The65thSquare Zandztorm
Hello and welcome to the page that details the Sandstorm position on a chessboard.

This position is fairly uncommon and difficult to achieve, but may offer substantial rewards if it is achieved. Do not go out of your way to achieve this position. However, sometimes the opportunity presents itself, and then you could possibly attain a similar position to this one.

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  • The Bishops invite Black to make non-standard moves to chase them away from their spots.
  • Interlocked Knights offer stability and complement each other in both defense and attack.
  • The "Sandstorm" is so named because of the wild positioning of the Bishops at the outskirts of the board's center.


  • The Bishops can be beaten back by the corner pawns, but they have bought a little time from the pins.
  • Each Knight has one less square to go to, since they defend their respective Bishops.
  • The a7-g1 diagonal is weak without Be3, and may be used to mount an assault on your castled King.

Move Sequence
  1. e4. The King's Pawn Opening.
  2. Nc3. Closed Variation of the Sicilian.
  3. Bb5. works best against 2...d6.
  4. a3. Instead of Alapin's escape hatch of c3.
  5. d3. Releasing the other Bishop.
  6. Bf4. Another curious spot for the Bishop.
  7. Ne2. Allowing f3 to black a pin from Bg4.
  8. 0-0. Castling to safety.
  9. A curious setup. White hopes to force Black into placing pawns on unconventional spots to chase away its Bishops, and then spending a lot of time trying to defend these pawns.

Throughout the entire opening sequence, black can give white trouble with these moves:
  • a6 chases the Bishop away, and allows Black to expand his Queenside
  • Bc5 grabs hold of the weak diagonal, and exerts pressure towards your castled King
  • Nd4 aims to park a supported pawn in the center to exert pressure on c3 and e3

Similar Openings
1. e4 c5 is the Sicilian Defense.
2. Nc3 is a twist to the Closed Variation. of the Sicilian Defense.

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