Inside the town

Lenoa: *follows Zeki in, minding the fog rising from the cobblestone street* Zeki? Where are you? Damned this fog... I can't see anything... Zeki...?

Sephiroth: *through the white mist he strides to catch up with Lenoa, brows raised in that arrogance which so notes his persona* He's not going to listen to you, you know. He's just as stubborn as anyone would be in this situation. How does it feel to know each breath you take is written by someone unseen by you, unfelt by your hands? You cough because you're told to, you are blinded because you're ordered not to see. You once told me I was a puppet and now tell me what it's like to know that I'm not the puppet after all.

Zeki: *The fog thins briefly to reveal the silhouette of a man standing in the mist.* Sephiroth, how are you to know you're not a puppet as well? How could you possibly be here with us when you're physical and we are not? A spirit cannot completely cross over into the physical reals and the living cannot walk with the dead... Perhaps... *figure fades away*

Lenoa: *reaches out to the man in the fog* Zeki, no, don't leave again...

Zeki: Perhaps you should come and find the truth, Great Sephiroth, General of ShinRa...

Lenoa: *sighs and shakes her head, not even bothering to look to the General standing smugly beside her before chasing after Zeki*

ShinRa Mansion