Executive Summary

This web site is going to be about my country that is" Cuba". The first page is going to be a splash screen that is going to take you to the main page. On the main page there are going to be topics such as home page, background information, map, tourist hotels, popular cars, and website rating. Each topic is going to have information about the related topic. The background color of each page is going to be white, red, and blue because those colors are my flag colors.

Information for tourist people that wants to visit Cuba is going to be on the Tourist Hotels page. In this page there is going to be pictures about different hotels in Varadero, Cuba. When each picture is click, it is going to take you to a different page to give you full information about the hotel. Also there is going to be a map on the map page for tourist people so that they can see the states of Cuba and places that they can visit.

Finally the website is going to have a website rating form where people are going to visit my website and rate it. They are going to fill out the information that is requested on the form. Once the form is completed, it is going to be send to my e-mail address so that I can receive the information that was submitted.

Website Structure

Sample Website Page

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Sample Website Page