Followed by Three Zeros


WutaiCat burst into the lounge, a wide grin spread across her face.


WutaiCat:  Guess what!?!?


Sephiroth:  You're moving to Africa, where there's no electrical power.


WutaiCat:  Nope, want me to tell you!!??


Sephiroth:  No.  *vanishes into thin air*


WutaiCat:  Ughhhhhh.  *yelling into the ceiling*  I HATE YOU!


Reno:  My head's pounding without all this yak, thanks.


WutaiCat:  Sorry.  Hey did you hear?


Reno:  Yeah, you kinda yelled right next to me, and you're still screaming.  Chill out.


WutaiCat:  I mean about the counter.


Reno:  I didn't break it last night in a drunken rage, if that's what you're insinuating.


WutaiCat:  We reached-----


ZellTM flings the door open and marches triumphantly into the room


ZellTM:  Oh yeah oh yeah ohhhhhh ye-ah!!


Reno:  Hey ZellTM, starting a marchin band?


Cid:  Damnit *Yawn* all this noise out here…. You woke me up.


WutaiCat:  Guess what?!?!!


Cid:  What?


WutaiCat:  That's what, ahhhhhhh!!


Cid:  ……nice one.


ZellTM:  Seriously, we reached the 5000 marker!!!


Reno:  That's so great, let's tell everyone right now!!! I mean, oh my god…. Heheh, (you're such a girl)


ZellTM:  What was that Reno?


WutaiCat:  5000, 5000, 5000!!! I really can't believe it…


Cid:  Congrats…5000 is a big number, what are ya doing to celebrate?


Reno:  Celebrate?  Now, THAT'S a good idea!  Just tell me where when what and how… I'll be there.


WutaiCat:  You're breath already stinks… and you're hung over.  I don't think a party is what you need.


Reno:  Thank you, Wutai-Mom.  If everyone would just stop screaming…


Cloud:  *walks into the room carrying a box*  ….


WutaiCat:  Hey Cloud! You hear the news?


Cloud:  Yup, taking care of it right now. *shakes box*


WutaiCat:  No I mean about our visitor hits.


Cloud:  Like I said, I'm taking care of it.


Reno:  So what's in the box?  Beer or party hats?


Cloud:  The counter.


ZellTM/ WutaiCat:  WHAT???


Cloud:  It'll be back up soon…  Lavie was running around screaming "The Counter" so I'm going to fix it.  It got stuck on zeros.


WutaiCat:  *hyperventilating*  What---did---you---do---to----my----counter!?


ZellTM:  Whoa, Cat.  Cloud didn't do anything yet, right?


Cloud:  I didn't break it, I'm fixing it.


Reno:  Well, now that the hideous things been ripped down, lets get one of those good counters…. If we had one of them we'd be to 15000 right now anyways.


Zell comes strolling into the FF7 Lounge.


Zell:  Crap, not again!!  This is the wrong lounge.


Reno:  That's right, genius.  There's a sign on the door.  No 8ers or losers.  That's you twice.


Zell:  Shut the hell up.  I'm outa here. *slams door*


Reno:  You weren't invited in the first place!!  Bastard….


Cloud:  So you want me to put up a new counter?


WutaiCat: NOOOO!!  Just put it back the way it was…. Please, please just put it back.


Cid:  You know, I wanna get out of here anyway, let me take the box.  I'll put it back…. See ya guys…. *leaves with the dismanteled counter*


ZellTM:  You know… as long as it's down… we could get one of those hit counting ones, cat…


WutaiCat: You mean the ones that count every time you open that page??


ZellTM:  …………


Reno:  It'd be a hell of a lot easier to get hits…  I mean all you have to show for a year and a half is a five followed by three zeros…. Pathetic.


WutaiCat:  *smacking the back of Reno's head*  Shut up.  You're trying to corrupt this site.



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