The Twenty Things You Can Say in Amerika - 820010211213+3579_6591

The Twenty Things You Can Say in Amerika

Copyright © 2001 by Yossarian70038. Verbatim copying and distribution of this document is permitted in any medium, provided this notice is preserved. (

(Yossarian4010's comments are emphasized. All hyperlinks are Yossarian4010's picks. This whole bit is framed upon a piece called Ten More Things You Can't Say in America by John Derbyshire):

( 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16;17;18;19;20; )

Talk show host Larry Elder has got himself a modest best-seller with his book The Ten Things You Can't Say in America. I don't think I am violating any laws or honor codes if I list Mr. Elder's ten chapter headings right here:

  • 1. Blacks are more racist than whites.
    Which "Blacks"? All blacks, everywhere? What a stupid statement. More on that later....

  • 2. White condescension is as bad as black racism.
    Condescension is bad, but racism is worse. Racism might be the dumbest "ism" on the planet.

  • 3. The media bias - it's real, it's widespread, it's destructive.
    Absolutely true. But I hope Larry isn't implying (as I assume he is) some lefto-liberal conspiracy. Watch Fox News lately? What about talk radio? Does Rush Limbaugh answer to some leftist censor? And though I admit my perspective is more than a little "left" these days, a lot of what I read/watch/hear in the media smells like warmed-over Reader's Digest.

  • 4. The glass ceiling - full of holes.
    True, I think. But that's outside my sphere of experience. At my economic level, all people are equal.

  • 5. America's greatest problem: not crime, racism or bad schools - it's illegitimacy.
    Amerika's greatest problems are: (a) the acceptance and promotion of ignorance and xenophobia; and (b) the erosion of freedom by government and corporate fascists.
    What is "illegitimacy", anyway? Being born without a license?

  • 6. There is no health-care "crisis."
    Nonsense! The crisis is being manufactured (seemingly on purpose) by the AMA, the insurance companies, the FDA, and other bigshots --- but it's still a crisis, regardless of source.
    I have the dumb-luck of living in a place where health care is socialized. God bless it! How could I afford simple medical attention (in our private-fascist situation) otherwise?

  • 7. America's welfare state: the tyranny of the status quo.
    I can't quite parse that. What the hell is he saying? Anyway, it's hard to have a coherant conversation about our so-called `welfare state'. Too much chaff. Maybe some other time....

  • 8. Republicans versus Democrats - maybe a dime's worth of difference.
    We agree there. Except that the difference is probably less than a dime.

  • 9. The war against drugs is Vietnam II: we're losing this one, too.
    Damn straight! Like Vietnam, the `War on Drugs' is an evil and deliberate enterprise of power-mad thugs in Washington. Like Vietnam, they have no legal, ethical, or moral right to be pursuing it. Like Vietnam, they're losing and will lose. Like Vietnam, they're escalating the war to save face, at our expense, knowing full-well they can't win.
    The only difference being that it's "here" instead of "there".

  • 10. Gun control advocates - good guys with blood on their hands.
    Another weird statement I don't really get --- but I think he's against gun control. I agree. We need a citizenry armed to the teeth to keep cops and soldiers (public and private) from pushing us around.
    "You can get farther with a kind word and a gun than you can with just a kind word!"

    I applaud Larry Elder's efforts to open a crack of honesty in the wall of lies and self-deceptions that forms our public discourse. Now I am going to hammer my own wedge into the crack, in the hope of widening it just a little.

