it comes to music.
14. group: Group? Sorta redudant, no? I'll fill this in and say... fuck it.
15. singer: Do I have a favorite singer? I love how Maynard and Layne Staley sing. I also think the lead singer of Coheed and Cambria is awesome, so to many of you... my opinion is worth a bag of cow shit.
16. tv show: Family Guy, The Simpsons, Old TGIF shows, Taboo ... Anything that's good, I'll watch.
17. tv channel: I seem to be watching a lot of VH1 as of late, but I am really getting into CNN. It's about time I get into the damn news.
18. actor: Um, uh... bah. I dunno. I don't care.
19. actress: Hmmm. Anyone who can act like a lesbian for me.

... Kidding.

20. comic: PvP Online. Shhhhyooow. It rocks.
21. magazine: I need to get back on Cracked and MAD. I read the Daily Bulletin. Newspapers rock.
22. food: Sandwiches and soups inside cups.
23. snack: That's all I fucking eat.
24. drink: Water! Nyquil. Iced Tea. My friend Al.
25. cd-rom: Used to be The Sims. Before that: Half-life.
26. board game: Chess. Ouija...
27. card game: Solitaire, Poker, 21... the easy shit.
28. kid game: Hide and go-fuck-yourself. No. I don't really play.
29. number: Five.
30. cartoon: Family Guy, The Simpsons, Futurama, Cowboy Bebop, Peanuts Gang, Looney Tunes, Tom & Jerry, Ren & Stimpy, Underdog, SpongeBob, Beavis and Butt-Head, Old MTV cartoons, South Park, ILL-Ustrated, Rocky and Bullwinkle, Rejected MTV cartoons (fuckers), anything on Comedy Central and Cartoon Network... and SO MUCH MORE.
31. character: Kolin. Fictional character? Um, Sam-I-Am. He's a persistant little bitch. Okay, he's not my favorite. Fuck it. I don't have one.
32. disney character: Goofy.
33. color: Blue, black, orange, green, pink...
34. hair color: Anything but dull colors. Black+bright colors = GOOD.
35. time of the day: It used to be 9 PM. Now, it's back to the time when the sun goes to sleep.
36. day of the week: Munday. MUNDAY.
37. week of the month: The one when I'm not bleeding out of my ass. I don't fucking know.
38. month of the year: October. Maybe November.

love life etc..:
39. do you plan on having children? Hopefully.
40. do you want to get married? Hmm. Yes. :) I mean, only to Kolin. I don't care about marriage, but if it means to be with him for the rest of my life, sure, why not.
41. how old do you want to be when you have your first child? Old enough to be stable. Maybe around my late 20s. I dunno. We'll see. I don't want to be too old.
42. how old do you want to be when you get married? Whenever I'm ready.
43. would you have kids before marriage? Depends. Surprises happen, no?
44. what would you name a boy? Something that is not stupid. Whoa. Long name.
45. what would you name a girl? Um, you know... when it comes to names, I don't want anything too fucking weird. Something simple, but spelled differently. Such as my name. I like my name.
46. are you a virgin? "Yes, MOM. I PROMISE!" Morally, I'm a virgin, I guess.
47. if so, do you plan on losing your virginity anytime soon? Um... shut up.
48. have you been kissed? Nope. I still don't know why. Am I that ugly? Heh.
49. if so, by who? If not, why? BECAUSE! I dunno. Must be my face. Dammit, I am kidding.
50. do you have a bf or gf and who? Yeap. Kolinova.
51. do you have a crush? I haven't had a crush since... 2000, I guess.

52. music/tv: Musica, fool.
53. guys/girls: GIRLS.
54. green/blue: Dammit. Fuck this. BOTH.
55. pink/purple: Pink.
56. sleep/stay up: Sleep. I can't stand being awake at times.
57. summer/winter: Winter.
58. spring/fall: FALL.
59. night/day: Night.
60. hangin' out/chillin': Neither? I lounge, thank you.
61. friends/lovers: Lov- Um, LOVER. I only have one. The fuck?
62. cold/warm: Warm.
63. fast/slow: Heh. Depends.
64. new/old: Depends.
65. dark/light: DEPENDS. Mostly dark.
66. sparkle/shine: Sparkle.
67. peach/plum: Pickles. Hey, it starts with a P. It works.
68. apple/orange: Orange.
69. laundry/dishes: I don't care.
70. christina/britney: They're both something I wouldn't waste my time on.
71. limp bizkit/korn: Oh for the love of God. KORN.
72. rock/rap: Rock.
73. pop/r&b: Pop. Suck it.

word association:
74. glass: Water.
75. shake: Hand?
76. club: STRIP!
77. sing: Crappy.
78. loud: Scream.
79. garcia: Andy.
80. hair: Black.
81. ching: Yang?
82. money: Poor.
83. work: Sucks.
84. play: Console.
85. 4002: 2004.
86. betty: PAGE. Bettie. She's hot.
87. sara: Moved.
88. doug: FUNNY!
89. brain: He stopped talking to me.
90. nick: Oledeon.
91. frank: WEINER.
92. am: Boring.
93. fm: Not as boring.
94. pm: Night.
95. morning: Sun.
96. ball: Cold.
97. eminem: Sucks a cock.
98. rap: ROCK.
99. teenagers: Shitheads.
100. smoking: Horrid.
101. death: Scary.
102. life: Scary.
103. drinking: Relaxation.
104. bomb threats: Waste of time.
105. murder: A bitch.
106. suicide: A waste.
107. fear: Life controlling.

108. who is your best friend? Me. HAAHAHA. No. I pass.
109. who is the best person to hang with? As of late... The Bernal family, even though that's a rare. I'll just say my online buddies.
110. who is the sweetest person? Kolin. To me.
111. who is the cutest person? Kolin.
112. who is the nicest? UH, The Bernal cousins. They reek of niceness.
113. who is the best to talk online with: Kolin. He always makes me laugh the hardest. I also enjoy the ones I talk to the most: Colette, Jen, and Cole.
114. who is the most blond? No one I know.
115. who is the weirdest? Me. Um, Cole and Kolin are the weirdest I know. For different reasons.
116. who is the craziest? Crazy is a shitty word.
117. who is the loudest? That I know... Eileen.
118. who is the quietest? Me? Sometimes.
119. who is the smartest? The fuck if I know. Oh, yeah. George. I lost contact with him, though.
120. who is the quickest? No ideea.
121. who is the most trustful? Hmm. Sometimes I believe that I trust too damn much.
122. who is the most honest? Colette.
123. who is the most cheerful? My cousin, Alondra.

last few (pointless) questions:
124. are you glad it's almost done? I don't care. I was bored. Kept me from sleeping. DAMMIT. I missed Family Guy AGAIN. Bah.
125. are you bored? Fuck you.
126. what kind of mood are you in right now? I'm just here.
127. did you have a good day today? Nope.
128. what are you doing tomorrow? I'll probably masturbate to pass the time. ... No, I don't know. Depends on what happens and on how I feel. I might go for a walk.
129. what did you do today? Nothing worth talking about.

