With a blank stare Dean listened to Terry. Yes he was sleeping with the smaller mans wife, yes he had been sleeping in his bed, but "So what!"
Terry just continued to talk, something about getting even.
Something about a youth experiment at work that was scraped. But Dean just continued to stare at the smaller man. "Youth experiment.", Dean laughed to himself. "Yeah right, he could used it." He knew he could crush him. He was strong and yes, younger than him. "Youth experiment!", Dean repeated to himself, "... something I don't need!" Looking at the smaller, older man he thought, "... how could she screw a guy like that? I don't blame her going for young guy like me."
"... so I put it in the water you're always drinking.", Terry said.
Dean lost track. "Put what in the water?", he thought as he continued to stare whenTerry turned with a smile and stated, "Now she can have you. If she still wants you?"
That's when Dean realized something was wrong.
Looking at Terry the smaller man didn't seem that old any more. He didn't look younger, but... there was only 10 years between them. Now it didn't seem like such a big deal. In fact as he stood watching the smaller man leave he actually tought of him as being the younger. "What the hell!?" , Dean turned catching himself in the mirror.

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