A Scene from the Plotless Saga...

*[ The entire cast has split up into a number of small groups to search for the Twitchy Pink Cube... I forget exactly why they're looking for it, but that's not the point right now... Something about the secret of plot holes... Anyway, this is one of those groups.]*

Kabe: [Holds up Duo's braid] Dude, how long is your hair?
Duo: Leave the hair alone!
Zell: That's way too long. We have short hair. <>
Kabe: You've got girly hair.
Zell: Yeah, that.
Zell: We're not on it.
Kabe: It's on you.
Duo: Fine... [Rolls the braid up into a little bun strangely similar to the one worn by a certain anime housewife...] Is that better?
Kabe: [Stares strangely at Duo] ...You think if we got Goku really drunk...?
Duo: [Shocked expression] NO!!
Zell: [Sweatdrop]