Young Forest Project

Nature Works


Project Nature Works is Young Forest’s plans for the creation of wildlife sanctuaries. Specifically Young Forest is targeting those lands in which there is an abundance of natural habitat. Areas that contain an assortment of tree species as well as a natural body of water are high priority to Young Forest. 

Nature Works facilities could include:

Nature Trails with possible guided tours

Community gardens

Water Activities

Rustic campground facilities for members

Outdoor seating areas or an events lodge

An Educational Interpretive Center

The goal in creating all Nature Works sites is to keep our impact on the environment to the minimum. To that end, facilities such as fire pits will be communal; this will also encourage community and sharing. Each Nature Works site would contain a small area designated as an Eco-tourist campground and retreat centre, which would generate the revenue necessary to support the upkeep property as a whole. Young Forest Members could utilize the facilities for seminars, workshops, conferences or retreats, as well as for birthdays, weddings and holidays. Although each Nature Works site will be unique to it’s local environment and to the local membership, all Nature Works sites will maintain the primary purpose of Young Forest-to protect the sanctity of nature.  Our goal is to provide members with the opportunity to educate and reintroduce themselves to the natural world so that we may a part of it.


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