
This page was last updated on Thursday, 22 August 2002.

6th Edition ] Analysis ] Army lists ] High Elves ] [ 40K ]


Yip I finally succumbed and started a Warhammer 40K army.  This is Games Workshop's future game system, similar to WHFB but with guns and tanks.  I have both a Necron army and an Eldar army.


Tough robotic entities working to their own adgenda.  I was going to do a Cyberdyne Temporal Assault Force (based on the Terminator Arnie movies) but have lost my will somewhat... 

The new Codex book is out, so my Scarabs are now invalid but since the new rules seem a bit crap for them i dont know if i'll update them to swarms.  I'll probably convert some Flayed Ones and then leave it alone to concentrate on my Eldar army.

DSC00174.JPG (158344 bytes) - The whole army.

DSC00176.JPG (152175 bytes)DSC00177.JPG (145245 bytes) - Necron Lords, the second is a convert Eversor Assassin.

DSC00180.JPG (148292 bytes) - One of the old Space Crusade Dreadnoughts, currently using either VDR or as a Tomb Spider.

DSC00187.JPG (148843 bytes) - A T400 Hunter-Killer, part of the Terminator theme i had aimed for.

DSC00191.JPG (155158 bytes) - Necron warriors, lets say it together: "I'll be back!".

DSC00913.jpg (197846 bytes) - Scratch-built Monolith (under construction) and Immortals.


Commonly called "Space Elves", i will mostly do a Saim Hann variant but allow enough room to do vanilla Eldar or Biel-Tan too.  Saim Hann have loads of fast (fragile) stuff, i need to add more Vypers and some Wave Serpent transport craft for my Striking Scorpians and Howling Banshees, both of which are currently unpainted.

DSC00916.JPG (580904 bytes) - 21 Eldar Jetbikes, 2 Vypers and a  Phantom Titan (the big thing ;-), all work in progress.

DSC00998.JPG (34846 bytes)DSC00999.JPG (47002 bytes) - Eldar Wave Serpent; hovers using antigravity tech and can hold 10 troops.

DSC01000.JPG (67684 bytes)DSC01002.JPG (21046 bytes) - Jetbikes; hit hard, but die easy.

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