001) What time are you starting this?: 9:47 PM
002) Name?: Cristal.
003) Date of birth? April 20, 1983
004) Sex?: A male in a female's body.
005) Height?: 5'5''
006) Eye color?: DRK. Brown.
008) Location?: California.
009) Where were you born?: Los Angeles.
010) Have you ever failed a grade?: No.
011) If you have, what grade did you fail?: N/A
012) Do you have crush on someone?: I haven't since I was 17.
013) Do you have a bf/gf?: Yes.
014) If so, what is their name?: Kolin.
015) How long have you been together?: Hmmm. Kolin, I think we need to talk about what date we got together, 'caaause... I don't remember. Was it at the end of May or beginning of June? If May- a year and three months. If June- a year and two months. I dunno. Over a year, dammit.
016) What are you wearing right now?: Clothes, fucker.
017) Would you have sex before marriage?: Uh, yeeeeeah.
018) Have you ever had a crush on any of your teachers?: Probably.
019) Are you a virgin?: Yes, dammit. YES.
020) Do you smoke?: Nope.
021) Do you drink?: Drink water? Alcohol? I drink liquids, yes.
022) Are you ghetto?: Naw, dawg.
023) Are you a player?: You have to know how to PLAY in order to be a player.
024) What are your favorite colors?: Blue. Among others.
025) What is your favorite animal?: I like fuzzy animals. Cats.
026) Do you have any birthmarks?: Yeah, somewhere.
027) Have you ever gotten your ass kicked?: By my mother. I don't fight.
028) Who are your best friends?: Pass.
029) Have you ever beat someone up?: Nah. Only fights I've been in are with my brother. But he's family. It's a must to beat each other up.
030) Who do you talk to most on the phone?: Customers who call work. Second is my father.
031) Have you ever been slapped?: Yes.
032) Do you get online a lot?: Nope. Not as much as I could be.
033) Are you shy or outgoing?: Both.
034) Do you shower?: Nooo. I LOVE to have people stay away from me at all times, so I skip personal hygiene.
035) Do you hate school?: I don't hate school. I hate the people in it.
036) Do you have a social life?: Nope. I might soon. (I always say that)
037) How easily do you trust people?: Sometimes too easy. Other times not at all. Depends on first impression.
038) Have you ever lied to your best friends?: Probably. When I used to have those.
039) Do you have a secret people would be surprised knowing?: Not anymore. I spilled it all out in my journal. Well, almost. There are some things that I will NEVER talk about.
040) Would you ever sky dive?: Not in my agenda.
041) Do you like to dance?: Uh, by myself. When I am alone. But even then, it's not dancing... It's just moving.
042) Have you ever been out of state?: More like out of the country. I've never been to any other state other than California.
043) Do you like to travel?: It depends on who I'm with.
044) Have you ever been expelled from school?: No.
045) Have you ever been suspended from school?: Noo.
046) Do you want to get out of your hometown?: No fucking way. I love Ontario.
047) Are you spoiled?: Nope.
048) Are you a brat?: No.
049) Have you ever been dumped?: Hahaha. Uh, cheated on? *shrugs*
050) Have you ever gotten high?: Hmm. Yeah. Not what you think, though.
051) What's your favorite drink?: Smirnoff.
052) Do you like Snapple?: I do. I really do.
053) Do you drink a lot of water?: Tons.
054) What toothpaste do you use ?: Colgate.
055) Do you have a cell phone or pager?: No. Although, my father keeps telling me that he's going to get me one (for the past two years; I've said no every time). If I say yes, I can call Kolin and none of us would have to waste money. I just have to watch the minutes. That's all up to him, though. Only reason why I would want a fucking cell phone.
056) Do you have a curfew?: Not since I was... 12? Ha. I don't go anywhere, anyway.
057) Are you a role model?: To my sister, mostly. I have a few people that "follow" me, but... whatever. My sister matters the most.
058) Have you ever been to Six Flags?: Yes.
059) What name brand do you wear the most?: It's called Junkie. My own brand from Thrift Stores and Target.
060) What kind of jewelry do you wear?: Cheap kind. Shit that I either make myself, modify, or find on the street.
061) What do you have pierced?: Just my ears, sadly. I WANT MORE.
062) What do you want pierced?: All of my ears and my lip (in more ways than one). I was thinking about my tongue, but I don't think I could handle that (teeth). I've been thinking about other... things, too, but NO. At least until I am ready.
063) Do you like taking pictures?: Yes I do. I love it.
064) Do you like getting your picture taken?: Not really, but I don't care.
065) Do you have a tan?: Since the day I was born. It's faded a bit, though.
066) Do you get annoyed easily?: Sometimes.
067) Have you ever started a rumor?: No. I don't do that shit.
068) Do you have your own phone/phone line?: No.
069) Do you have your own pool?: Why for? I can't swim.
070) Do you have any siblings?: Four males and three females.
071) Do you prefer boxers or briefs?: On guys? I don't CARE. Are there girl boxers?
072) Have you ever been played?: I don't care.
073) Have you ever played anyone?: I am not that fucked up. No.
074) Do you get along with your parents?: Eh.
075) How do you vent your anger?: I have my ways. Sometimes they are mellow (like crying). Other times it gets too intense (like stabbing shit).
076) Have you ever run away?: I've run out of the house, but never stayed away. I never had anywhere to go.
077) Have you ever been fired from a job?: I was let go. Not fired. Well, I guess I have. Heh.
078) Do you even have a job?: Yes, you motherfucker.
079) Do you daydream a lot?: Too much.
080) Do you have a lot of exes?: No.
081) Do you run your mouth?: Um...
082) What do you want a tatoo of?: I have many ideas. I will get one when I feel the time is right. I won't say of what, though.
083) What do you have a tatoo of?: Yeeeah. Won't say.
084) What are your favorite flowers?: Sunflowers and tulips. So far.
085) What does your ex bf/gf look like?: Who the fuck cares.
086) What does your most recent crush look like?: I DON'T HAVE A CRUSH! Kolin is beautiful. He has amazing green eyes, this INCREDIBLY cute/shy smile (makes me melt), and he's just... I don't think I'd be able to keep myself together when I get to meet him for the first time. I love everything about him. WOO. I feel lightheaded.
087) Have you ever been bitched out?: Ha. Yeah.
088) When was the last time you bitched someone out?: Um. I don't remember. Probably when my brother drove by my home drunk, BUT even then... I didn't raise my voice or anything. I don't like doing that.
089) Are you rude?: No. I try not to be.
090) What was the last compliment you received?: Hmmm. Probably my aunt. She just stared at me for a while and said, "You're so beautiful!" Jebus, lady. Get over it.
091) Do you like getting dirty?: Getting dirty: no. Being dirty: sometimes.
092) Is your bellybutton an innie or outie?: Innie.
093) Are you flexible?: Not... really. Heh.
094) What is your heritage?: Mexican.
095) What is your lucky number?: I don't have one, though I DO enjoy the number 5. Always have.
096) What does your hair look like right now?: Funked up. Funky and fucked up.
097) Could you ever be a vegetarian?: I could. For a day. Maybe.
098) When was your last real heartbreak?: August 2003.
099) Describe your looks?: Why? I don't want to.
100) If you had to completely dye your hair it'd be what color?: Blue, green or white.
101) Would you ever date someone younger than you?: Noooo. Heh. :P
102) Would you ever date someone older than you?: I don't care about dating.
103) When was the last time you were drunk?: A week ago.
104) When was the last time you went on a date?: I've never been on a date, dammit.
105) Would you rather give or receive oral sex?: AH!
106) Have you ever given?: Noo.
107) Have you ever received?: NO! Fuck, people.
108) Have you ever had an eating disorder?: Yes.
109) Do you have one now?: Uh. Nah. I don't think so. No.
110) How many rings until you answer the phone?: Depends on where the phone is.
112) Have you ever been skinnydipping?: Fuck that shit.
113) If yes, when was the last time?: Fuck. That. Shit.
114) Do you look more like your mother or father?: My mom. Everyone tells me that. Everyone.
115) Do you cry a lot?: Nope.
116) Do you ever cry to get your way?: No.
117) If you had to amputate one limb, what would it be?: My left leg.
118) What phrase do you use most when on the phone?: Work: "Mi Pueblo. Can I help you?" Home: "Yeah?"
119) Are you the romantic type?: I can be. With only one person, though. But I'm better with being romantic in a physical way than being romantic in a verbal way. I'm not good with words.
120) Have you ever been chased by cops?: No.
121) What do you like most about your body?: I don't like my body. I like my eyes.
122) What do you like least about your body?: My body.
123) Who did you last hook up with?: I don't "hook up."
124) When was the last time you threw up?: I don't remember.
125) In the opposite sex, do you prefer blondes or brunettes? I don't care for either.
126) What do the shoes you last wore look like?: They are royal blue Chucks. They have studs, markings, and uh, duct tape.
127) Do you ever wear shirts to show your belly?: LOL! No. Ugh.
128) What about cleavage?: I don't- NO.
129) Is your best friend a virgin?: I don't have- Oh shut up. I've never had a friend who wasn't a virgin. We were all virgin. Unless someone was lying.
130) Have you ever fucked someone up?: No. I don't FIGHT.
131) Have you ever been fucked up?: Uh... not bad. No.
132) What color are your underwear right now? Now we're getting TOO personal. You can get away with asking if I've ever sucked on someone, but UNDERWEAR?! That's TOO far. Okay, their tanish. Neutral.
133) What theme does your room have?: Theme? *looks around* I guess it's a"I'm too fucking lazy to clean or throw anything away" theme.
134) What size shoe do you wear? 9 for girls, 7 for boys.
135) What jewelry are you wearing now?: Just my spiked-heart necklace.
136) What is your screen name on AIM?: I am Oxie Moron. Don't fucking IM me.
137) Would you pick a wedgie in public?: I don't get those. :D
138) How are you feeling right now?: Hot. :(
139) When was the last time you were at a party?: Over a week ago.
140) Have you ever given a lapdance?: No? No.
141) What do you sleep in? Whatever I have on.
142) Has there ever been a rumor spread about you?: Yeah.
143) What is one of your bad qualities?: I'm too afraid about everything. It keeps me from getting out there and advance. There's also the fact that I am too careless and lazy. I'm a fucking sloth.
144) What is one of your good qualities?: I'm understanding.
145) Would you marry for money?: Kolin, get rich. :) No, I would not. That's bullshit.
146) What do you drive?: I DRIVE MYSELF INSANE.
147) Have you ever given or received roadhead?: *sigh* Fucking shit.
148) Are you more of a mama or daddy's child?: I'm a daddy's girl.
149) What's does your aim username mean?: I had a cat named Oxie.
150) What's your favorite online journal to read?: I like'em all.
151) When was the last time you cried in school?: Me? Cry in school? Kindergarten.
152) For two million dollars, would you pose for Playboy?: HELL. The FUCK. NOOOO. NOO! No, no.
153) What time are you finishing this?: 10:53 PM. I got a few IMs. :l
154) Were you getting sick of it?: I was too distracted to get sick of it. I'm already sick.

