Kuih Ros/Goyang


2 cawan tepg beras

1 cawan santan/susu

3/4 cawan gula

1 biji telur

1/4 tsp garam



campurkan bahan2 di atas dan goreng menggunakan acuan kuih ros


Puding Roti


2 tbs mentega cair

4 biji telur

8  tbs gula

4 cawan susu segar

Beberapa titik esen vanilla

20 keping roti sandwich



1.      Sapu sedikit mentega pada bekas tahan panas berukuran 20 cm, ketepikan. Panaskan ketuhar 190degC.

2.      Pukul telur dan gula sehingga kembang dan masukkan susu.  Titiskan beberapa titik esen vanila.  Masukkan roti.  (Adunan ini juga boleh dicampurkan menggunakan blender)

3.      Tuang adunan ke dalam loyang.  Bakar 30-40 minit atau sehingga perang keemasan.  Biarkan sejuk sebelum dipotong.



Kek Gula Hangus (Sponge Caramel Cake)

Sumbangan : Puan Norelan Roslan, The Hague

Bahagian A:

2 cups sugar

2 cups hot water


Bahagian B:

2 cawan tepung gandum

2 tsp sodium bicarbonate

10 biji telur

4 tbs butter

¾ cups condensed milk

1 tsp vanilla essence



Bahagian A:

1.      Masukkan gula ke dalam periuk dan panaskan sehingga gula cair dan berwarna perang kehitaman di atas api yang sederhana kecil

2.      Perlahankan api dan tuangkan air panas sedikit2 ke dalam periuk supaya gula hangus tidak terpercik kuat. (AMARAN! Gula hangus amat panas, jadi, berhati2 semasa menuang air panas)

Bahagian B:

3.      Panaskan oven pada suhu 180 deg celcius

4.      Tapis tepung gandum bersama soda bikabonat dan asingkan

5.      Pukul butter dan susu pekat sehingga kembang

6.      Masukkan telur dan esen vanilla dan pukul lagi sehingga kembang

7.      Masukkan campuran tepung kedalam campuran telur dan kacau rata

8.      Campurkan gula hangus dan kacau rata

9.      Tuang ke dalam acuan kek dan bakar selama 50 – 60 minit.



Kuih Kasui Temasik

Sumbangan : Puan Norelan Roslan, The Hague

300g gula pasir

150g gula kelapa

150g gula tebu (merah)

7 cawan air panas

(Larutkan gula dalam air panas.  Biarkan sejuk)


420g tepung gandum

¾ cawan tepung ubi

1 ½ tsp garam

1 tsp kapur.  Larutkan dalam sedikit air.  Ambil 3 tsp airnya



1.      Campur kesemua bahan dengan air gula

2.      Gaul rata dan tapis.  Tuangkan ke dalam loyang

3.      Kukus selama 1 jam

4.      Setelah sejuk, potong dan gaul dengan kelapa parut


Tips: Resipi ini menggunakan loyang berukuran 10”x 10”


Kuih Talam Ubi

Sumbangan : Puan Norelan Roslan, The Hague

Untuk lapisan bawah:

700g ubi kayu kuning – parut dan timbang

100ml santan

300ml air

250g gula castor



1.      Masak kesemua bahan2 di atas sehingga pekat

2.      Tuangkan ke dalam loyang dan kukus selama 25 minit


Untuk lapisan atas:

70g tepung beras

50g tepung jagung/ubi

1½ tsp garam

300ml santan

700ml air



1.      Bancuh semua bahan2 di atas

2.      Tapis ke dalam periuk, masak sehingga naik wap dan agak pekat sedikit

3.      Tuangkan ke atas lapisan bawah yang sudah dikukus

4.      Kukus lagi sehingga masak


Tips: Kalau ubi nampak terlalu berair, kurangkan air +-100ml

Kuih Talam Keladi

Sumbangan : Puan Norelan Roslan, The Hague

Untuk lapisan bawah:

Bahan A

200g tepung beras

20g tepung ubi

1½ tbsp garam

700ml air

300ml santan pekat


Bahan B

200g keladi – buang kulit, potong kecil dan timbang



1.      Bancuhkan kesemua bahan A, kacau rata dan sebati

2.      Tapiskan ke dalam periuk – masak hingga naik wap

3.      Kemudian masukkan bahan B – kacau sebentar hingga naik wap

4.      Tuangkan ke dalam loyang 10x10x1 inchi, kukus selama 25 minit

Untuk lapisan atas:

