
Zach: Huskies! How cute =^.^=

Name: Quatre Reberba Winner
Occupation: Gundam Pilot
Mobile Suits Piloted: Sandrock, Wing Zero, White Taurus, Aires
Age: 15; 16 in E.W.
Hair: Platinum Gold
Eyes: Aqua
Special Fact: Quatre is the most dynamic character in Gundam Wing

Chibi Duo's Review:
Quatre is one of my favorite characters in Gundam Wing because he has undergone the most change. At first he was an insecure kid with no future except to fight OZ, but then something dramatic happened that shaped Quatre's and the entire world's future. Colonists on a revolt killed Quatre's father, a crushing blow to the kid's psyche. In his anger against the colonies, Quatre builds Wing Zero. The system drives him to insanity and he nearly kills his only true friend, Trowa. This caused Quatre to go to his head and abandon the Zero to Heero. Later, while all the Gundam Pilots get together against the White Fang, Quatre, a tactician at heart, unites the Gundam Pilots by mastering the Zero system and using it to beat the mobile dolls. Quatre later befriends Dorothy Catalonia, despite their differences. All in all, Quatre brings out the best in everyone!