1. Name: Cristal
2. Location: California
3. School/mascot/colors: High School? Chaffey High, Tiger, Black/Orange.
4. Zodiac sign: Taurus/Aries
5. Shoe size: Nine.
6. Height: 5' 5"
7. Eyes: DRK. Brown.
8. Pets: Two love birds: Jasper and Sam. Sister's birds: Pearl and... I forgot.
9. Siblings: Maria and Julian. Among others.
10. Your mom and dads name: Teresa and Nicolas.
11. Hair: Curly/wavy.
12. Hair length: Short.
13. Ever dyed your hair? Eh-heh. Yes. Since I was 15.
14. Are you good in school? I don't GO to school anymore, but... yeah. I was good.
19.Nicknames: Too many. Cris, Oxie, Ox, Cristalina, Baby (I love that one), etc.
20. Do you play sports? Hahahaha. Right. Yes. I'm a Pro Channel Surfer.
21. Are you a night or a morning person? Night. Always have been. I am incredibly different in the dark. Night rocks.
22. Are you ticklish? You don't have to touch me to tickle me.
23. Do you believe in God? Mmmhmm.
24. What's your screenname? I am Oxie Moron.
25. Do you have braces? Nope. I need them, though.
26. Do you have glasses? Nah. It's good, too. My eyelashes are too long. Won't feel right.
27. What do you want to be when you grow up? I'm never growing up.
28. What was the worst day of your life? I have a few. Don't want to relive them.
29. What are the best days of your life? When Kolin came back is the only one I can think of.
30. What comes first in your life? The people that I care about.
31. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Yes. :)
32. What are you most scared of? Many things. Mostly just being out of control.
33. What do you usually think about before you go to bed? Kolin.
34. If you could be anything without consequences, what would it be? Daring.

35. Movie: From the ones that I own: American Beauty.
36. Band/Group/Artist: Right now: Dead Poetic.
37. Store: Target and any thirft store.
38. Relative: I don't have favorites.
39. Sport: Not into sports.
40. Vacation spot: From all the places that I've been, Mexico has been my favorite. Specifically Miravalles. That's a little ranch where my father grew up in. I love watching the fireflies there.
41. Ice cream flavor: Anything Chocolate. CHOCOLATE PEANUT BUTTER!
42. Fruit: Asian Pears, Kiwis, Golden Apples, Watermelons. Mmm.
43. Candy: Chocolate and red hard candy.
44. Car: 1970 Chevelle SS.
45. Class: It's always been English for some reason.
46. Holiday: Halloween, Christmas, and St. Patrick's Day.
47. Day of the week: Monday.
48. Color: Blue, orange, pink, green, black.. blah, blah.
49. Magazine: Cracked, MAD, Fruits...
50. Name for a girl: Nothing weird.
51. Name for a boy: See above.
52. Sports team: Pfffff.
53: Month: October.
54. Animal: Cats.
55. Saying: "For the love of Mike" and "Two pins and a patch."
56. Word: I love to use the word "fuck" in anyway I can.
57. Room in your house: My room, of course.
58. Concert you have been to: I've only been to, two of them. APC. So, yeah. I can't say much other than I liked the one that had the least people in it.
59. Meat: Carne Azada is my favorite. Beef.
60. Pizza topping: Sausage.
61. State: Uh... California? I want to visit New York, though.
62. City: Ontario.
63. Feeling: Being in love and being in control. I love the rush.
64. College: HA!
65. Number: Five.
66. Book: Harry Potter series and Oddballs and Eccentrics.
67. Cereal: Mmmm. I haven't had cereal in SO long! Lucky Charms, Trix (old school), Frosted Flakes, Fruity Pebbles, Cap'n Crunch, Froot Loops, Golden Grahams, AHHHHHHHHH.... I LOVE THEM ALL!

In the past 24 hours have you
68. Had a serious talk? No.
69. Hugged someone? Nope.
70. Fought with a friend? No.
71. Cried? No.
72. Laughed? Yes. Family Guy, Kolin, work.
73. Made someone laugh? My boss and Kolin. I think.
74. Bought something? The Sunday paper.
75. Flirted with someone? No.
76. Felt stupid? Always.
77. Talked to someone you love? Yeap.
78. Missed someone? Yes. Kolin.

Have you ever
79. Done drugs? Um... no. Not the illegal kind.
80. Eaten an entire box of oreos? Tried.
81. Been dumped? Eh.
82. Had someone be unfaithful to you? Mmhmm. Yes.
83. Stayed home on saturday night, just because?: Always. ALWAYS.
84. Been in love? Just twice in my life.
85. Seen the white house? Only in pictures.
86. Seen the eiffel tower? Pictures.
87. Drank alcohol? Heh. I (Heart) Smirnoff.
88. Played monopoly? Yes. Don't care for that game. I rather play chess.
89. Kissed someone? Nope. Never been kissed. Heh.
90. Tried a weight loss program? Yes. It didn't work for me.
91. Jumped on a trampoline? Nope. I'm afraid that I'll break it.
92. Colored in a coloring book (and had fun)? Damn right. Illustrator is my coloring book.
93. Had a bubble bath? Yeap. When I was a kid.
94. Been on a plane? Yes.
95. Been on a boat? Yes.
96. Been on a train? Yeeeah.
97. Been in a car accident? Not yet.
98. Ridden an elephant? Yes.
99. Made a web page? Uh. Yeah.
100. Played with legos? Legos. Yaaay.
101. Stayed up all night? So many times.
102. Shoved stuff under your bed to make your room look clean? Oh yeah. Back in the day.
103. Broken a bone?: NO! I don't want that.
104. Called a psychic or sex hotline?: Dah, no.
105. Watched jerry springer? I was a big fan before it got all stupid. I mean more stupid.
106. Gotten in trouble for talking in class? Yeah. Heh.
107. Been afraid of the dark? Been afraid of something abnormal being in the dark.
108. Been in the hospital (not visiting)? Yeah. I hated it. :(
109. Had stitches? Probably.
110. Dumped someone and regretted it? Almost. Noo.
111. Went out with more than one person at a time? Out? Friends? Boyfriends? GOD.
112. Lied? Me lie? Nooo. -_-
113. Been arrested? No.
114. Fallen asleep in class? Almost.
115. Used food for something other than to eat? I've used it to have something to throw up.
116. Met a celebrity? Eh. I wouldn't have remembered. Some dude who was in the The Bodyguard came to my work last week. Eh. I don't get starstruck.
117. Broken the law? Yeah. Nothing terrible, though.
118. Skipped class? I just didn't go when I didn't feel like it. Why go to school to skip?
119. Hated yourself? Heh heh. I'm not saying anything.
120. Been brokenhearted? Yeah.
121. Broken someone's heart? I dunno.
122. Wanted to kill someone? Yes. Who hasn't?
123. Fallen off a chair? Yes. On purpose, too. One time at school...
124. Lap danced? Now why would I do that?
125. Been in a fist fight? Only with my room. Other than that... No.
126. Blow me? Bite me?
127. Like to give hugs? Sometimes.
128. Like to walk in the rain? Very much so, but... not as much as I used to.
129. Sleep with or without clothes on? WITH. But... I have slept naked. Half. :S
130. Prefer black or blue pens? Black.
131. Dress up on halloween? Sometimes.
132. Have a job? Yes.
133. Like someone? Love someone. Mmmhmmm.
134. Sleep on your side, tummy or back? All over.
135. Have a goldfish? I used to when I was younger. It was probably called Charlie. My brother and I had this thing about calling ALL of our pets Charlie.
136. Ever have the falling dream? I've had tripping dreams.
137. Have stuffed animals? Yes. Many. I love my Behr.
138. Like to give anal sex to animals? That sounds so hot. No. Good God, people.
139. Do you believe in the horoscopes: Nah.
140. Do you like your handwriting: Nope. I hate it.
141. What superhero would you be: Underdog.
142. Do you have any piercings: Yes. Ears.
143. Any tattoos: Nope.
144. Are you picky: Yeah. Especially when it comes to clothes.
145. What makes you mad: Many things. I usually hide it.
146. What do you think of Bush: I don't.
147. Who do you admire: Certain people. :)
148. Do you like cartoons: Cartoons are my life.
149. What did you do today: Worked, slept... nothing.
150. Are your parents annoying: Aren't all parents annoying?
151. Do you own a miniskirt: I don't.
152. Do you floss: Yes.
153. What is the farthest your have traveled: Acapulco.
154. Have you ever died: I've had Out of Body Experiences that have felt like Near Death Experiences. I hate those.
155. What kind of shampoo do you use: Whatever is around.
156. Do you use big words to sound smart: No. I use big words to confuse people. The thing is, they confuse me too.
157. When you get mad, do you swear a lot? Yeah. But it depends on how mad I am and who I am with.
158. Ever worn black nail polish: Yeah. I've worn many colors and have made my own.
159. Do you do everything better then guch: Okaaaay.
160. How many sheets are on your bed: One. Two. Whatever.
161. Whats under your bed: Carpet.
162. Do you have your own tv and vcr: I have a TV and DVD player. I only own the DVD player.
163. Do you see dead people: When I look in the mirror.
164. Are you a good speller: No. I'm horrible at it. That and my typing skills are shit.
165. Do you like little kids: Yeah. They're cute. I like to poke them. I'm serious. I poke them a lot.
166. Are you talented: I'm just creative at times. Not talented, though.
167. If so, how: Oh fuck off.
168. Do you watch the weather channel while getting ready in your hotel room on vacation: I watch it when I'm bored or want to know how hot it is outside.
169. Ever seen a ghost: Nah.
170. Abortion: Ugh.
171. Bill Clinton: He rocked.
172. Eating disorders: Yeah.
173. Rap: What does this have to do with "Have you ever..."?
174. Suicide: It's a waste. Don't be a pussy and tough it out. We all want to die.
175. Piercings: Have I ever... what? God. Anyway, piercings are hot.
176. Make-up: Sometimes I wear a lot... sometimes not.
177. Drinking: Mmmm.