100g tepung gandum

250g gula halus

4 biji telur

200ml santan pekat

400ml air

pewarna ungu



1.      Campurkan kesemua bahan2 di atas api, kacau rata sehingga naik wap

2.      Sebelum curahkan bahan2 lapisan atas, cakar2kan dulu bahagian bawahnya dengan garfu

3.      Kukus selama 30 minit

Kuih Serimuka

Sumbangan : Puan Norelan Roslan, The Hague

Untuk lapisan bawah:

3 cawan beras pulut

1 sudu the garam

santan secukupnya



1.      Rendam beras pulut sekurang2nya selama 3 jam

2.      Campurkan garam dan tuang santan sehingga sampai ke tahap beras pulut

3.      Kukus selama 30 minit

4.      Keluarkan dari kukus dan tekan2 pulut sehingga padat

5.      Kukus lagi selama 5 minit

6.      Tuangkan bahan lapisan atas dan kukus lagi sehingga masak


Untuk lapisan atas:

100g tepung gandum

250g gula halus

4 biji telur

200ml santan pekat

400ml air (termasuk air daun pandan)



Campurkan kesemua bahan2 di atas api, kacau rata sehingga naik wap


Kuih Bakar

Sumbangan : Puan Norelan Roslan, The Hague

2 cawan tepung gandum

3 ¼ cawan gula

4 biji telur (if kecik guna 5 biji)

4 cawan santan (1 tin jadikan 4 cawan, campurkan dgn air gula dan air daun pandan)

garam sedikit

daun pandan (blend dan jadikan sebahagian air santan)




Campurkan semua bahan2 di atas.  Tuang ke dalam loyang dan bubuh bijan.  Bakar hingga masak


Kuih Lapis

Sumbangan : Puan Isma Shahlawati Ismail, The Hague

1.5 cawan tepung beras

1.5 cawan tepung kanji

1.5 cawan gula            }          di masak hingga gula cair

1.5 cawan air                }

1 tin santan dicampur air hingga menjadi 4 cawan santan cair

esen vanilla dan rose




Campuran tepung di campurkan dengan santan cair, air gula dan esen vanilla, kacau hingga sebati dan tepung tidak berketul.  Kemudian bahagikan kepada 2 bahagian.  Satu bahagian diwarnakan merah, satu lagi biarkan warna putih atau apa2 warna lain.  Kukus 2 senduk bahagian merah hingga masak, kemudian kukus 2 senduk bahagian putih hingga masak.  Ulang hingga habis semuanya




Sumbangan : Datin Zarinah Md Shariff, Bukit Jelutong




2 CAMCA BESAR AIR AIS (air letak air batu)




Masukkan tepung & garam ke dalam mangkuk, masukkan butter.

Ambil pisau (butter) dan potong-potong butter sampai kecil,kemudian gaul ramas sampai halus.

Masukkan air sejuk dan uli sampai sebati.













CARA:- Eh! malaslah nak type. Sure tau nak tumiskan.Kalau tak tau, cakap he!he!





Devil Chocolate Cake


Sumbangan: Puan Mazidah Mohamad, The Hague

200g self raising flour

45g cocoa powder

5g sodium bicarbonate

270g sugar

115g margarine

230g milk

5g vanilla essence

3 whole eggs




1.      Flour + cocoa + sodium bicarbonate, sieve together then add in sugar.

2.      Melt margarine

3.      Add the dry ingredients with margarine and eggs

4.      Slowly add in milk (make sure there’s no lump at the bottom of the bowl)

5.      Grease container and pour the batter slowly and bake in oven with pre-heated 170 deg C for 1 hour



Chocolate Crackles


Sumbangan: Kellogg’s

4 cups Kellogg’s Rice Bubbles

1 ½ cups icing sugar

1 cup desiccated coconut

3 tbps cocoa

250g Copha




In a large bowl, mix Rice Bubbles, icing sugar, coconut and cocoa.  Slowly melt the copha in a saucepan over low heat.  Allow to cool slightly.  Add to Rice Bubbles mixture, stirring well into paper patty cases and refrigerate until firm.


