Summit Seekers Logo Mountain climber
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1997 was my second year with Summit Seekers. I did not want to go at all, but my grandparents insisted. I did go and it was not really my cup of tea. We went up Mt. Lafayette and Lincoln. Those are just about the second tallest in New England. But, there are no shops at summit like Mt. Washington. No water refills, and if you are the last one up, like me, you don't have much time to rest. Of course the ones up there first get quite a long time. Darn
There were a lot of pains that year! Jared, a friend of mine since before I can remember, got nailed in the head with a rock, OUCH. I almost cut off my thumb while trying to show Jared how to carve letters into a block of wood OUCH Also, one other member of our crew had to go to the hospital.
Well, here are some pictures. I brought my own camera that year so I have more.

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Click on the [s] to view a small version of the picture, or click [L] to view it large.
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A few of our group, monkeying around.

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A picture of me standing in front of some water falls on the way down Mt. Lincoln.

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A nice view of Lake Lonesome.

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Jared, about to be thrown into the lake.

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A picture of Bald Mountain taken from the bottom.

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The 1997 crew.

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