Friends they say are very hard to find, but i am very fortunate that is not always the case for me. People that I have grown to know and those that have helped me in every way to shape my whole being are the FRIENDS that I call now. In every part of your life you meet people without knowing that somehow you would developed a relationship with them that can actually withstand the test of time. Growing up, I used to think of my friends more like my buddies. Every meetings are just full of remarkable exciting stuff life could ever dished out. We lived life like carefree individuals oblivious of knowing what was ahead. The most possible worries we had were getting boo-boos in every inch of our delicate skin or hoping that our ride from school will come a lil' later so we have more spare time to play touch & go and actually go home filthy smelling like the sun.

yvette & Rhea pia & yvette The begginning of the first set of friends that i had were set from my elementary days. My relationship with Marjo and Pia can be compared with the sound of music. Everything seems to be in harmony, it has its' lows and highs. The moment they had grew to be my friends, I knew right there that the music will live on. We had grew apart in distance and maturity had taken its toll but whenever I spend time with these girls the volume seems to intensify more and more...

Then junior high came, being in a new school without knowing anybody,it felt like i was alienated. I missed my friends. But life did not stop from there, treasures were added in my friendship chest. Carla,Rhea,Triza and I, we had so many things goin on. We see each other in school, we'd go home and talk for hours and even have our weekend sleep overs. We were in such a rush to be out there,from dyeing our hairs every so often to getting a pager for hook-ups, and boys were practically the most rampart thing in this world. Troubles were more likely but "fun" is the only word we cared deeply about. Now looking back, I missed those days, but i'm glad because i really do not have to miss my friends. We are so close in hearts that i am confident that no matter what, they are just around!

"HIGH SCHOOL" they say is the most exciting of all, maybe they are right. Things are happenin' from left to right. Trying to juggle homeworks and guys at the same time are a bit harder than i thought it would be. This is the time when i felt that i know basically everything there is to know under the sun and yet i'm sitting here with innocence written all over my face. High school is exciting but now i see it more as rewarding. I am rewarded with more great friends both from in and out of school. Most of them may have slipped but i'm glad i got to keep the best one,! April,through her i realized that i am one heck of a good friend because she kept our friendship! (knowing April, she does not have time for craps!)

These are the friends that i cherished the most and whom i hold deeply within me. They had given me more than what a friendship can offer, they all built me a home in their hearts. I know that i will be meeting more friends in my life that is why i leave my treasure chest unlocked for anybody are welcome to come in. Some may stay and some may leave but the ones who stays i know are worth keeping! I Luv all of you..

Thank you most especially to Rhea! miss u so much.. and of course to you Marjo!! Gosh I'm so lucky!!

"w H a T C a N i s A y a B o U t Y V E T T E?"

M a r j o r i e: ... under construction...

A p r i l: There's this girl who lives across the street,she's the kind of person who you would like to meet. her name is Yvette-she's very kind, any man is lucky to call her "mine" she's very independent and very caring everywhere she'd go a guy would just be staring. she's the kind of person who you can call a true friend, Then you'd build up a relationship with her that will never end,my life would be sad with out Yvette. She keeps me strong and my life would be set. She doesn't realize how special she is, I look at her as if she was my own lil sis. My friend Yvette is one of the best person i know, Into a strong,powerful,independent woman in the future,she'll grow..

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