ZMX's Rap Clues

These are Rap lyrics that I have created to hint at the different letters/numbers in the password to the Area 51 part of the site, and also to future passwords. Future passwords will have extra letters/numbers added to them though. In the passwords, capitol letters and lowercase letters are different. In other words if the password was "tYpE" and you typed in "Type" it wouldn't work. To figure out what letter(s)/number(s) I am hinting at, study the lyrics. Sometimes I will be describing some word that begins or ends with a letter, sometimes it will be a number of something, sometimes it will be a constantly used "theme" in the song, etc. I will mention how many clues are available in each song.

I have noticed that some are having a lot of difficulty in figuring out the clues. Hopefully, this will help you. Don't think of the password as a whole, it won't make sence. Think of it one letter/number at a time. The clues go in order, so as with the first song, the first part is the first clue, the second part is the second clue. Each clue is equivalent to 1 and only 1 letter/number unless otherwise stated. Just read the lyrics and think. THINK. You'll figure it out. Remember, it won't do any good guessing at the whole password yet, because there are 8 characters in the password, and until you get 8 clues, you'd be wasting your time. Just study the lyrics. You may think this is harder than it really is.

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Rap Lyrics

Track #
Track Name
# of Clues
My Vision of Vengence
No Chance (you can't beat me)

Good Luck

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