We now have some large photos that you can look at one at a time, by clicking on the following links:

Scott Fitzgibbon on Box Overhang Right, at the Overlook.

Walt on "Bosker Boskeroo", the Overlook.

Scott shows off his fabulous smile on "Tree Climb" at the Playground.

Erica Bigio on the classic "Unrelenting Nines" **** 5.11b

Theo Takeda leads "Ralph's Revenge" *** 5.9

Walt Wehner attempting "Bunghole Slot" *** 5.12b

Jesse Harvey at the New New Place

Walt Wehner on "Sardonic Smile" **** 5.12a

Theo Takeda emerges from the Pit

Phenom Alisa Green leads "Beginner's Hand Jam" **** 5.9

Walt Wehner flashes "?" *** 5.11d at the Big Enchilada

What the?!? That's not in White Rock! Theo Takeda on "Something Interesting" 5.7, at the Gunks

Theo Takeda again, this time bouldering at the Gallow's Edge

Rick Bradshaw at Diablo Canyon...which isn't really Whiterock. Oh well.