What do you think when you hear this name:
178. Jennifer: I think, "What is Jen doing now?"
179. Leah: Pass.
180. Megan: Nanj's girl. Not spelled that way, though.
181. Brandon: Some Habbo I saw a few days ago.
182. Christina: X-Tina.
183. Angela: Pass.
184. Courtney: LOVE.
185. Lauren: Eh. Hill?
186. Lisa: My cousin. :D
187. Jackie: Another cousin.
188. Kat: Casper.
189. Patrick: This kid in second grade...
190. Erin: Go Bragh.

This or that
191. Pierced nose or tongue? I rather it be a pierced lip, but... tongue.
192. Be serious or funny? Funny.
193. Single or taken? Taken.
194. Mtv or vh1? Do I have to pick ONE?
195. 7th heaven or dawson's creek? UGH.
196. Sugar or salt? :l Salt.
197. Silver or gold? Silver.
198. Tongue or belly button ring? Bah.
199. Chocolate or flowers: Chocolate. I'm a fat girl. Derrrr. I'm fucking kidding, OKAY?
200. Color or black-and-white photos? Duotone.
201. Sunrise or sunset? Sunset. I love the orange and purples.
202. M&M's or skittles? *whines* Can't I have both?
203. Rap or rock? Rock.
204. Stay up late or sleep in? Fuck that. Both.
205. Tall members of the opposite sex or short? Tall. :)
206. Sun or moon? Moon. The sun hates me and I hate it.
207. What time is it? 12:18 AM
208. Diamond or ruby? Diamond. My birthstone.
209. Left or right? Right. I can't do much with my left. ;)
210. Cat or dog? Cat.
211. Mustard or ketchup? Ketchup.
222. Newspaper or magazine? Newspaper.
223. Spring or fall? Fall.
224. A year of hot sex or a lifetime of friendship? Friendship.
225. Happy or sad? Happy.
226. Sneakers or sandals? Sneakers. I don't like to show my feet. :X
227. Blondes or brunettes? How about BLUEHEADS!
228. Duct tape or scotch tape? Duct tape. Hands down.
229. Pepsi or coke? None.
230. Nike or adidas? Chucks.

Love life
231. If you could kiss anyone in the world, who would it be: Kolin.
232. If you could date anyone in the world, who would it be: I don't date. Kolin, do you date?
234. What is the biggest turn off: Males. Vulgar males. Disrespect and showoffness.
235. What is the biggest turn on: :) Only Kolin knows. I hope.
236. Do you think there is a person for everyone: I sure do.
237. If yes, do you know who yours is: My K.
238. Do you believe in love at first sight: No. Love grows.
239. Have you ever been in love: Twice. One more true than the other.
240. What do you think love is: It's everything I cannot describe but feel everyday.
241. Do you think it lasts forever: If you work hard at it, yeah.
242. Do you want to get married: Maybe. ;)
243. How many times: Once, I hope. Jeeze. Unless it's to renew my vows.
244. When was your first kiss?: I... haven't been kissed.
245. First grade teacher's name: I don't remember. Probably Mrs. Barrios.
246. Last word you said: Outloud? I haven't said anything outloud in- Oh yes I have. I said "here."
246. Last song you sang: "This Time Is The Last Time."
247. Last meal you ate: Chicken nuggets.
248. Favorite childhood cartoon: Underdog.
249. What did you hate most about school: Almost everything.
250. Last person you flipped off: Myself.
251. Last song stuck in your head: I dunno. The Pina Colada song.
252. Last time you were burned: Today at work.
253. Last time you bled: *shrugs*
254. What's in your cd player: A CD-R.
255. What color sox are you wearing: Flesh colored.
256. What's under your bed: OH FUCKING GAAAAAAAAH!
257. What's the weather like: It's whatever. It's been too hot.
258. What time did you wake up today: 8 AM.
259. Who do you want to marry: Kolin's been at the top of my list for a while. :P
260. Are you going to college: Been there. Don't care.
261. If so, how long do you want to go: Fuck.
262. How many kids do you want: I don't know.
263. Kids names girls: Fuck.
264. Kids names boys: You.

1.Full name: Cristal Bernal.
2.Age: 21.
3.Birthday: April 20th, 1983.
4.Location: California.
5.Parents names: Teresa and Nicolas.
6.Siblings names: Julian and Maria.
7.Pets names: Sam, Jasper, Pearl, and I forgot.
8.Describe your appearance: No.

9.Most annoying person you know: I plead the fifth!
10.Most annoying celebrity: Usher. I dislike him. A lot.
11.Most annoying TV character: Eddie Winslow from Family Matters and Dr. Ray from Dr. 90210.
12.Most annoying movie character: I don't see what's the big deal about Brad Pitt.
13.Most annoying song: Songs. The ones at work are annoying as fuck.
14.Most annoying radio DJ: I don't care.
15.Most annoying sound: The sound of bragging.
16.Most annoying thing people do: Breathe.

~Ah, the sexy people~
17.Hottest person you know: Kolin es muy caliente.
18.Hottest actor/actress: Ugh. This broke my brain.
19.Hottest singer: Otep is hot, but uh... I don't look at singers in that way.
20.Hottest band/group: They Might Be Giants are fucking hot. :D
21.First person you ever thought was hot: Hot? I just thought he was cute. This guy I had a crush on when I was in the fourth, fifth, and sixth grade.
22.Hottest person you've kissed: I've never KISSED anyone. Dammit.
23.Hottest person you've gone out with: I've neve- Fuck off.
24.Someone who's hot but you don't like: If I don't like you, I won't see you in ANY level of 'hotness.' Trust me.