Makes 24 (approximately)




Pineapple Banana Muffins


Sumbangan: Kellogg’s

1 ¼ cup wholemeal flour

2 teaspoons baking powder

½ teaspoon bicarbonate of soda

2 cups KELLOGG’s RICE BUBBLES lightly crushed

½ cup brown sugar lightly packed

½ cup dried chopped pineapple

1 cup mashed banana

1 cup skim milk

1 egg

2 tbsp vegetable or olive oil





In a large bowl, mix Rice Bubbles, icing sugar, coconut and cocoa.  Slowly melt the copha in a saucepan over low heat.  Allow to cool slightly.  Add to Rice Bubbles mixture, stirring well into paper patty cases and refrigerate until firm.


Makes 24 (approximately)



Cheese Cake Cups

Submitted by: Diana Doerner (Internet)

Makes 16 cupcakes 

Prep Time: 15 Minutes

Cook Time: 15 Minutes

Ready in: 30 Minutes


“ Very easy recipe that can be made with kids. Top with chocolate chips or cherry pie filling, if you like. "

   ADD: to Meal Plan | Pantry | Nutri·Planner™ 



6 vanilla wafer cookies

2 (8 ounce) packages cream cheese, softened

3/4 cup white sugar

2 eggs

1 teaspoon vanilla extract




1 Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Line muffin pans with cupcake papers.

2 Place one wafer cookie in the bottom of each cupcake paper. In a medium bowl, cream together cream cheese and sugar. Beat in eggs and vanilla until smooth. Pour over wafers in cupcake papers.

3 Bake in preheated oven 15 minutes, until golden and set.



Banana Cake

Sumbangan : Noreen Husaini


4 oz           butter
1 1/4cups  sugar
1 1/2 cups self raising flour
3/4 tsp       sodium bicarb
1/2 tsp       salt
2               bananas - mashed
                 vanillla essence
2               eggs

hari tu i takde self raising flour..i guna plain flour ok gak.




Sumbangan: Sendiri punye…perasan…


2 cawan tepung

2 biji telur

2 ½ cawan susu segar/santan

4 tbs gula



1.      Masukkan semua bahan ke dalam blender (kalau nak cepat).  Kalau rajin ikutlah aturan.

2.      Panaskan pan di atas api sederhana besar.

3.      Sapukan butter dan tuangkan ¼ - ½ cawan adunan ke dalam pan.

4.      Biarkan masak sebelah bawah sebelum diterbalikkan dan masak rata (emas kekuningan).



Chocolate Cake



1 cup cocoa

1 cup water

1/2 cup sugar


250g butter

250 g self-rising flour

360 g castor sugar

6 eggs

1 tbsp vanilla


topping (2 options)


1 Option:

1 tin susu pekat

1 cup cocoa

1/2 cup corn oil

salt to taste

2 tbsp vanilla


2 Option:

cream cheese

pure chocolate (cooking choc)/ cocoa/ pure choc rice

powder sugar

2 tbsp butter


Well all i did was bancuh and cairkan the cocoa, water and sugar first..after mixing the flour,butter,sugar,eggs and vanilla baru i add in the cocoa mixture..sorry for not informing earlier..hehehe




Serbuk koko.air dan gula tu perlu dimasak dgn api perlahan di atas api sehingga menjadi paste tapi jgn terlalu pekat. Biarkan sejuk barulah dimasukkan kedalam adunan yang lain. Mula-mula pukul butter dgn gula(tapi I kurangkan sehingga 320g gula shj sebab kalau 360g terlalu manis), kemudian masukkan telur sebiji demi sebiji diikuti dgn vanilla essence. last sekali tepung yang diayak dan coklat paste tadi.


Topping yang 1st tu memang agak leceh sikit sebab agak melekitdan terlalu manis. Kalau nak cuba Ok, semua bahan tu perlu dimasak atas api perlahan sehingga pekat dan berkilat, barulah dituang atas kek.


I hope this is the correct methods. Kalau salah jangan marah,,,,







125g self-raising flour

125g caster sugar

125g soft unsalted butter

2 eggs

Half a teaspoon real vanilla extract

Approximately 2 tablespoons milk

1 packet instant royal icing food colouring – for preference, colour pastes specialist cake decorations of choice

e.g. wafer roses, sugar flowers, dolly mixtures, and sprinkles

1 x 12-bun muffin tin

12 muffin papers



Preheat the oven to 200C and line the tin with the muffin cases.