  • 11. American society is increasingly a conspiracy of the smart against the dumb. Who, exactly, do you think benefits from having a 70,000-page tax code? The low-IQ guy trying to run a small business? Or the accountant he has to pay to interpret the code for him? And who benefits from an "open borders" immigration policy? The $350-an-hour lawyer who needs his lawn trimmed and his pool cleaned? Or the low-IQ citizen who'd be glad to do the work … if there weren't 100 Mexican illegals on line ahead of him, willing to do it for half the price? But hey, low-IQ types don't vote much. And they can easily be bamboozled with some scare talk about "racism" or "the rich". True, they have guns and that might turn nasty; but the smart people have a plan to get their guns off them, so things will work out OK. This system is called "meritocracy."
    I don't think it's "the smart against the dumb". I think it's the rich and powerful against the poor, as usual. "Dumb" people aren't "easily bamboozled" by just anything. Frankly, "dumb" people (and I know plenty of 'em) get stuck in a mindset sometime in their youth and spend the rest of their lives desperately clutching their beliefs with both hands. Sure, people go for fads and scams. But they have to be consistant with their basic prejudices to work. Reading a typical history book, you'd think Hitler marched into Berlin by himself and bullied the poor German people into starting a war and building concentration camps. Just the opposite! Hitler was "democratically" elected and practically begged to behave like he did. If you fancy youself to be a "leader of men", just see which way the mob his heading and run to the front of the crowd.
    "Meritocracy?" Does that mean a society of people ranked according to merit? Personally, I like the idea of anarchy, which means a society of people with no rank at all.
    Oh yeah, and illegal immigrants. Mexicans. Damn them, anyway! Aren't we "legals" all just itching to pick apples and cut chickens? I could have had that job --- IF IT WEREN'T FOR THOSE FUCKING ALIENS!
    Gimme a break. Show me someone who bitches about "jobs" and "illegal aliens", and I'll show you a fat, stupid, lazy asshole whose contribution to society amounts to bullshitting on AM call-in shows.

  • 12. Ninety-nine per cent of the stuff exhibited in the Museum of Modern Art is esthetically worthless and will be utterly forgotten 100 years from now. Some similar proportion of the items published in poetry magazines are likewise without any redeeming value and will likewise be forgotten. The last decent opera anybody wrote was Turandot (1926). The last decent symphony was Vaughan Williams Ninth (1958). The human race can no longer paint great pictures, write great poems, or compose great music. We have forgotten how to do these things. Culturally, the present age is a vast stony desert. We are living on the glories of the past.
    I'm sympathetic with the first part of this statement, though I think 99% is a bit harsh. Maybe 75% is worthless. But so what? That "bad" art exists means that you're getting a full range of choices. I used to be really offended every time I saw a copy of the National Enquirer. How can people get away with writing such stuff? Then I realized that the Enquirer was evidence of a free press. If everything you read is agreeable and "right" to you, you're in trouble.
    It's simply easier today (what the the web, etc.) for anyone to make something and call it "art", so of course there's much, much more worthless junk out there. More choice --- that's a good thing! You just have to look harder for the good stuff. That's the price of freedom, and it's well worth it.
    I don't believe at all that we, as a culture, have "forgotten" how to make great art. I don't think that's even possible. Truly great artists run against the grain of their society, so, if we're in some terrible funk (which I don't necessarily believe), that's just more opportunity for truly ground-breaking art to be made.

  • 13. Race is real. Nope, it's not just a "social construct" or a fig newton of your imagination. Races really exist; and they differ from each other in numerous ways, most of which are not visible to the eye. Watch the finals of the Olympic mens' 100-meter dash. Then watch the Asian-American kids pouring into Yale, Harvard, MIT. Oh, and by the way: The Jews are a race. They are, on average, much smarter than the rest of us. They got that way by practicing eugenics for 2,000 years. And it is not anti-Semitic to point any of this out.
    Absolutely not true. Race is not real. It's an utterly imaginary construct. Look around --- you can find more profound differences between siblings than between members of different "races".
    Regarding Asians in colleges, that's a question of culture, not race. And the Jews are a perfect example of this. Eugenics? Jews everywhere reflect the genes of those they live with and intermarry with! Chinese Jews look and speak Chinese. Amerikan Jews look and speak Amerikan. African Jews look and speak like Africans. Jews are "smart" because Jewish culture encourages thought and inquiry. I grew up white, lower-middle-class, Protestant, Midwestern. Comformity and obediance is the norm. Ignorance is considered a valuable commodity. "Respect for Authority" is the highest virtue. That's a recipe for stupidity, regardless of your race.