~Which of your friends~
25.Drinks the most: My brother drinks the most. He's the closest I got to "friend."
26.Gets the most "action": I don't know. I don't care.
27.Is the worst driver: My mother is pretty... eesh. She and my uncle Carlos. They are too reckless at times.
28.Do you wish you could be for a day: I wish I could be Colette for a day. She's involved with a lot.
29.Is the smartest: Hmm. Eileen.
30.Is the most athletic: Ha.
31.Will be the first to get married: Nanjor.
32.Has horrible luck with the opposite sex: Jen. Only because she seems to be attracted to shitheads *cough*Eric.

33.Last time you drank but didn't get drunk: I always get a buzz.
34.Last time you drank and got totally wasted: New Year's Eve.
35.Have you ever puked from drinking too much: No. I don't drink that much.
36.Have you ever passed out from drinking too much: No.
37.Does your personality totally change when your drunk: Yes. Heh. I am more open.
38.Have you ever gotten drunk and hooked up with someone: Uh. No. Drunk or not, guys are still shitheads.
39.Have you ever done something when drunk that got you in a lot of trouble: Nothing anyone knows about.
40.Have your parents ever seen you drunk: Just buzzed.

~Funny stuff~
41.Funniest person you know: Kolin. We share the same kind of humor. It's twisted.
42.Funniest movie: I dunno. There's too many. Coming To America popped up.
43.Funniest TV show: Family Guy.
44.Funniest song: Butt Buddies - Steven Kramer.
45.Funniest celebrity: Celeb? Jim Carrey.
46.Funniest photo you have: Well more so cool and than funny is Trey Parker and Matt Stone in a dress.
47.Funniest thing that ever happened to you: *thinks* Heh heh. Yeah. That was funny. It hurt, though.
48.Funniest sound: Newborn's laugh.

~Music q's~
49.Best music genre: Anything that came from rock. Which is almost everything.
50.Worst music genre: Some Mexican music.
51.Best CD ever made: The one CD that I will never get tired of is Mer De Noms - A Perfect Circle. Well, that one and Beautiful Freak - Eels.
52.Worst CD ever made: All of those "NOW" CDs. Oh, and Kidz BOP shit.
53.Something you listen to that no one else seems to like: A lot of things. John Mayer. Trapt. :)
54.Something you hate that everyone else seems to listen to: Usher.
55.Most overplayed song: If it's on MTV, it's overplayed.
56.Song that should be played more: Don't Let's Start - TMBG. It's just a fun and happy fucking song.

57.Scariest dream you ever had: It was that one where I trying to wake myself up because I was losing my breath.
58.Wierdest dream you ever had: Eh. Why go there again.
59.Funniest dream you ever had: I've had a few here and there that I don't remember.
60.Dream you wish would come true: Ha. The one I like is when I'm holding Kolin. Oh! And this dream where I was Peter Pan. That one was great.
61.Have you ever had "the falling dream": No. The Tripping Dream.
62.Have you ever had "the naked dream": Hahaha. Yes. I've also woken up naked.
63.Have you ever had a perverted dream: Oh shit. Yeah.
64.Have you ever had a recurring dream: Yeap. The one that I hate the most. Me losing my teeth.

65.Best boyfriend/girlfriend you ever had: Kolin. But once we get together he'll be the ONLY boyfriend I've ever had offline. When people ask me if he's my first boyfriend I say yes. Some things are just not worth mentioning.
66.Worst boyfriend/girlfriend you ever had: Yeah. Whatever.
67.Who do you wish was your boyfriend/girlfriend: No need for that.
68.Have you ever cheated: Only on tests.
69.Has anyone ever cheated on you: I guess. Whatever. Doesn't count.
70.Have you ever dumped someone for someone else: No.
71.Has anyone ever dumped you for someone else: Yeah. Sure.
72.One good thing about being single: If you die, your S.O. won't get hurt.

~What's your opinion on~
73.Abortion: There are Pros and Cons. Like everything else.
74.Death penalty: I say let them rot in jail. Death is too easy.
75."Reality" TV shows: Overrated.
76.Boy bands: They're doing their own thing.
77.Britney Spears: She's just. She's getting old. Old news.
78.Napster: Napster was great, but most good things do come to and end. If it wasn't for Napster, I wouldn't know 75% of the bands I do now.
79.Eminem: He's getting old too.
80.Movie nudity: Always a plus. BOOOBS!

~Have/Would you~
81.Get something pierced other than your ears: I have before.
82.Get a tattoo: I'm willing to.
83.Dye your hair an unnatural color: I haaaave befoooore.
84.Stay home from school if you didn't feel good even if you looked OK and didn't think you were gonna puke: Yes.
85.Eat whatever you want, whenever you want: Yes.
86.Be in charge of the house for a weekend: I have before.
87.Go out and get drunk, as long as you didn't drive: I always do. lol
88.Use swear words in the house: Yeap! As long as my mom can't hear me. She hates them.

~What did you do for your last~
89.Birthday: Spent the day in an arcade.
90.Christmas: Spent it with my computer.
91.Halloween: I gave candy out.
92.New Year's Eve: Got drunk.
93.Easter: Absolutely nothing.
94.Spring break: Nothing at all.
95.Thanksgiving: Spent it with my grandpa in Bakersfield.
96.Valentine's day: That day blows.

97.Something you would never be caught dead wearing: A short-ass skirt.
98.Something you wear all the time: Underwear. And my green cargos.
99.Something you can't believe you used to wear: Leggings? I was a nerd.
100.Something you only wear on special occasions: Um, glitter.
101.Something you only wear on "lazy days": Everyday is Lazy Day for me.
102.Would you say you are "trendy": Ah-haha. Right. I've had people want to copy my "style." though. They never succeed.
103.Something you think no one should wear: Spandex. Speedos. *cringe*
104.Something you think looks good on the opposite sex: Glasses and scarves.

~How concerned are you about~
105.Choosing a career path: Half and half.
106.Finding your "soul mate": Not concerned at all.
107.Your grades: I always stressed about that shit.
108.Money: Very. All the time.
109.Becoming a mother/father at a young age: Uh. I'm hoping that doesn't happen.
110.Crime: I'm always concerned. It's horrible what humans do to other humans. But I always play it nonchalant.
111.Other people's problems: Eh. I've learned to block it all. But I still worry.
112.Your own problems: Not as concerned. Not all the time. I do have my moments, though.

~General q's~
113.Something you think is pointless: Cheating. Being unfaithful. So many things.
114.Something you hope will happen some day: I hope to be as close to happiness.
115.Something you hope will never happen: Some things are unavoidable. Like death.
116.What are you thinking right now: When is Grandma getting here?
117.Favorite quote from a movie: "If he get's up, we'll all get up! It'll be anarchy!" - Bender, Breakfast Club.
118.Favorite quote from a TV show: Actually my favorite TV moment is when Stewie starts sucking on Peter's nipple and realizes what he's done. Hi-larious.
119.Favorite quote from a song: I have so many. I'll just say this one for now: Save yourself, 'cause the only thing that matters is that you get away from the pain and the thought of losing your mind...
120.The meaning of life: To produce something that'll help society become better as a whole. Big or small.

ONE: The Person

Name: Cristal.
Birth date: Four, Twenty, Eighty-three.
Birthplace: L-fucking-A.
Current Location: Ontario. It's niiiiiice.
Eye Color: Shit Brown. :l
Hair Color: Black with a little hot pink.
Height: 5-fucking-FIVE. I want to be taller.
Righty or Lefty: Right-y? Riiiight. I'm right.
Zodiac Sign: Taurus/Aries. Don't ask.

TWO: On The Inside

Your heritage: Messican.
Shoes you wore today: My black Chucks with buttons on it. :D
Your weakness: The word "pleeeeease?" Hmmph. But only when a certain person does it. :)
Your fears: Basically living.
Your perfect pizza: Lots of cheese with sausage, pineapple, Doritos, mushrooms, black pepper, a little paprika, and lots of pickles. Mmmmm. I haven't made one yet.
Goal you'd like to achieve: One goal I'd like to achive is to actually SET a goal and ACHIEVE it.

THREE: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

Your most overused phrase on AIM: *checks* "Dammit."
Your thoughts first waking up: *checks time* "Ugh. I'm still here. Hmm. Fuck it. I'll get up later." OR "Oh. It was only a dream. Oh well." *goes back to sleep*
Your best physical feature: My eyes.
Your bedtime: When ever my body tells me to. Brain hasn't been talking to me. :(
Your most missed memory: Actually NOT caring about what people would tell me. I mean it. Yeah, it would hurt, but I would get over it so quickly. I surprise myself when I think about it.

