



Hey look!  I got a lot of questions this time…keeping me on my toes, huh, guys…




Questions from William Gillaspy:


Q1:  What kind of underwear does Tifa wear?

A1:  Heheh….orthopedic underwear……..



Q2:  How many legs does the Materia Keeper have?

A2:  Hey, is this supposed to insult my adding skills? Four, of course.



Q3:  Name all the colors that Sephiroth’s eyes turn in the cinematics.

A3:  Oh great….another “color” question….what would you people do if I were color blind? Then I wouldn’t know that his eyes turn blue, green, emerald, and bluish green.



Q4:  In the Nibelhiem flashback, how many books are there in the stacks that have been read by Sephiroth?

A4:  Good question. When I was playing the game, I was thinking of the same exact thing…..heheh… Alright, back to work! Some of the books, if you looked really really closely, are actually “stacked” against a stack so you can’t see all the books in the stacks. All I can say is that Sephiroth read all of the books in the library.



Q5:  Where do the names “Midgar, Nibelhiem, and Sephiroth” come from in the real world?

A1:  Ah, the real world huh.   Yup I know this one too.  First, Midgar means earth, Nibelhiem means frozen hell, and Sephiroth (who is Evil!!!,but that’s besides the point…heheh) is Hebrew for numbers.




Questions from Matthew:


Q1:  In FF7, what character do you hear about a few times, but never ever see throughout the entire game?

A1:  Let’s see here…character you never see, but just hear about, huh?  Well, I guess my answer would be Eleanor, Dyne’s wife and Marlene’s birthmother….You never see her!!!



Q2:  When is the earliest time you can fight emerald weapon? 

A2:  The earliest time….well, I would have to say that it’s when you receive the submarine…. next! (Like the Soup Nazi says. Heheh)



Q3:  How does Master Tonberries “Everybody’s Grudge” attack determine how much damage to cause to your characters?

A3:  Master Tonberries “Everybody’s Grudge” can be a one hit KO but not always because his attack is determine on your luck. Unfortunately, not everyone can be as lucky as I am…..heheheh…..




Questions from Aeris:


Q1:  What is the max amount of GP you can have in the gold saucer?

A1:  Don’t you just love Aeris Q’s? Anyway, the max is 9999 GP.



Q2:  What are the maximum Stats (stamina and speed) for a chocobo?

A2:  Another easy, straight forward question…..I like that…..the answer is 190 km and 1800 stamina.



Q3:  What is the formula for Teioh’s chocobo’s stats?

A3:  The formula is +15 km and +250 stamina…..and even with that ANYONE could beat him!!



 Q4:  Name the specific weapon that attacked Junon.

A4:  Ok, SPECIFICALLY, the answer is the diamond weapon.



Q5:  Name all the Jenovas that you have to fight.

A5:  Ah, my last question….not a list question!….oh well, it’s not that long…here it goes…..Jenova-birth, Jenova-life, Jenova-death, and last but not least, Jenova-synthesis. Yay, done!






















