
Posted on September 9, 2001 at 01:11:20 (8.2001.0909.011120) by Brent Smith,
in response to "Jesus Hates the Little Children" (Posted on April 4, 2001 at 20:42:34 (8.2001.0404.204234) by Yossarian4010):

I think that this is just more reactionary BS* against stuff you dont understand. Do you know how many Christian missions are involved overseas helping the poor and sick? My church recently went to Belize and helped the people there. Why did we go? I guess you could say "Jesus". Life isnt fair, life isnt perfect, and its almost never pretty. Its what comes afterwards that we cant wait for. All the children that have died and suffered, theyre in a much better place now, where their former life and sufferings are like "a mist that appears for a while and then vanishes." Jesus loves the little children - He gave them an eternity of bliss in exchange for a life of hard work, toil, and disease. What have you done to help them?

Yossarian4010's Response:

Thanks for posting, Brent. This board is a little slow, so sometimes it's a month or two before I respond.

Let me ask you: What would you think of a guy - let's call him "Ernie" - that tortures and murders a little child? Wouldn't you think that Ernie was a real bastard, a person that ought to be punished, or - better yet - stopped, before he could do damage to others?

I would. So would most people. I'll bet you would, too.

Now let's suppose Ernie's friend - we'll call him "Bert" - walks into the room as Ernie is committing his atrocities, and does nothing. What would you think of this fellow? Me, I'd think this Bert was pretty-much as bad as Ernie - maybe, in some sense, worse.

Now, what would you think of Bert if he witnessed such events not just once, but many times - in fact, many thousands or millions of times! Witnessed those events, and did nothing. Each and every time. Just stood there and watched. Doing nothing.

Well, friend, your "Jesus" character does just that, each and every day. This imaginary figure of yours sits up there in the sky somewhere, gazing away at all the horrible things that happen down here. Where is he? If he cared, he'd help. If he can't help, then he's not really "God", is he?

If this "God" of yours can't create a world without the misery of mortals, then this "God" is no such thing. Oh, I know, "Satan" causes this stuff. What, your "God" can't stop Satan? Won't stop him? He could, but it's part of some plan that we don't have the "wisdom" to comprehend? Either way, I want no part of it.

Recently, where I live, a guy beat a little kid for a few months until she died. Not long after, some other guy raped and murdered a girl and left her corpse by the river. I could go on, but you get the idea. This happens every day, everywhere. "God's Plan". Any plan that includes this horrible shit is a plan I don't want to be involved with. And I most certainly wouldn't worship the "God" that came up with it. Who would?

As for your missionaries: Well, thanks for the help. If your fake god was on duty, there would be no "poor and sick", and traveling do-gooders would be unnecessary.

Am I "going to Hell" for my opinion? Well, think about it: I'm going to burn forever and ever, just because I don't say or think or do as this "God" wants. What kind of sick, sadistic asshole would consign someone to burn forever - for any reason? Oh, and were not talking big, heavy "sins". I mean, you'd think, say, murder would have a heavy penalty. Mass-murder would carry a larger one. But no, just not believing in your "God" is enough to be tortured for eternity!

Eternity in Hell, simply for failing to "accept Jesus"? If that's what your "God" is about, he/she/it can KISS MY ASS!

The worst part is, I don't believe for a second that Jesus - that is, the guy I read about in the Gospels - would put up with this. He wouldn't have put up with any of it. When a woman was about to get stoned, Jesus put his life on the line to save her. (John 8:3-7) He made a career out of helping the oppressed, speaking out for those that had no voice. In the end, it got him killed - not for your sins, Brent, but for his Big Mouth.

What have I done to "help them?" Not much, except for people I've known personally. But that's much more, I assure you, than some imaginary guy-in-the-sky.

So chill, Brent! We're all gonna die someday, and your Jesus might not be there to save us.

