Right now its time for all you to listen. No Veronica this won't be as long as yours, seeing that I want to make my point as clear as possible. UNITY. Thats what you want. u·ni·ty  n. pl. u·ni·ties The state or quality of being one; singleness. I don't know about you, but wouldn't you think when the actual RAH of the dream isn't here, its impossible to have UNITY. Because when someone told everyone what happened to Matt, Ooh they laughed. That's really perfect Unity. If you want Unity you're going to have to do it with rules, because any form of institution without rules, is an anarchy, Chaos. Right now the only ones enforcing rules are the prefects and the staff. Not YOUR staff, Remus's staff. The people that worked endlessly beside Remus to make the dream stand as long as it did. One rule indicates, that you must have an RP description. Seeing that some of your friends that you let in don't have RP descs, that would give us the right to tell them without getting our heads bitten off. Some of these things already in their descs are clearly out of Continuity too. Right now you might have the dream, but we are the ones keeping it up. The prefects, professors and staff. We won't let this dream end up like Hogw@rts. No not after the months Remus spent slaving on this dream. Its not going to get ruined this easily. I'm not going to try and take back the dream, but I am going to tell you this. There will be no unity at all when the ACTUAL RAH of the dream comes back, REMUS. We'll make a compromise, but right now. Hogwarts is going to run just like how it always did, With rules. And these rules are ones that prefects, professors, and the staff enforce. You might not like it, but unless Hogwarts really means how much you said it means to you, You'll listen.

Any comments, questions, or needs to get your head chopped off, please e-mail me