Argot (ar-goe): The vocabulary of an underground group of people for private communication.

As Zolo is characterized by bold, zany imagery and spastic, jerky motions, so to the vocabulary is sprinkled with many words of wacky sounds and spellings with choppy syllables. Here is a growing list including many curious words that you might see elsewhere on this site.

AdrOit: cleverly skillful.

BaUble: an ornament; trinket.

betWiXt: between; neither the one nor the other.

BoIte: nightclub; cafe; bistro.

BoNtOn: good or elegant form or style; fashionable.

BoOdle: a lot, pack or crowd; coterie.

CaPpricCio: a sudden, unpredictable change.

cHintZy: cheap or gaudy.

CoRusCant: 1) glitter; sparkle/ 2) flash of wit/ 3) brilliant and showy in technique and style.

CurIo: 1) something novel, rare, or bizarre/ 2) curiosity.

DendrOid: treelike; branching out in a treelike manner.

DeVe: 1) cool; hip/ 2) weird; short for deviant/ 3) "The Deve", a Zolo dance comprising spastic, choppy jerks and vogueish arm waving.

DofF: to remove/ take off, as clothing.

dOr: mockery; scorn.

DoUce (duse): sedate, modest, quiet.

DroLe: amusing and odd; whimsical.

EverT: to turn outward or inside out; eversion.

faSh: trouble; irritation.

foUdrOyanT: sudden and overwhelming in effect; dazzling.

FizGig: an eccentric, deve, and dotty woman or girl.

GadaBout: to wonder around.

GytE: deranged; mad.

hoBble DehoY: an awkward, clumsy youth.

JostLe: wiggle, wobble.

nUdniK: a bothersome, boring person.

OnaniSm: masturbation; self gratification.

QuidnUnc: curious.

QuiXotic: (masculine) chivilrous; gallant; romantic.

sForZando: with force; emphatically.

sNafu: confusion; muddled; awry.

SpArkeY: a person with style.

SpLore: excitement.

SprIg: 1) youth/ 2) young people.

SwIzzLe fodDer: nonsense; poppycock; flapdoodle; piffle; fibble.

tHingUmaJig: a gadget or other thing which someone doesn't know or has forgotten the name of.

tWig: to understand.

tZimmes: uproar; hullabaloo.

ViM: lively, energetic spirit.

viRtU: a love or taste for curio objects d'art.

YammeR: to whine or cry.


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