Introduction | The Task | The Process | Resources | Conclusion


Gendercide, and emerging weapon of war, has been claiming victims in Yugoslavia since November 1991. Lead by the Serbian regime, the gender selective massacre, also know as "ethnic cleansing", was destroying the lives of both men and women in Croatia, Bosnia, and Kosovo during the 1990's. In addition to the slaughtering of tens of thousands of lives, sexual assaults of women became the hallmark of the Serbian led campaign.
In an attempt to provide a better understanding of gendercide and the Balkan crisis, we have developed a web quest that explores the gender selective killing and rape of Croatian, Bosnian, and Kosovo women in Yugoslavia.


The Task

Your task will be to research and analyze the Balkan conflict. You will be asked to provide your view point on specific aspects of the crisis and to give feedback that will demonstrate your understanding of the subject.


When womem become the spoils of war...



Remember, there are no wrong answers to the questions that will be asked. You will be assessed on:

  • How you support your conclusion
  • Communicate your ideas
  • And collaborate with others in your group

The final activity will be to make your ideas known by writing a reflective essay about the Women in the Yugoslav Gendercide.


The Process

It is best if you work in a group of three or four people (this web quest may be done alone also). As an individual of the group, you will be called upon to do specific research related to the different topics of the Yugoslav gendercide. This research will involve reading and exploring different web sites that will aid in your understand of the topic. Most of the information needed to answer the questions asked will be provide in the linked web sites, but some of the questions will involve personal thoughts and feelings. Just remember, we are trying to reveal the human side of the women involved in this crisis.

As a group, it will be your job to complete the following steps:

  1. Understand and define Gendercide
  2. Take a look into the background of the Yugoslav Gendercide
  3. Read the overwhelming evidence
  4. Investigate Serbian reactions to the Gendercide
  5. Review the information and as a group, write a reflective essay on the Yugoslave Gendercide


The conflict and the women involved were real. The widespread rape and other atrocities commited against these women was an unfortunate side effect of the Balkan conflict that must be avoided in future wars.












Step 1 - Understand and Define Gendercide

As a group, all of you must understand the term Gendercide. To do this visit the link below. After you have read the article, discuss and answer the questions below as a group.

Click here to read about Gendercide
Answer these questions?

  • What is Gendercide?
  • What other terms refer to Gendercide?
  • Is Gendercide exclusive to a particular sex?
  • Compare Gendercide to Genocide, what is the difference?
  • Is Gendercide exclusive only to the Yugoslav conflict?


Step 2 - Take a look into the background of the Yugoslav Gendercide

Now it is time to break apart and work as individuals. In this exercise you will expore the background of the Yugoslav Gendercide. Much of the information will cover gendercie issues for both men and women, but remember to pay close attention to the maltreatment and rape of women. To maximize your efforts, assign one or two people to explore each link.

Click here to read about Gendercide in Bosnia
Click here to read about Gendercide in Kosovo
Click here to read more about Gendercide in Kosovo
Answer these questions?

  • What sparked the onset of War in Yugoslavia?
  • What were some of the methods used to commit Gendercide?
  • How many women were estimated to have been victims of Gendercide?


Step 3 - Read the overwhelming evidence

In this section you will explore some individual cases involving Gendercide. Read the articles below to gain insight into the overwhelming evidence that exists.

Click here to read: When women are the spoils of war
Click here to read about crimes against women
Click here to about ethnic cleansing in Kosovo
Answer these questions?

  • Where were women taken and how were they treated by Serbian militiamen?
  • How do you think gendercide has affected these women?
  • After the sexual violence ended, what was the result, and was there a name for it?
  • How will this violence forever affect the women of this conflict?


Step 4 - Investigate Serbian reactions to the Gendercide

After having read about the victims of the Yugoslav Gendercide, it is time to investigate the reaction of Serbian men and women to the atrocities they have committed.

Click here to read their responses
Answer these questions?

  • Did any Serbian group or organization officially acknowledge that gendercide existed in Yugoslavia?
  • If you were a woman being oppressed because of your sex and ethnicity, how would Serbian responses to the above question make you feel?


Step 5 - Write a reflective essay

Reading the information provided and answering the questions above will have given you a look into the gender selective crimes committed against women of certain ethnicity in Yugoslavia. To demonstrate your knowledge of the Yugoslav Gendercide, write a 300 to 400 word essay in response to the question below.

  • There is much evidence of the horrendous murders and treatment of women in Yugoslavia. What do you think should be done to help women affected by gendercide and how should the world go about protecting women who fall victim and become the spoils of war?



The Yugoslav Gendercide was a terrible act committed against humankind. The slaughter and rape of women in an attempt to create a "Greater Serbia" shows just how atrocious the Serbian men were against these women. While the hurt and anger caused may never go away, there is hope that one day justice will be served and that the women affected by these crimes may overcome the torture and pain inflicted upon them.


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