FOUR: Your Pick

Pepsi or Coke: Fuck that. It's always those two. WHERE'S THE ORANGE SODA!?
McDonald's or Burger King: Um... dammit. Damn you McNuggets. :( I haven't eaten from either since... I dunno.
Single or group dates: Single. I don't care to be with other people in that way.
Adidas or Nike: Fuck you. Chucks.
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate! Mmmmmm. I want some.
Cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccino. Actually a Caramel FRAPPaccino.

FIVE: Do You?

Smoke: No. I don't like things that burn my mouth.
Cuss: Hell the fuck yeah. It's fun.
Sing: Too much.
Take a shower everyday: Yes. Unless I'm feeling shitty. I can go for days without showering or changing.
Have a crush(es): Not since... a long time ago.
Think you've been in love: Think? I have. I am in love.
Like(d) high school: Eh. No. Best years of your life MY ASS.
Want to get married: Not before I met Kolin. It's different now.
Believe in yourself: Eh. Rarely.
Get motion sickness: Sometimes. When I'm in a car for a long time. Or a boat.
Think you're a health freak: No. Otherwise I wouldn't be... yeah.
Get along with your parents: Eh.
Like thunderstorms: Nah. I LOVE them.
Play an instrument: Ha. I used to play the flute. I uh, no... I don't.

SIX: In the past few months have you...

Drank alcohol: Mmhmm.
Smoked: No. Unless you count inhaling David's second-hand smoke. :l
Done a drug: Depends.
Made Out: No.
Gone on a date: Nooo.
Gone to the mall: Yeeeah.
Eaten sushi: Eww. No.
Been on stage: Nah.
Been dumped: Fuck off.
Gone skating: Nope.
Gone skinny dipping: Why would I want to be naked outside like that?
Dyed your hair: Almost.
Stolen anything: I've "stolen" things from work. I think. No. I haven't. Have I? No.

SEVEN: Ever...

Played a game that required removal of clothing: No fucking way.
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: No.
Been caught "doing something": Nope. I don't get caught like that.
Been called a tease: Ha. Yeeeeah.
Gotten beaten up: Not badly.
Shoplifted: Nah. Not that I remember.

EIGHT: Getting Older

Age you hope to be married: Around my late 20s. Maybe 30s. MAYBE NEVER! AHAHAHA!
Numbers and Names of Children: I don't know. I'll wait a few years and send you a fucking memo.
How do you want to die: In my sleep. I've come so close.
What do you want to be when you grow up: I already said I was never growing up.
What country would you most like to visit: Europe.

NINE: In a guy/girl

Best eye color?: I've always loved green. I mean it. ;)
Best hair style?: Messy.
Short or long hair: Both.
Height: Taaaaall. :)
Best first date location: I dosen't matter. It shouldn't matter. As long as your with that super cool person.

TEN: In The Numbers...

Number of people I could trust with my life: Two or so.
Number of CDs that I own: Um. I dunno. I am not going to count them. 80% of them suck ass.
Number of piercings: Six.
Number of tattoos: None.
Number of times your name has appeared in the Newspaper: Hmmm. I'll tell you when THAT happens. Unless someone has died due to drinking too much Cristal or something. School newspaper?
Number of scars on my body: I uh... A lot. I counted them before. 100+. But those were my self-inflicted scars. I have more.
Number of things in my past that I regret: Why bother regretting.

1)Using your Current Initials, choose a different name for yourself.
Courtney Barahona.

2)If you were born outside of your era, when would you want to be born and why?
I AM born outside my era. I guess the 80s. They had funked up styles.

3)If you ran a store, what would you sell/have?
Trinkets. Much like a thrift store/dollar store/craft store.

4)What part in a movie would you love to play?
Joon from Benny & Joon.

5)In your opinion, why do people suck?
Because they fucking do. So many reasons. Just watch TV. That's why.

6)If you had your own state, what would you put on your new quarter?
First of all, I'd have to figure out a name for my state. I'd call it... Fuquff. Uh. That's lame. I'll just call it some Native American name. Pocahontas. Poke-a-hot-ass. Yeeeah! Then I'd put a picture of a hot ass on the quarter..

7)Whats the oldest article of clothing you own?
I have two. My hospital baby shirt and my mismatched green socks. I've had those since I was 10. Then again, everything I fucking own is old.

8)What piece of furniture have you replaced the most?
The most? Maybe my chair. That and my desk. This is my third desk.

9)What instrument do you wish you could be more than great at?
I have many. Banjo, bass, guitar, bagpipes, madolin, fiddle, acordion, piano... Yeah. It never ends.

10) Record, Tape or Cd?
I am not old school, people. CDs for me.

11) What do you think would be the best concert ever? (max: 4 bands)
Just four bands? Fuck. Well, how about They Might Be Giants, The Juliana Theory, Alice in Chains (yes, I know he's dead), and A Perfect Circle. That would be a fucked up concert. Four. Bah.

12) What's the best part of your favorite movie?
I don't have a favorite movie. Bah. I'll just say the best parts IN a movie are the ones that make you go, "Holy shit! What the fuck!!!" Mmhmm.

13) What do you think is the most over-rated candy ever?
Any candy that high school people think is "good" but really tastes like shit and only eat it because everyone else does. Yeah.

14) If you were writing out your will, who would you give your CD collection to?
My sister. I'd ask her to burn most of it. I've been wanting to write my will, but I always keep putting it off.

15) If you could only debate two topics the rest of your life, what would they be?
I am a Master Debator. No. I'm not. I just love saying that. If I had to debate about ANYTHING, it would be about people. People and their right to be WHO THEY ARE. I'm passionate about that.

16)Out of your friends, who would you say you are most jealous of, artistically?
Friends? I don't... know. I'm jealous of my cousin, Carlos.

17) Most jealous of....intellectually?
I used to envy George because he's so damned smart, but he always felt like shit and I don't want that. I'm content with being a retard.

18) What do you collect?
A lot of clutter. *looks around room* Buttons, razors, safety pins, cups, newspaper, books, faeries, pictures, paper, toys... Lots of stuff.

19)What is broken that you have, that you wish was fixed?
Wished? I always fix anything that is broken.

20)What do you do when you're home sick?
I reminisce about anything that'll keep me sane.

21) Why does this survey rock?
It does? Oh I know why! Because it's short and NOT redundant.

22) Story behind your username?
Easy. I had a cat named Oxie. End.

23)Current Favorite Article of Clothing?
My tanks and green cargos. I WILL NEVER THROW THEM AWAY. NEVER!

24)Line from the last thing you wrote for someone?
I haven't written anything. Hmm. Reminds me: I need to email K.

25) A famous person you have met?
I don't know. I don't care.

26)Favorite way to waste time?

27)Last thing you bought yourself?
Um... a ring and two mascaras. From Avon.