It couldn't be simpler to make cup cakes: just put all the ingredients except for the milk in the processor and then blitz till smooth.

Pulse while adding milk, to make for a soft, dropping consistency, down the funnel. Or using a bowl and wooden spoon, cream the butter and sugar, beat in the eggs one at a time with a little of the flour.

Then add the vanilla extract and fold in the rest of the flour, adding the milk to get the dropping consistency as before.

I know it looks as if you'll never make this scant mixture fit 12 bun cases, but you will. I promise you this mixture is exactly right to make the 12 cup cakes, so just spoon and scrape the stuff in, trying to fill each case equally, judging by eye only of course.

Put in the oven and bake for 15-20 minutes or until the cup cakes are cooked and golden on top. As soon as bearable, take the cup cakes in their cases out of the tin and let cool, right way up, on a wire rack.

Once they're cool, make up a big, uncoloured batch of royal icing, and then remove a few spoonfuls at a time to small bowls.

Using a bamboo skewer, add small dots of colours from the paste-tubs, stirring with a teaspoon and then adding more colouring, very slowly, very cautiously (pastel works best here, whatever your everyday aesthetic) until you get the colour you want.

Use teaspoons to coat the cupcakes with icing and leave each a moment to dry only slightly, on the surface, before sticking on a rose, daisy or whole stash of decorations.


Tiramisu (Vegetarian)

Sumbangan: Pn Basha Azmi, The Hague


Bahan A:

6 camt nescafe

1/2 cwn air


Bahan B:

250ml whipping cream / mascarpone

250g mascarpone

1/2 cwn gula

24 kpg Biskut sponge finger



1.      Campurkan bahan-bahan A, dan ketepikan

2.      Putar whppg cream, gula sampai kembang

3.      Masukkan mascarpone, putar dan ketepikan

4.      Celup biskut (sekejap / sebelum biskut hancur) ke dalam bahan A, atur dalam bekas

5.      Cedok sebahagian bahan B dan ratakan di atas lapisan biskut sehingga menutupi biskut

6.      Ulang langkah 4-5 sehingga cream habis

7.      Tabur serbuk coklat

8.      Sejukkan di dalam peti sejuk +-6 jam



Carrot Cake

Sumbangan: Pn Basha Azmi, The Hague

Ingredient A:

3/4 cup oil

200-240g sugar

3 eggs & 1 tsp van essence


Ingredient B:

180g flr

1tsp bkg powder

1 tsp bic soda

1 tsp cinnamon

1/2 tsp salt


Ingredient C:

1 cup grated carrot

1 cup chopped walnut


Mix all ingredients



Preheat oven to 160degC

Line and grease a 24cm round tray

Beat all A ingredients, set aside

Sift all B ingredients, set aside

Mix all C ingredients, set aside

A+B+C mix in machine

Bake for 1 hr


Icing :

1 tbsp butter at room temp

200g cream cheese

80g sifted icing sugar

1/2 tsp orange essence


mix all in a bowl till light and cream and spread on the cake.




Nasi Egypt

Sumbangan: Pn Basha Azmi, The Hague

Ingredients :-

5 cawan beras basmathi

8 cawan air

1 camb minyak sapi

1 camb minyak masak

1 inci kulit kayu manis

1 biji bunga lawang

3 biji bunga cengkih

2 helai daun pandan

1 batang carrot (diparut)

2 sudu besar susu pekat

2 sudu kecil garam

pewarna kuning

1 inci halia               }  di hiris

1 biji bawang besar }


Cara :-

1.      Didihkan air dan halia, daun pandan, carrot, garam dan susu pekat

2.      Tumiskan kulit kayu manis, bunga lawang, bunga cengkih dan bawang di dalam campuran minyak sapi dan minyak masak.

