do you like stories with a lose underplot, monster of the day, and girls in sailor fuku's? if so sailor moon is up your alley.

The story follows a troupe of magical soldiers from the past who fight evil. Pretty standard. The story is fairly character focused.

With 200 eps and 3 movies if you find yourself liking it, you have alot of watching to do, like i did

word of advice GET THE SUBTITLED EPISODES, the english dub will rot your ears
the major plot lines are good....but it just takes awhile to get to it
fairly tame, lot of recycled animetion. but the movies have some good fight scenes, and the final eps. of each season
art& music
the show has exceptional artwork and music, just gets repetative
it just real fall out....possible for more to come....last ep is kinda odd...both the lead character and villain fly around the sky naked fighing......
basicly you can be two ways 1) love it or 2) hate it. either way you should watch some if it. if you like it their is plenty more to see
a.k.a. pg