Often times, when one least expects it, they are reminded how fragile life is.  How quickly things can change.....in a moment, in a blink of an eye, in a split second.....something can go tragically wrong.

This section is probably the hardest one I've had to create for this web site.  If it were in paper format, it would be stained with spots....the ones left as my tears fell.  It was created with deep sorrow, but also with hope.  If just one life can be saved, the tear stains will have meaning. 

To learn more about this tragedy and how you can help change it to a miracle, see the links below.

 Updates on Erin
 WolfPup's Tribute to Erin and Tony
 Lynn Magann's Tribute
 Two stories from people who never met Tony, but care...
 Local Television News Story
 Brown County Democrat Newspaper Article
 How you can give the Gift of Life
 Return to homepage