Welcome to the Young Forest Druid Mentorship Program


What is Druidry?

Druidry  is the name of a Neo-Pagan Religion based on the Ancient Pagan beliefs of the Celtic People.  Although much about Druidry of the past is filled with conjecture and speculation there is still much that can be learned and practiced today.  

The Druids of old were  the learned class of Celtic society and everyone from poets and metal workers to priests and astronomers fell within their ranks. However Druids are best known as philosophers, magicians and advisors to kings. Just as in the past Druids today can come in an infinite variety of forms.  

The Pagan Celts were a Polytheistic group and Gods and Goddess' of one region or tribe were not necessarily shared among all tribes.  Many of these Deities were personifications of the local landscape, rivers and springs; hills and animals were worshiped extensively in the Celtic world. Druids and their worship are often associated with Sacred Groves or "Nemetons" and it is true that trees were also held in great reverence by the Celts, as well as all things natural. Natural wisdom teaches respect for the Earth as well as the responsibility to protect it, as we are a part of It.

Neo-Pagan Druidry is the continuation of this heritage,  the responsibility for our world and the knowledge that Nature Is Sacred.

Young Forest Druid Mentorship Program: is here to provide students with the best quality historical and archaeological information possible. To clarify the known facts from fictions about Druidry, for there are many.  To help those who wish to explore the magic of the Natural World.

To get you started in the right direction try:

A Brief History of The Druids

by Peter Berresford Ellis

ISBN 0-7867-0987-1


Triads                                                             Folklore

If you would like to learn more about Young Forest Druid Mentor Program please

E-mail: the_warrior_druid@yahoo.ca


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