Chinese Translation Online Links
2.  An excellent online translation program for
     understanding each chinese character and
     it has several ways to search for a chinese
     "word" - english word to chinese, by pinyin,
     by stroke, by radical or even using the whole
     chinese character (cut and paste) can be used
     to search for the chinese character.
Main search Web-page
     HIghly recommended as most of the characters
     I searched is correctly translated.
Many thanks to the person behind this - Indra Kurniawan
Before one can start, one must open up the Chinese language features in Windows XP by going to the langugage in Regional Setting in Wndows XP Control Panel (details in text box below - just click on arrow on right of text box)
1.  An excellent online translation program is
     the Microsoft WinWord 2003 translation module
     It is useful for translating a word, a phrase or
     even an entire document.
This is the link to how to do this.
Date created: May 2007