  • 14. Public education is a failure. Yes, I know, it's heartbreaking. "Our wonderful public-school system" - the one that Americanized all those immigrants back in Ellis Island days, the one that gave even the poorest kids a flying start in life - is broken beyond all hope of repair. Forget hiring 100,000 new teachers; that would just swell the ranks of the teacher unions, the most reactionary and destructive force in American public life. Forget vouchers; that will just give federal bureaucrats and social engineers a foot in the door of every private and parochial school, so they can wreck them with their asinine schemes. (Remember VMI?) Privatize the whole damn thing. You want your kids educated? We take MasterCard. Can't afford it? Sell your third car, or get married before you have kids, or something.
    I couldn't agree more regarding public ejucation. It's crap. Always was. The first thing they taught me in Kindergarten --- the very first thing --- was "The Pledge of Allegiance". To a fuckin' flag! How sick is that? And you thought militaristic nationalism died with Hitler or Stalin.
    Now, what to do about ejucation is another thing entirely. I hated every minute of school, all 12 years of it, so I've definitely given this subject some thought! I think I'd have to agree that getting the government completely out of it is a good start. Where to go from there is a pretty big jump.
    Here's an ejucation proposal: All children should, from the time they're born, be raised around at least four different languages. That makes all children everywhere multilingual, with zero effort. We'll call that Stage One. All it requires is that kids spend some time in a daycare run by one native and three (or more) "foreigners". (If three aren't available, one will do. Two languages is the absolute bare minimum.) No formal instruction is necessary or desirable, at that age.
    Then teach these four subjects: (a) reading; (b) how to access books and computers; (c) basic mathematics (up to and including basic algebra); and (d) formal logic (a synthesis of Aristotle, George Boole, and Lotfi Zadeh). Just those four subjects, in that order. No more, no less. That's Stage Two. You start when the kid's three or four, and you're done by the time he/she's eight or ten. No more than twelve students per teacher, no matter what. Simple.
    Stage Three: Formal tests are designed --- by anyone who feels like it --- and students, from the time they are able, and for the rest of their life, are free (using the skills from Stage One and Stage Two) to pursue certification under any given test. Formal instruction may be pursued as needed, of course, but I think it's overrated and usually unnecessary. If you need better study technique, find a tutorial. How to find it is part of Course (b) in Stage Two.
    As for those tests, should they be government-certified, or otherwise "checked" for quality? Hell no! Anybody anywhere can design their own little test. Here's one situation where the free market can do all the work. A certification from a test designed by Buckminster Fuller would prove more valuable than, say, one by Jerry Falwell or Pat Robertson. You can collect all the certifications you can test-out of, or just not bother. The choice is all yours. No more seperating society into ejucated people with a lifetime free-ride and unejucated people to do all the work. No more state-run, 12-year-long programs to brainwash kids into machine-parts for the rich to exploit. Anything that society-at-large deems necessary (art, science, history, "the humanities", etc.) can be included in Stage Three, and learned at any age. If it's so damn important, then learn it. If not, don't. It's up to you, not the law or some damn school board.

  • 15. The main thing that male homosexuals like to do with each other is unhygienic, spreads disease, and pushes important body parts past their design limits. Outlaw it? No, it's private; the police have no business in anybody's bedroom. But we should discourage it for all we're worth. Gay is not just as good as straight. It's against nature, unhealthy and antisocial. "Gay marriages" will fail at rates hugely greater than straight marriages, because gay relationships are, statistically speaking, unstable - way unstable. "Homosexuals don't want marriages, they just want weddings" - Steve Sailer. And allowing homosexuals to adopt children is an awful idea. It's like saying: Let's identify the most promiscuous, most unstable subset of heterosexuals, and allow them to adopt.
    Alright, let's cut the bullshit. You don't like gay people --- end of story.
    None of the generalities you stated regarding homosexuals is any truer of them as a group than it is for heterosexuals or anyone else. "Unhygienic?" What, "straight" sex isn't? I'm not gay, but I've pushed my body parts way past their "design limits" a time or two, thankyouverymuch! And calling something "against nature" is meaningless. Is riding in a car or a plane "natural"? And if not, so what?
    You can "discourage" gayness all you want. How successful would someone be trying to "discourage" your heterosexuality? Might as well piss into the wind. Do you really think anything will change? Close all the gay bars, and you end up with condoms and underwear scattered around in parks and rest areas. Stigmitize gay relationships, and you end up with deranged closet-cases like J. Edgar Hoover and the Apostle Paul.
    As far a adoption goes, gayness doesn't figure into the formula any more than eye-color. Same with marriage. It's not only none of the government's business --- it's none of our business.

