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YAW Contests
Get involved at YAW - Win fun prizes
Welcome to YAW's Contest page! Check here for
new contests, official rules, and winners of previous contests!

YAW recently had her first annual Summer Fan Art contest!
Click here to see the first, second, and third place winners!

The current contest is a fan fiction contest over on the
MySpace group. Unlike the Summer contest, this one is a small contest. It is actually being mostly run by the MySpace group YAW members!

YAW hopes to run monthly contests based around a single YAW-thors. It will be the YAW-thors choice of contest and of prize. Stay turned for more details!

ATTENTION! If any authors have copies of their books (signed or unsigned) or anyone willing to purchase online bookstore gift certificates that they are willing to donate to a contest for the winners, please contact me at youngadultwriters@yahoo.com

Are you a young author? Want to see a page of your own here?
Contact B. at