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Liberally anesthetised with alcohol, the men begin to dance, and from there proceed to beat each other with fists, poles and rocks. Death is not uncommon, even with government attempts to control the event.

Although decried by some as a barbaric custom, is it any more barbaric than professional boxing, whose sole purpose is financial gain? Or war, in which unresolved grudges result in staggering loss of life?

The Tinku is violent and disturbing, but it is consensual, controlled, and successfully keeps the peace for the remainder of the year.

When not part of the annual event, the Tinku is a lively and popular Bolivian dance.
The Tinku is a sociological phenomenon practiced in the Potosi region of Bolivia. it is stylized tribal warfare set to music.

Dating from the time of the Incas, the Tinku is an annnual gathering of men from distant villages to settle all real or potential grudges in a 3-day free-for-all.

Photo by Wolfgang Schuler