  • 16. Racial profiling is common sense, and good, fair police practice. A young white guy cruising slowly round in a black neighborhood is looking to buy drugs. Two young black guys cruising around slowly in a white neighborhood are looking for someone to rob. A 20-year-old pickup truck speeding north along Interstate 5 from San Diego with fifteen Aztecs crammed in the back is shipping in illegal aliens. Or possibly not, in every case; but all should be pulled over for a check. It's a tiny inconvenience to them, and if you keep doing it you'll catch lots of criminals.
    Oh no --- pigs? Don't get me started. The only "good, fair police practice" would be to disband all police departments. They (a) can't and don't protect you on the street; and (b) can and do protect the rich and powerful from the consequences of their own greed and exploitation --- and tax us for their trouble!
    Regarding profiling, racial or otherwise: Is a middle-aged white-guy driving a late-model Lincoln in the 'burbs "looking to buy drugs"? Is a nicely-dressed middle-aged white guy in a bank lobby "looking for someone to rob"? Is a clean, well-maintained tractor-trailor doing 65 along Interstate 5 from San Diego "shipping illegal aliens"? Yes, yes, and yes --- actual cases I've heard of. They don't get caught because they have the time, money, and skin-color to not fit the profile. They aren't immune to search, but cops need a warrant first. That is what's wrong with `profiling'. It makes the Fourth Amendment inapplicable to some people, and not others. Even if it does allow you to "catch lots of criminals"! After the cops illegally search these guys, are they then going to arrest themselves for violating their own law? (Hey, it's your law, not mine.)
    Try this sometime: Get stopped by a cop without probable cause (let alone a warrant); get arrested and lose your car, your job, your home, and your girlfriend in one swoop; sit in jail for three months and wait for trial with a too-high, impossible-to-pay bail; hear your public pretender urge you to plead guilty to the prosecuter's charges (as-is) to get the whole thing overwith, under threat of going back to jail for another three months to await another "hearing" --- all while you're sitting in shackles, a signature away from the street; concede, and watch the "judge" rubber-stamp the prosecuter's proposal without further discussion; go back to jail, where they charge you rent, at a rate you could never possibly pay (about the same as a really nice hotel room's daily rate); walk the streets with a warrant hanging over your head for unpayed fines.
    After that, come back and we'll discuss the Fourth Amendment some more. Hey, it was all just "a tiny inconvenience"!

  • 17. Our military has been crippled by insane attempts to prove that women make just as good soldiers, sailors and pilots as men. They don't, and never will. Women have no place in combat. In the event of war breaking out, the Pentagon should have a plan (I'm betting it actually does have a plan) to hustle all those "women soldiers" into rear areas out of harm's way, so the men can get on with fighting. If, that is, they had any time at boot camp to learn how, in between all those "gender sensitivity awareness" lectures.
    "Our military has been crippled"? Maybe that explains the hordes of foreigners on my front yard, setting up government. If the U.S. military is "crippled", then I'd sure be scared to see one that isn't!
    "Women have no place in combat." That, to me, reflects a sort of Hollywood-styled, Audie Murphy kind of idea. (Never mind that 95%+ of military personell don't actually work in the infantry.) Women can't fight? Hell, have you ever met one?

  • 18. The U.S.A. is a conservative-Republican nation tilted over to the left by black people, who are overwhelmingly socialist. Black Americans are the last big group of people in the world who haven't yet got the news that SOCIALISM DOESN'T WORK. The Russians know it, The Chinese know it, Bulgarians and Lithuanians and Czechs and North Koreans and illiterate hill tribes in Laos all know it; but Jesse Jackson and Kweisi Mfume still don't know it.
    Do the people of Sweden know it? What's with always citing the Russians and the Chinese? Red China, like the Soviet Union before it, is a good old-fashioned military dictatorship, nothing more, nothing less. They call it "socialism" to sugar-coat it for the poor bastards they rule; you call it "socialism" 'cause it suits your conservative, right-wing point-of-view to pretend that it's so.
    Socialism (a dirty word if there ever was one) does not imply government control. Robert Owen was a capitalist --- and a Christian! (An aside: I wonder --- what would've HUAC had to say if those Early Christian Commies were standing before them?)
    And what's with this "tilted over to the left by black people" stuff? I know lots of black people, and none of them are "leftist". I think this Derbyshire guy is a garden-variety racist who needs to get out of his Volvo and see the real world.

