Yury Semka , 3D Graphics designer - hobbyist.

 This site consists of two main parts where the first one is an attempt to make some kind
of graphical exhibition and the second one is dedicated to miscellaneous software which I write time to time.
 The first part contains some pictures which I made in different periods of time. All of them
are results of 3D modelling, rendering and image editing tricks. Of course, none of them
pretends to be estimated as professional work but I like them anyway.
 The next page displays
my pictures thumbnails. Just click the thumbnail and the picture will be shown in its original size.
All pictures are highly compressed *.JPG images for optimal on-line viewing.

If you have any comments or questions,please contact me via e-mail:

The second part contains some programs for downloading:

Alarm Clock 4.0, Storematic 1.1, Folder Shield 1.0, Shoot the Target 1.0
and a collection of Screensavers. All of them is a freeware for Windows.
 If you’d like to take a closer look to the software, click “Go to downloads”
where you’ll find programs’ description and ZIP files available for downloading.