Using Google Pay Per Click and More to Grow Traffic

What Is PPC?

Pay Per Click refers to an advertising mechanism in which advertisers pay each time someone clicks their ad. More specifically, though, these days it refers to ads displayed on search-engine results pages.

Each time someone clicks one of these links, the company that placed the ad is charged. How much? Somewhere from 5 cents (on Google) or 10 cents (on Yahoo!) to many dollars! Some PPC ads cost as much as $50 per click, occasionally even more!

Because large PPC systems generally “feed” a variety of sites, when you buy ads through a system such as Google or Yahoo! Search Marketing Solutions, your ads may end up on many different search sites. But you may also have your ads distributed elsewhere, like on the pages of thousands of different web sites, thanks to the Google AdSense distribution program.

1.It’s very quick. You can start getting results from the search engines in a day or two (in theory, a few hours, but in most cases it takes a little longer to get everything sorted out).
2. It’s reliable. Using PPC to get traffic to your site is very reliable. You can generate a lot of traffic, and always appear for appropriate searches in the major search engines . . . if you’re willing to pay enough.
3. It’s easy to measure. You can see just how much traffic you’re getting, and even figure out how much of the traffic turns into business.

The PPC Systems

The basic process of using Pay Per Click is pretty simple.
1. Decide to which pages you want to direct traffic from your ads. You can bring traffic to any page you wish, not just the home page.
2. Register with a PPC system—you’ll provide a credit card to be used to pay for the ads— and “load” the account with some money to begin with.
3. Write one or more PPC ads (carefully follow the system’s ad guidelines, or the ad won’t be placed).
4. Associate keywords with your ad—that is, decide which keywords will “trigger” your ads to appear.
5. Place a bid on each keyword for each ad—in other words, tell the PPC system how much you are willing to pay every time someone clicks your ad.
6. Turn on the ad campaign and wait for the traffic to appear.

Understanding Conversion Ratio, Click Value, and ROI

There’s one huge disadvantage to PPC ads, though . . . they cost money. Sometimes a lot of money. Often, in fact, so much money that you will lose money if you buy PPC ads! In order to use PPC, you really must understand Conversion Ratio, Breakeven Click Value, and Return on Investment (ROI):
1 Conversion Ratio The proportion of visitors to your site who buy from you. This is the foundation of any click-value or ROI calculation.
2 Breakeven Click Value The “breakeven” value of a click is the maximum sum you can pay for a click and not lose money. Of course, you want to pay as little as possible, but there’s a point at which a click doesn’t make you money and doesn’t lose you money. If you go over the price, however, you start losing.
3 Return on Investment The amount of money you make after investing in advertising, typically expressed in terms of the sum returned for every dollar invested. If you pay $1,000 for ads, and make a profit of $10,000, your ROI is $10 per $1 invested.

You need to consider these things three times:
4 When you have no background information When you first begin considering PPC ads, you may not know what your conversion ratio is. That is, you don’t know how many people coming to your site will buy from you. You can, however, do a simple “guesstimate” to figure out whether PPC will work for you. At this point, you can decide if PPC is worth doing.
5 When you know your conversion ratio Once you understand what your conversion ratio really is, you can calculate more accurately whether PPC will work for you. At this point, you’ll have a much better idea of the likelihood of success.
6 When you’re running a PPC campaign Once you’re buying PPC ads, and people are coming to your site, you can calculate ROI exactly. It’s then that you’ll know exactly whether (under current conditions) PPC works for you.


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