Andrew Watts' Star Trek Mansion

About me
I live in Deltona, Florida. I am 22.5 years old (late August 2001). I watch Star Trek a lot and I like squirrels. I also have been playing the 'cello for 6 years and am composing my own music. Speaking of music, my favorite is any except rap. Oh, and, by the way, I'm often referred to as Squirrelman.
You are Star Trek fan number to visit this site as of Jan. 24, 1998.

  • Star Trek
    Live long and prosper! I've been a fan of this show for several years. However, I think I'm fading out from it. There's the original series with captain Kirk, Mr. Spock, Dr. McCoy, ensign Chekov, Lieutennant Uhura, helmsman Sulu, Scotty, Yeoman Rand and nurse Chapel; there's The Next Generation with captain Picard, commander Riker, Counselor Troi, Lieutennant Worf, Lt. Commander Data, Geordi LaForge, and Doctor Crusher; there's Deep Space Nine with captain Sisco, Major Kira, Lt. Commander Dax, Worf (yet again), Quark, Odo, Jake Sisco, Dr. Bashir, and O'Brien; and Voyager with captain Janeway, commander Chakotay, Lt. Paris, ensign Kim, Be'Lanna Torres, Tuvok, Neelix, the Holographic Doctor, and Seven of Nine (a replacement of Kes). I'm eagerly awaiting the new Enterprise series.

Favorite Episodes
Star Trek (Original)1Menagerie, I & II
2The Trouble With Tribbles
3The Enterprise Incident
Star Trek: The Next Generation1Where No One Has Gone Before
2Q Who?
3Yesterday's Enterprise
4The Best of Both Worlds, Part II
5Cause and Effect
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine1Emissary, Part I & II
2The Siege
3The Search, Part I & II
4Little Green Men
5Trials and Tribble-ations
6One Little Ship
7What You Leave Behind, Part I & II
Star Trek: Voyager1Eye of the Needle
2The 37's
3False Profits
4Scorpion, Part II
6Blink of an Eye
7Endgame, Part I & II

Sci-fi related subpages I made:
Star Trek Links:

Star Trek in general:
Star Trek Continuum

In regards to Klingons:
Klingon Imperial Diplomatic Corps
Klingon Language Institute
In regards to ST: Voyager:
Neelix Death Squad Homepage

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