Either / Or... SURVEY

1. Star Trek or Star Wars? Uhhh. None.
2. Galaxy Quest or Spaceballs? SPACEBALLS. I love that movie.
3. Robert Jordan or Terry Brooks? I'll fucking pass.
4. Harry Potter or His Dark Material? Harry Potter, of course.
5. Shadowrun or Cyberpunk? PASS.
6. Neil Gaiman or Alan Moore? Paaaaaaaaaaaaass.
7. Terry Pratchett or Douglas Adams? -_- Pass.
8. Princess Bride or The Quest for the Holy Grail? Dammit. Um. Princess Bride. I like that movie.
9. Neon Genesis Evangelion or Serial Experiments Lain? Oh fuck off.
10. George RR Martin or Steven Erikson? Fuck.
11. Slayers or Trigun? Off.
12. Card Captor Sakura or Sailor Moon? I actually used to like Sailor Moon. PASS.
13. Babylon or Farscape? Bah. Must be a nerd survey.
14. Spirited Away or Princess Mononoke? Haven't watched either. YEAH! THAT'S RIGHT! TAKE THAT!
15. Naruto or Hunter X Hunter? Shut.
16. Akira or Ghost in the Shell? Up.
17. Alien or Terminator? Terminator. I guess. Alien is cool, though. Dammit.
18. Blade Runner or Brazil? *cries*
19. Avalon or eXistenZ? Eh.
20. Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Angel? MAN!
21. Love Hina or Video Girl Ai? I should stop this, no?
22. Spike or Gerald Tarrant? Fuck.
23. Blade or Vampire Hunter D? Blade.
24. Apple or Linux? Um... Apple. I've never used Linux. Damn penguin.
25. Java or C? Java.
26. Wolfenstein or Doom? Eh.
27. Escaflowne or Patlabor? I am not a nerd. Why am I taking this?
28. Pocky or Ramune? RAMEN!!!!! :l Pocky is... eh. I don't care, you fucks.
30. Pixar or Dreamworks? Pixar! I love Pixar.
31. Ramen or Hot Pockets? Oh. Hot pockets, then.
32. Jolt or Mountain Dew? None.
33. Red Hat or Mandrake? MANDRAKE.
34. Bit Torrent or IRC? DIIIIIIIIIIIIE!
35. DDR on soft or hard pad? I've never played it on either. Fuck off.
36. MegaTokyo or 8 Bit Theater? Ehhhhhhhhhhh.
37. All Your base or Trogdor? :O NOOO! I... I cannot choose! "TROOOGDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR!" "All your base are belong to us... base, base, base, base..." :( I can't choose. :(
38. Gravitation or Fake? Shit.
39. Yoko Kanno or Kenji Kawai? Yoko Kanno is the SHIZ!
40. Spiderman or X-Men? Uhhhh. Underdog. Fuckers.
41. Bram Stoker's Dracula or Interview with a Vampire, book or movie version? Movies. MOVIES. And both are good.
42. Xbox or Playstation2? PlayStation2, fuckah.
43. Dune or Hyperion? NONE. I never cared for Dune. THAT'S FUCKING RIGHT, NERDS!
44. The Authority or Planetary? Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiet.
45. Lucifer or Hellblazer? Meh.
46. Clive Barker or Tim Powers? Feh.
47. Bruce Sterling or William Gibson? Gah.
48. Lord of the Rings or Conan? OH. MY. Not Conan the Barbarian but CONAN O'BRIEN!
49. The Maker of Universes or The Nine Princes of Amber? Wow. I am still doing this.
51. D&D or White Wolf? Magic the Gathering, fucker.
52. Amber the Diceless RPG or Nobilis? *sigh*
53. Call of Cthulhu or Paranoia? If only I knew.
54. GURPS or Rolemaster? Fuck this. Imma skip a lot.
55. Weiss Kreuz or Saiyuki?
56. Batman or Superman? Batman!
57. Crouching Tiger..Dragon or Once upon a time in China?
58. Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever or Earthsea?
59. Weis & Hickman or Salvatore?
60. Dead or Alive or Soul Calibur?
61. Zelda or Final Fantasy? Final... Zelda. *brain explodes*
62. Ranma 1/2 or City Hunter?
63. ICQ or AIM? AIM.
64. Fruit Basket or Please Save my Earth?
65. Anita Blake or Buffy Summers?
66. Ender's Game or Use of Weapons?
67. Newtype or Animerica?
68. Honor Harrington or Miles Vorkosigan?
69. Full Metal Panic or Full Metal Alchemist?
70. Greg Bear or David Brin?
71. Ninja Scroll or Rurouni Kenshin?
72. Brave New World or 1984?
73. Pern or Darkover?
74. Bleach or Shaman King?
75. Transformers or Robotech? So glad I am not a nerd. Oximus!
76. Excel Saga or Elf Princess Rane?
77. The Martian Chronicles or Stranger in a Strange Land?
78. Ninja or Pirates? Pirates.
79. The Ring or The Sixth Sense? Sixth Sense of course.
80. Shounen or Shoujo?
81. The Twilight Zone or Doctor Who? The TWILIGHT Zone. Hands down.
82. The Crow or Edward Scissorhands? Shit. Um, Ed. I love Ed.
83. Tanith Lee or Barbra Hambly?
84. Luis Royo or Boris Vallejo?
85. Tokyo Babylon or Tokyo Godfathers?
86. Hellsing or Witch Hunter Robin?
87. The Avengers or Charlie's Angels?
88. Mercedes Lackey or Jennifer Robinson?
89. Inu Yasha or Fushigi Yugi Fushigi?
90. Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat? Street Fighter? NO! Mortal Kombat! AHHH!
91. Resident Evil or Silent Hill?
92. Dwarves or Elves? Elves.
93. Elric or Fafhrd and the Grey Mouse?
94. Starship Troopers or Pitch Black?
95. Metal Gear or Splinter Cell?
96. Age of Mythology or Warcraft III?
97. Everquest or Dark Age of Camelot? None because I am not a NERD.
98.Jet Le or Twelve Monkeys? Twelve Monkeys.
99. Cowboy Bebop or Gunnm (Battle Angel Alita)? Cowboy Bebop.
100. Shining or 2001: A Space Odyssey? Oh shit. This one is very hard. :(


x. Slept in your bed: Me! It will always be ME!
x. Saw you cry: Um. I saw myself cry. Other than that... I guess uh... family. A long time ago.
x. Made you cry: Me.
x. You shared a drink with: Myself!
x. You went to the movies with: Um... wow. Oh yeah. My sister. Harry Potter. :)
x. You went to the mall with: Mother and two cousins of mine.
x. Yelled at you: Um. Me.
x. Sent you an e-mail: Uhhhhh... either spam or Kolin.


x. Said "I love you" and meant it?: Of course. Everyday.
x. Gotten in a fight with your pet: Heh. I don't fight.
x. Been to California: I LIVE in California, fuckers.
x. Been to Hawaii: No. Maybe one day.
x. Been to Mexico: Yeap. No, burritos do not come from Mexico.
x. Been to China: I'd like to one day.
x. Been to Canada: Nah. But maybe one day.
x. Danced naked: Hell fucking no.
x. Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day: Uh. I don't think... so.
x. Wish you were the opposite sex: Only to get away from girls. But, no. Guys are horrible.
x. Had an imaginary friend: I still do.


x. Do you have a crush on someone: No. I got over that years ago. Crushes are different. Look into it, people.
x. What book are you reading now: I've been reading Oddballs and Eccentrics again.
x. Worst feeling in the world: Yeeeah. I don't want to think about that right now.
x. Future son's name: Son? I dunno.
x. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: I sleep with Behr in my arms at times. Mostly when I'm down.
x. What's under your bed: CAR-PET.
x. Favorite sport to watch: I don't have any.
x. Siblings: Brother and sister.
x. Location: Ontario, California.
x. College plans: Ha. Haahaha. LOL.
x. Piercings/tattoos: My ears.
x. Boyfriend/girlfriend: My Kolin.


x. Do you do drugs: Uh. Nooooo.
x. Do you drink: Yeah. Once in a while.
x. Who is your best friend: What are those?
x. What are you most scared of: Many things.
x. What clothes do you sleep in: Whatever I have on.
x. Where do you want to get married: Where? The question is "DO YOU... want to get married?" ;)
x. Who do you really hate: Truly? I dunno. I reeeeeeally hate Usher.
x. Do you drive: No. Too much of a chicken shit.
x. Do you have a job: Yeeeeeeeeeah.
x. Do you like being around people: Not all the time.
x. Are you for world peace: I am for "stop fucking around and be GOOD."


x. Have you ever liked someone you had no chance with: Yeah. I killed those feeling ASAP.
x. Have you ever cried over something someone of the opposite sex did: Yeah.
x. Do you have a "type" of person you always go after: Anyone that can be a smartass and not piss me off is awesome.
x. Want someone you don't have right now: Yes. KOLIN.
x. Are you lonely right now: Yeah. I always am.
x. Song thats stuck in your head a lot: I have BIZARROOOOOO. Stuck in my fucking head. Thanks, Kolin.
x. Do you want to get married: Ah here it is. Well, maybe. (you can tell I change my mind a lot)
x. Do you want kids: Yeah.


x. Room in house: My room. Always my room.
x. Type(s) of music: Anything and almost everything.
x. Band(s): Too many to list. As always.
x. Color: Blue, green, black, pink, orange... yeah. Lots of colors are cool.
x. Perfume or cologne: Hmm. I am into body sprays. The fruit kind. Cologne? I don't care. Just don't use too much, guys.
x. Month: October, I guess.
x. Stone: I don't have one, really.


x. Cried: Yeah.
x. Bought something: Nope.
x. Gotten sick: Been sick for over a fucking week.
x. Sang: Yes. I always sing.
x. Wanted to tell someone you loved them: Yeeeah and I did. :)
x. Met someone new: Nah.
x. Missed someone: Mmmhmm. As always.
x. Hugged someone: Eh.
x. Kissed someone: EH!