3.      Setelah air mendidih, masukkan beras dan bahan tumis dan biarkan sehingga nasi masak.

4.      Renjis dengan pewarna kuning dan gaul rata.




Sumbangan: Mariko , The Hague

Bahan Sushi Seasoning:

2 tsp sugar

2 tbs salt

4 tbs rice vinegar




Mix all ingredients of Sushi Seasoning and put aside.

boil 4 cups of japanese rice

mix rice with seasoning and make sure not to break the grains so that it won't get sticky. Let cool

Scoop about 2 tbs of rice on seaweed and leave 1 cm of space on edges

Put a slice of cucumber/fish/meat in the center and roll the seaweed.

Cut the roll into about 2cm tall sushi and serve.


Nasi ayam


Sumbangan: Ilmal Azmi , The Hague




7 ulas bawang putih

1.5 inch halia

1.5 camt jintan putih (cumin)

1 batang serai – dititik

5-6 cawan beras

½ camt minyak bijan



1.      Kisar bawang putih, halia dan jintan putih dan tumis

2.      Masukkan serai dan tumis hingga sebati

3.      Masukkan beras dan tumis hingga sebati.

4.      Tambah air rebusan ayam secukupnya

5.      Campurkan minyak bijan dan biarkan sehingga air kering dan nasi masak


Sup Ayam



1 ekor ayam

1.5 inch halia

1 biji bawang merah

2 ulas bawang putih

½ camt minyak bijan

½ camt lada putih

Garam secukup rasa



Titikkan halia, bawang dan bawang putih

Masukkan ke dalam periuk yang berisi air dan rebus kan bersama ayam yang telah dibersihkan

Masukkan juga minyak bijan dan lada putih dan rebus sehingga ayam masak.

Masukkan garam secukup rasa

Setelah masak, keluarkan ayam dan goreng hingga garing.




Cili merah,

Bawang putih

Halia (optional)




Sup Ayam (bahagian berlemak)



Kisar cili, bawang putih dan halia.  Campurkan gula, garam, cuka dan sup ayam





Bawang putih

Sup Ayam (bahagian berlemak)





Kisar bawang putih dan campurkan semua bahan-bahan yang lain.




Ayam Masak Merah

Sumbangan: Yani, The Hague

Ingredients :-


Blended Chili

Onion 1/2

Garlic 3

Ginger 2 slice

Serai 1 batang - diketuk

Fresh Tomato 1 biji - hiris

Tomato Puree 1 senduk

Bunga Lawang 1 biji

Cinnamon 1 batang

Fresh Milk (anggaran sendiri lah yeak )

Kicap manis secukup rasa



Method :-

Blend Onion, Garlic & Ginger dan tumis. Setelah agak kuning masukkan Bunga Lawang & Cinnamon dan masukkan blended chili dan biarkan sekejap. Kemudian masukkan serai, kicap manis & seasoning dan masukkan Ayam dan biarkan sehingga hampir masak. Akhir sekali masukkan hirisan tomato, tomato puree & fresh milk dan masak dgn api kecil . Bila sudah masak hidangkan panas-panas dgn nasi beriani atau nasi putih dan apa lagi.....oooppppsss jgn lupa baca doa makan !



Hati Ayam

Sumbangan: Sharin, The Hague


Haiti Ayam


Bawang besar – tumbuk

Bawang besar - hiris

Bawang Putih – tumbuk

Serbuk kunyit

Serbuk ketumbar

Serbuk jintan manis

Serbuk kari ayam/daging

Serbuk cili





Rendam hati di dalam susu semalaman

Buang susu

Tumis bawang tumbuk sehingga wangi dan masukkan hati

Campurkan bahan-bahan rempah yang lain dan masak sehingga enak rasanya



Daging Palembang

                  Sumbangan : Restoran Shahanim, Pekan Kapar, Kelang, Selangor

1 kilo daging

½ cawan pati santan

7 ulas bawang merah } dihiris

3 ulas bawang putih } dihiris

2.5 cm kulit kayu manis

1 kuntum bunga lawang

2 kuntum bunga cengkih

3 biji buah pelaga

1 sudu besar serbuk kari / 3 helai daun kari

2 tbs air asam jawa / tomato sos

½ cawan kicap pekat (kalau dapat kicap Cap Kipas Udang memang sedap)

1 tsp cili boh (atau mengikut kepedasan yang tersendiri)

Secubit gula

Garam secukup rasa

Minyak masak secukupnya


Bahan giling:

1 tsp ketumbar

1 tsp jintan kasar/manis

1.5 tsp lada hitam

5 cm lengkuas

1.2 cm halia



1.      Potong daging sebesar lebih kurang 3-4 cm lebar

2.      Perapkan daging bersama bahan giling, kicap dan serbuk/daun kari selama lebih kurang ½ jam

3.      Panaskan minyak dan tumis kan bawang merah dan bawang putih.

4.      Setelah naik wangi dan bawang menjadi agak garing (tidak hangus), tumiskan cili boh sehingga agak garing.

5.      Kemudian tumiskan bunga lawang, bunga cengkih, buah pelaga dan kulit kayu manis

6.      Setelah agak garing, masukkan daging bersama2 bahan perap

7.      Bila air daging sudah agak kering, masukkan air asam/sos tomato serta santan, garam dan gula dan masak lah sehingga santan agak kering.


Pepper Steak

3 tablespoons butter or oil

1 1/2 pounds round or flank steak

1 1/2 cups thinly sliced onion

1 cup diced celery

2 cups canned tomatoes, chopped

1 1/2 teaspoons salt

1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper

1 teaspoon sugar

2 bay leaves

1/2 teaspoon thyme

3 large green bell pepper

1 1/2 teaspoons cornstarch

2 teaspoons soy sauce

1/4 cup cold water

Heat butter over medium high heat, brown meat, which has been cut into 1/4-inch wide strips. Brown the meat in 2 or 3 batches so that each batch just covers the bottom of the skillet without crowding. Remove meat and set aside.


Reduce heat, saute onions for 5 minutes.


Return meat to skillet, add remaining ingredients except peppers, cornstarch, soy sauce and water. Add peppers, which have been seeded and cut in 1/2-inch strips, simmer covered for 10 minutes. Blend cornstarch, soy sauce and water in small dish; stir into meat mixture. Cook until thick and clear, about 1 minute.
Serves 6.




Kuah Dhal

Sumbangan : Puan Mani, The Hague



Dhall (orangy small size)

Bawang putih (tumbuk)


Jintan manis


Serbuk kari

Minyak masak

Halba campuran

Bawang merah

Halia (tumbuk)

Cili kering

Sayur-sayuran (seperti terung, lobak, dsbnya)



Basuh dhall dan rendam dhall semalaman

Panaskan minyak masak dan tumis halba campuran, bawang merah, halia, cili kering dan kacau sehingga wangi

Masukkan dhall dan rebus sehingga agak lembut

Masukkan bawang putih, kunyit, jintan manis, ketumbar dan serbuk kari dan biar sehingga mendidih dan dhall menjadi lembut

Masukkan sayur-sayuran sehingga masak






Cream of Mushroom Soup




ounces fresh mushrooms



tablespoons butter



medium onion, chopped



cup all-purpose flour



teaspoon salt



teaspoon white pepper



(10 3/4 ounce) can condensed chicken broth

1 3/4


cups water



cup half-and-half



snipped parsley (optional)



Slice enough mushrooms to measure 1 cup.


Chop remaining mushrooms.


Cook and stir sliced mushrooms in 2 Tbls of butter in a 3qt.


saucepan over low heat until golden brown.


Remove with slotted spoon.


Cook and stir chopped mushrooms and onion in remaining butter until onion is tender.


Stir in flour, Salt and Pepper.


Cook over low heat stirring constantly, about 1 minute then remove from heat.


Stir in broth and water.


Heat to a boil, stirring constantly.


boil and stir for 1 minute.


Stir in half-and-half and sliced mushrooms.


Garnish with parsley (opt).


French Onion Soup


MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.01


       Title: French Onion Soup

  Categories: Soups, Ceideburg 2

       Yield: 1 servings


       3 tb Butter

       1 tb Light olive oil or fresh

            -peanut oil

       8 c  Thinly sliced onions (2 1/2


     1/2 ts Each salt and sugar (sugar

            -helps the onions to brown)

       2 tb Flour

   2 1/2 qt Homemade beef stock, (see

            -following recipe for

            -stock), at

            Least 2 cups of which

            -should be hot

       4    To 5 tablespoons Cognac,

            -Armagnac, or other good


       1 c  Dry white French vermouth


   The following three recipes are from the book by Julia Child that I

   was raving about the other day.  They actually produce two dishes;

   the basic butterflied chicken recipe can stand alone or be used as

   the starting point for all sorts of variations++the Mustard Coated

   Chicken is just one of the possible take-offs using it.  It's nicely

   hoity-toity in appearance and tastes great.