  • 19. It sure is a shame what 19th-century Americans did to the Indians. This, however, is the 21st century, and there isn't anything we can do about it now. For their sake and ours, the best thing we can do is to void all laws recognizing Indian tribes as legal entities, tell them they are all full citizens of the U.S.A. with the same rights and responsibilities as the rest of us, and divvy up federally-held or -protected Indian land and sell it, or give it, to the people that live on it. Puerto Rico and the Pacific territories should be asked by referendum if they want independence or statehood, while simultaneous referendums are held in the U.S.A. to find out if Americans want these territories as states. In the case of a "Yes" from both sides for any territory, that territory should get statehood. In any other case, they should be given independence, whether they want it or not.
    Damn right it's "a shame!" Uh, "there isn't anything we can do about it now"? "There isn't anything" we can do, or "there isn't anything" we will do?
    If someone breaks into your house, rapes your wife, poisons your children, takes your land and livelihood, how long will it be until they are no longer guilty? I am not personally responsible for crimes against Indians, any more than you are. Or anyone living, for that matter. But there is the "small" detail of old contracts that our government oddly doesn't bother to honor.
    Not to mention the general subject of land rights, European-style. There's a 1969 leaflet regarding People's Park (a patch of land in Berkeley, CA) that sums up this whole idea. How the hell does one legal entity end up demanding rights to a plot of ground for a indefinite period of time? Something's got to be wrong there!

  • 20. For most people, college education is a waste of time and money. We don't need more lawyers, accountants, investment bankers, and architects. We sure as hell don't need more "critical theorists" - one is too many. We need more plumbers, roofers, carpenters, auto repairmen, furniture makers, electricians, tree surgeons, mail carriers, landscapers, computer programmers and entrepreneurs, all of whom can much better be trained on the job. With an open, fair and well-designed apprenticeship system (translation: one that had been taken out of the hands of the labor unions), we could close down 80 percent of our colleges and be happier, wealthier and more productive. A side benefit would be to gut the power of the intelligentsia, which is responsible for having wrecked our culture.
    Don't play. Our culture is shit, period. What's to wreck? While coddled, ivory-tower, insulated-from-real-life members of "the intelligentsia" have no-doubt done their share of damage, I don't think this is the largest problem. Hell, I don't think it even ranks. When Larry wrote the original "10 things", he was obviously playing the "dumb" card. Fuck him.
    As far as college ejucation goes, well, I think I've covered that.
    And what about intellectual freedom, as per the First Amendment? That's one thing Amerika's "intelligentsia", with their money and brains and connections and influence, has been almost single-handedly responsible for preserving --- in spite of the best efforts of the likes of Larry and John.
    Without that, we could compile a list of things you really "Can't Say in Amerika"!

    Copyright © 2001 by Yossarian70038. Verbatim copying and distribution of this document is permitted in any medium, provided this notice is preserved. (
    4.20010211213 The Twenty Things You Can't Say in Amerika The Twenty Things You Can't Say in America The Twenty Things You Can Say in Amerika The Twenty Things You Can Say in America The 20 Things You Can't Say in Amerika The 20 Things You Can't Say in America The 20 Things You Can Say in Amerika The 20 Things You Can Say in America The Ten Things You Can't Say in Amerika The Ten Things You Can't Say in America The Ten Things You Can Say in Amerika The Ten Things You Can Say in America The 10 Things You Can't Say in Amerika The 10 Things You Can't Say in America The 10 Things You Can Say in Amerika The 10 Things You Can Say in America Ten More Things (Inspired by Larry Elder) 10 More Things (Inspired by Larry Elder) Ten More Things (Inspired by Larrry Elder) 10 More Things (Inspired by Larrry Elder) Lary Elder