1. What is the geekiest part of your music collection: All of it? I dunno. I still own a few "boy band" CDs.
2. What do you eat when you raid the fridge at night: Whatever is there ready to go.
3. What is your secret guarenteed weeping movie: Um... I... don't know.
4. If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done: Eh. I'd do a lot, but Kolin would kill me.
5. Do you have a completely irrational fear: Being out of control.
6. What is a physical habit that gives away your insecure moments: I guess I start to stutter a lot? Sometimes I get anxiety attacks. But, I don't know. I've never thought about that.
7. Do you know anyone famous: Ha. People keep telling me I have this relative that is a famous singer in Mexico. I say, fuck off. Everyone sings.
8. Describe your bed: Hmmm. It's three layers, three pillows, striped and um... boring.
9. Do you know how to play poker: Yes I doooo.
10. What do you carry with you at all times: My red messenger bag with my shit in it. CD player. :D
11. What do you miss most about being little: Not knowing how horrible the world really is. I still don't know half of it.
12. Are you happy with your given name: Yes. I like it a lot.
13. How much money would it take to give up the internet for one year: Not enough money. Give me Kolin and we'll talk.
14. What color is your bedroom: Red and white.
15. What was the last song you listened to: Theme song to Family Guy. God, I hate Meg.
16. Have you ever been in a play: Yeeeeeeeeah. :l
17. Do you like yourself and believe in yourself: Not as much as I would like to.
18. Do transient, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you: No. Fuck off. They're fucking cool. Unless they want to kill me or something. That's not as cool.
19. Do you consider yourself to be a nice person: Yeah. At times I am.
20. Do you spend more time with your girlfriend/boyfriend or your friends: Well... neither. Sadly. *sigh*
21. What's one thing you wish you could do but can't: I wish I could STOP BEING AFRAID and insecure.
22. What is your ideal marriage location: Anywhere with as little people as possible.
23. What's one instrument you wish you could play: I... I have many.
24. Something you love and hate: The woman that gave birth to me.
25. What kind of bedding do you use: Cotton?
26. Whats one language you want to learn: Italian and Cat.
27. What do you order at a bar: Anything with Jack in it.
28. Have you ever pierced your body parts: I'm not saying.
29. Do you have any tattoos: Nope.
30. Would you admit to getting plastic surgery if confronted: Yes, of coures.
31. Do you drive stick: A STICK! No.
32. Whats one trait you hate in a person: Stupidity.
33. What kind of watch do you wear: This watch I made.
34. Do you consider yourself materialistic: No, but I probably am.
35. What do you cook best: Cook? BBQ pork bit thingies. Mashed potatos!
36. Favorite writing instrument: The keyboard.
37. Do you prefer to blend in or stand out: I want to stand out, but not be noticed.
38. Do you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex: Always. I wear guy clothes.
39. What is one car you will never buy: All of them.
40. What kind of books do you like to read: Mostly reference books. I love to jump around.
41. If you won the lottery, what would you do: Pay off my debt and visit Kolin.
42. Burial or cremation: Shot from a canon into a pond of flesh-eating fish.
43. Whats one thing you are a sore loser at: Losing to an idiot in a battle of wits.
44. If you don't like a person, how do you show it: I either ignore that person or just keep away as much as possible.
45. Do you cry in front of your friends: No.
46. What kind of first impression do you think you give people: Mean bitch.
47. Whats one thing you like to do alone: Almost everything.
48. Are you a giver or a taker: I'm a giver. Always have been.
49. What have you stolen before: Yeah.
50. How many drinks before your tipsy: Ha. One. Well... it depends on who I'm with and what I am doing.
51. Do you ever have to beg: Not really.
52. Have you ever done any illegal drugs: No. I am into the legal ones. Niiiiiiiiice.
53. Do you think you're cute: I'm not ugly, but... whatever.
54. Do you have a problem changing clothes in front of your friends: I have a problem changing clothes in front of myself. I'm okay with my brother and sister and Sin. As long as they turn around.
55. Whats the most painful experience you've ever had (emotionally and/or physically): Emotional: Losing my uncle and Kolin. Psysical: Getting those kidney stones.
56. Favorite communication method: IM. It's cool.

Your name :: Cristal
Age :: 21
What do you look like :: You all know how I look like.
How do you act :: I act like me.

+ Basics +

Are you emotional :: Not as much as I used to be. I still have a little in me.
Do songs make you cry? If so, name a few of them :: Hmmm. No. That
What about movies :: Yeah. Mostly on stuff I can relate with, but when someone starts crying... I start too.
What emotion do you usually feel :: Worthlessness.

+ Sadness +

What does it take to make you cry your heart out :: Anything. It all depends on how I've been feeling and when I can't handle the emotions anymore... boom. I blow up.
How many times have you done that :: A few times.
Where do you cry :: If I am alone, I cry everywhere. If people are in the house... I cry silently or I hold it in.
Do you hate crying :: At times.
Do you like it when others cry :: No. I hate it.
Do make people cry :: I try not to.
Do you think tears make eyes look pretty :: Yes. My eyes look their most beautiful when they are red.
Who looks good when they cry :: I don't know.
How else do you express sadness :: I... yeah.
Are you sad all the time :: I'd like to say no, but I'd be lying.

+ Anger +

What does it take to make you mad :: Woo. Any little thing. Especially when you fuck around with people. If you make others upset, what the fuck out.
What do you do when you're angry :: I try and hold it in, but... I fail. Well, it depends. If I am alone I start punching my closet door (it's thin). I'll punch or bang my head. Whatever it takes. Then I explode and I look for a sharp object and I start stabbing anything. But that's not a usual.
How short is your temper :: I'm pretty good with it. I don't blow up easily.
How long does it take you to calm down :: Not so long. I start laughing after a while.
What's the worst thing you've done when you were mad :: Spend hours cutting . I guess.
Do you freak out when others are angry :: Yes. I get nervous and shut down.
Out of the following, which one describes the level of anger you usually feel: annoyed, frustrated, angry, furious, hatred, about to go insane :: Eh. Usually? Just annoyed.
Has anyone ever recomended anger management to you :: Ha. No. I don't show my anger to anyone. Not like I've described above.
What's the worst thing someone's done to you that made you mad :: I'd rather not go there.
Do you anger people :: I seem to piss off my mother the most. I try not to, but no matter what I do... I suck.

+ Joy +

How often are you happy :: No. It's a rollercoaster. I can be extremely happy one minute and be submerged with sadness the next. It drives me insane.
What makes you happy :: Being in control, thinking about my sweetheart, and just basic day dreaming.
What do you do when you're happy :: I smile, I laugh, I repeat conversations... I'm mostly hyper.
How optimistic are you :: Not that much.
Do happy people make you mad :: They annoy me at times. I can't handle that much happiness.
What's the worst thing someone can do while they're happy :: Die.
Ever been so happy you were dying to tell everyone, including your enemies and the bugs :: No.
Ever been so happy you cried :: Yes. :)
Do you smile a lot :: Yeah.
Hug people a lot :: Nope.
Kiss people a lot :: Not at all.
Who really makes you happy :: Kolin's the only one that makes me very happy. I'm not just saying that because he's my boyfriend, too.
Do the simple things make you happy :: Yes. It's what I love the most.
Do you like doing things for people when you're happy :: Sure. Why not.

+ Fear +

What do you do when you're scared :: I become overwhelmed, I panic, and I start crying.
What scares you :: A lot of things, but mostly being out of control.
Do you like scaring people :: Nah.
Do you like the thrill of being frightened :: No.
Does fear accompany anger in your case :: Not really.
Ever been so scared you could barely breathe :: Yes.
How often do you panic :: Not as often as I used to.
What's the one thing that scared you more than anything else in your life so far :: There is no "one thing."
What do you do to calm your nerves :: I start repeating a word or a phrase, such as "Please stop."
Do rollercoasters scare you :: Not really. No.

+ What do you do +

When the emotion sucks :: I cry now.
When the emotion rocks :: I laugh.
When there's no emotion :: Nothing.

+ Would you rather +

Never feel again :: As tempting as that is at times... NO.
Feel loneliness or anger for the rest of your life :: Loneliness.
Be happy forever and never experience the bad times :: That would rock, but... no. It'll piss off everyone around me.
Cause misery :: Why would I do that? No.
Feel misery :: Fuck no.
Be alone :: Sigh. No.
Be with everyone you know :: Not everyone I know. Just a few people.

+ Who +

Cheers you up more than anyone else :: Kolin.
Angers you more than anyone else :: My mother.
Scares you more than anyone else :: Myself.
Makes you think about your emotions more than anyone else :: Kolin and my mother.
Makes you really care about how they feel and what they think :: Kolin.

Excuse any errors in here. I did all of them late at night.