   This is certainly one of the all-time favorites.  The canned and

   packaged onion soups I've tried have been very good, and the only way

   to better them is for you to have your own beautiful beef stock.

   However, bought onion soup will benefit from the flavor additions

   suggested here. TIMING: For most delicious results, you want a slow

   simmer for 2 3/4 to 3 hours.




   A food processor with slicing blade or a hand slicer is useful for the

   onions; a heavy-bottomed 3-quart saucepan with cover for onion

   cooking and simmering.


   Browning the onions - 40 minutes.  Set the saucepan over moderate

   heat with the butter and oil; when the butter has melted, stir in the

   onions, cover the pan, and cook slowly until tender and translucent,

   about 10 minutes. Blend in the salt and sugar, raise heat to

   moderately high, and let the onions brown, stirring frequently until

   they are dark walnut color, 25 to 30 minutes.


   Simmering the soup.  Sprinkle in the flour and cook slowly, stirring,

   for another 3 to 4 minutes.  Remove from heat, let cool a moment,

   then whisk in 2 cups of hot stock.  When well blended, bring to the

   simmer, adding the rest of the stock, the Cognac or brandy, and the

   vermouth. Cover loosely, and simmer very slowly 1 1/2 hours, adding a

   little water if the liquid reduces too much.  Correct seasoning.


   Ahead-of-time note:  May be prepared in advance; chill uncovered, then

   cover and refrigerate or freeze.


   Serving.  Serve the soup as it is, accompanying it with French bread

   and a bowl of grated Swiss or Parmesan cheese, or gratine it as

   follows. Makes about 2 1/2 quarts, serving 6.




   ONION SOUP GRATINEED:  When onion soup is a main course, bake it in

   the oven with cheese and toasted French bread, and bring it all

   crusty and bubbling to the table.  A big salad, more bread and

   cheese, and fruit could finish the meal,; accompanied by a bottle or

   two of fruity white wine, like a sauvignon blanc or even a



   MANUFACTURING NOTE:  Be sure you have a homemade type of bread with

   body here because flimsy loaves will disintegrate into a slimy mass;

   a recipe for your own homemade French bread also follows.


   12 or more Hard-Toasted French Bread Rounds (follows, too) [I left it

   out. S.C.] 1 to 2 ounces Swiss cheese, very thinly sliced Ingredients

   for the preceding French Onion Soup, heated 3/4 to 1 cup finely

   grated Swiss or Parmesan cheese


   SPECIAL EQUIPMENT SUGGESTED:  A lightly buttered 3-quart ovenproof

   casserole or baking dish about 3 inches deep - good-looking if

   possible. Assembling and baking - about 30 minutes.  Preheat the oven

   to 425F and set the rack in the lower middle level.  Line the bottom

   of the casserole with half the slices of toasted French bread, and

   spread over them the sliced cheese.  Ladle on the hot onion soup and

   float over them a layer of toasted bread, topping with the grated

   cheese.  At once set in the preheated oven and bake for 20 to 30

   minutes, until the cheese has melted and browned nicely.  Serve as

   soon as possible, if you dally too long, the toast topping may sink

   into the soup.


   From "The Way to Cook", Julia Child, Alfred Knopf, 1989. ISBN



   Posted by Stephen Ceideberg; September 16 1992.


Tomato Soup


14 quarts ripe tomatoes, chopped

7 onions, chopped

2 stalks celery, chopped

3 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley

3 bay leaves

1/4 cup salt

3/8 cup white sugar

2 teaspoons seasoning salt

1 teaspoon ground black pepper

1 teaspoon garlic salt


Place tomatoes, onions, celery, parsley and bay leaves in a large pot and cook, covered, on low heat for 1 to 2 hours, until quite soft and fragrant.

Remove bay leaves and blend tomato mixture in batches in a food processor or blender, then run through a sieve and return juice to pot. Stir in salt, sugar, seasoning salt, pepper and garlic salt. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and cook, uncovered, 1 to 2 hours, until thickened.