Brent again, December 1, 2001 at 05:21:13 (8.2001.1201.052113): You say that if Jesus had the power to stop suffering, he would. Well let me ask you this: If God stopped all suffering, all hurt, what would your life be like? "Good" cannot exist without "bad". God gave us freedom - he gave us the ability to make choices. Many people make horrible choices- for example, hurting their own children and abusing people, and all kinds of things. But what if God stopped those people? What if He said "Hey, Im sorry, you cant do that. Its wrong." Then He has taken away our free choice, which basically makes us all a bunch of robots, which makes this life and anything afterwards pointless. To truly live you have to be FREE, free to make choices. Just because some people are screwed up and hurt others and abuse their freedom, that isnt God's fault. Its the person who does those things. Lastly, Id like to give you an example. Say that you had to have 1 second of the most intense, scorching pain. Then the rest of your life would be perfect, you would have everything you ever wanted, you would always be happy. Thats what it will be like for those children. 5, 10 yrs is NOTHING compared to an Eternity of perfection. They hurt now, but God loves them, and there is more to life than the physical. They will recieve the ultimate reward for what they have had to suffer, and their attackers will pay the ultimate punishment. ps- yes, I said that I was sick of all the "BS"... I didnt SAY "bulls**t", I was just kinda mad about your song. Sorry- I guess I should watch what I say a little better, huh?

(8.2001.1210.062022+1245_4858;) Yossarian4010 says:

You said that "Good" cannot exist without "bad". Then will there be "bad" in Heaven, where all those sad babies become happy, to define the "good"? Will the people that live without worry of evil be "robots"? If this ultra-nice life is possible there-and-then, why not here-and-now?

To truly live you have to be FREE, free to make choices, you said. Of course! But our "free choice" isn't unlimited. Your "God" supplied us with a finite palette. So why include choices that are bad? Again, will our heavenly happiness be compromised once we're denied the option of evil?

Never mind the idiotic notion that "Scorching Pain" must somehow imply everlasting bliss, or that everlasting bliss would make "Scorching Pain" worthwhile. (What purpose would be served by the painful prelude-to-eternity for a "loving" god?) Or that a promise of some future "Heaven" balances the undeniable reality of now. (What kind of scam is that!) If what you're suggesting is correct, then we ought to kill as many babies as we can, as soon as possible. Abortion should be industrialized. Think of all the Children In Paradise! To do less would amount to abuse.

Oh, and what's the point of punishing someone for eternity? It's not like they can reform, and I hardly think any crime is worthy of infinite retribution. And of course, no amount of revenge actually helps the victim. Eternity in Hell? I'd say that any "God" so cruel should be despised, not worshipped!

Why wouldn't a just, merciful, and omnipotent "God" stop the event prior? If this "God" isn't capable, than "it" wouldn't be "God". If this "God" is capable, but won't, then "it" isn't just or merciful.

And that's no "God" at all.

A Footnote: Is "bullshit" such a bad word? (I mean, you did say "BS"!) I doubt that a phrase like that is prohibited by any religon - even Christianity. And I'm always a little suspicious of people that try to hijack perfectly good curse-words with lame euphemisms. Cuss or don't, I say. Why ride the fence?

This song is what got Brent bent:

"Jesus Hates the Little Children"

Jesus hates the little children 
All the little children of the poor. 
Skin and bone, covered with flies 
Jesus cheers as each one dies 
Jesus hates the children of the poor. 

Jesus starves the little children 
All the hungry children of the world. 
If he really was pure good 
He'd make sure they had some food 
Jesus starves the children of the world. 

Jesus hates the little children 
All the little children of Baghdad. 
Even though they're not to blame 
They are dying just the same 
Jesus hates the children of Baghdad. 

Jesus hates the little children 
All the little children born with AIDS. 
Even while he's giving breath 
He's condemning them to death 
Jesus hates the children born with AIDS. 

Jesus hates the little children 
All the little children raped by priests. 
Sunday schoolers, alter boys 
He rewards His priests with toys 
Jesus hates the children raped by priests. 

Jesus hates the little children 
All the little kids of Yugoslav 
Be they Muslim or Orthodox 
Jesus puts them in a box 
Jesus hates the kids of Yugoslav 

Jesus hates the little children 
That's why he wants more to abuse 
He's opposed to birth control 
No abortion is his goal 
Jesus wants more children to abuse.


* I'm not sure, but I think that by "BS" Brent means "Bull Shit". Do Christians say "Bull Shit"? I don't know. Jesus might've said it, but I'm guessing Paul was against it.

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