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Welcome to The Tower of Fear! The Tower has been on the Web in one form or another since 1996. I recently revamped the site with new graphics and I am working on a few other ideas to make the site better. I would like to share this site with those of you with a creative dark side as a place to post your poems, short stories, experiences, etc. Just send your submissions to the e-mail links you will find throughout this site. I will post them on the appropriate page along with your name. (or nickname) Thanks for visiting and have a pleasant nightmare!

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In the dark of night I will come. Searching for those who carry evil in their hearts. For their souls are the weakest among men, therefore the easiest of prey. What dwells in your heart? If it be darkness then I come for you!

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In the midst of chaos I was born. I ride the wind, I stalk the night. I am the invader of dreams, the monster under the bed and in your closet. I am your darkest imagination come true. There is no hiding from me for I reside in darkest part of your subconscious waiting for the chance to claim your sanity.


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Send E-mail to:

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Some of these images are from the Internet. If you see a graphic on this site that belongs to you let me know and I will give you credit or remove the graphic whichever you request. Special thanks to:

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Thank You For Visiting, Return Again Soon!