Sambal Goreng Jawa

From: Restoran Shahanim, Pekan Meru

Cili Hijau         }

Cili Api            }   di hiris nipis

Cili Merah        }

Bawang Besar  }

Ikan bilis


Air asam jawa

Taucu (optional)

¼ cawan minyak



Panaskan minyak di atas api yang sederhana tinggi.  Tumis cili-cili, bawang dan belacan sehingga garing.  Masukkan ikan bilis dan goreng hingga garing.  Kemudian, masukkan air asam, garam dan secubit gula.  Kalau suka, boleh campurkan tauchu.



Makanan Ringan


Kerepek Jejari Udang

From: Pn Basha Azmi, The Hague

4.5 sudu besar jintan manis ) blend

100g udang kering    )

2 biji bawang besar     ) blend

10 ulas bawang putih    )

2kg tepung

2 sudu besar garam

0.5 cawan minyak panas

3 sudu besar serbuk cili

2 biji telur

segenggam daun sup/daun kari



Tepung dicampur garam, minyak panas, telur, cili dan daun sup yang dicincang (atau daun kari) dan campur bawang dan jintan.

Uli dan di gelek dgn mesin mee...


Mee Kuning

From: Pn Norelan Roslan, The Hague

500g tepung gandum

1 biji telur                             }

1 tsp garam                          }   di campur dalam 1 cawan

1 tbs sodium bikarbonate      }  dan ditambah dengan air sehingga cawan penuh

¼ tsp perwarna kuning telur  }

Air untuk merebus mee



Uli tepung dengan campuran telur.  Kemudian gelek dengan mesin pasta.


Laksa Johor


From: Mariam Yusof, Internet

Saiz Hidangan : 10 Orang

500 gm ikan tenggiri(rebus ambil isi)
150 gm udang kering (rendam -mesin)
sekeping isi ikan kurau kering (bakar mesin)
20 biji bawang kecil
20 tangkai cili kering
10 biji bawang putih
1 inci halia
2 senduk kari ikan (adabi)
10 keping asam keping
1 biji kelapa (kerisik)
1 biji kelapa (ambil santan 10 cawan)
5 batang serai
2 inci lengkuas (ketuk)

1 paket sphageti (rebus 10 minit)
50 sen taugeh
Daun selasih/kesom
Timun (buang isi/biji) racik halus
Limau kasturi
Lobak asin halus
Sambal belacan


1. Cili kering, bawang kecil dan bawang putih,serai, udang kering hendaklah dimesin dan diasingkan.
2. 1/2 cawan minyak di masukkan kedalam periuk dan tumiskan cili mesin,diiukuti dengan bawang. biarkan garing sedikit.
3. Bancuh serbuk kari dengan air dan masukkan kedalam tumisan tadi dan diikuti dengan isi ikan, udang serai, asam keping, kerisik, santan, isi ikan keriang dan jangan lupa rasa garam dan gulanya secukup rasa.masak sehingga semuanya sebati.

Tip: Untuk lebih perisa sediakan semalaman baru dihidangkan.jika terlalu pekat campurkan denga air atau santan


Roti Manis

From: Pn Norelan Roslan, The Hague

500g  flour
100g  sugar
1       egg (optional)
I tbsp yeast
60g    butter/oil
1mug warm water


Knead all the above and let it rest for 30 mins until the dough rises to double its previous size
Knead again
Shape dough to your desire
Rest shaped dough for 30 mins
bake in oven between 180-200deg C for 18-20 minutes (till lightly brown).




Oatmeal Raisin Cookies

From: Pn Norelan Roslan, The Hague


140g butter, softened

120g lightly packed brown sugar

100g granulated sugar

1 egg

2 tbsp water

2 tsp vanilla

115g all purpose flour

3/4 tsp baking soda

1 tsp cinnamon

3 cups oats

150g raisin


Cream butter, sugars, egg, water and vanilla together on medium speed of electric mixer until light and fluffy



Combine flour, soda and cinnamon

Add the creamed mixture, beating on low speed until blended.

Stir in oats and raisins.

Drop dough by heaping tablespoonsfuls on greased baking sheets

Press flat for crisp cooking

Leave mound for chewy cookies.

Bake at 180 C for 12 - 15 minutes or until edges are golden brown.

Dont overbake.

Makes about 30 cookies.


Instead of raisin you can use 1 cup chocolate chips.