Theo, Walt, and Alisa's Climbing Trip

A fine 12a at Chuckwalla, near St. George. I hung on it and was really angry because I thought it was 5.10 at the time. Nice soft ratings!

Another shot of the same climb. There are about 15 nice overhanging pocket routes here, on very solid sandstone. The "outdoor climbing gym" feeling of the place is a bit bothersome, though.

Alisa cruising up a 5.10 at the Dog Wall at Red Rocks.

Alisa on a cruxy (and height-dependent) 11d/12a at the Dog Wall.

What the?!? Where did Theo go? On belay?

Cold weather and long days away from his girlfriend drove Theo to insanity...

Theo leads a 5.10 at the Dog Wall.

Leading an 11+ sport route at the Dog Wall.

Vitamin M

"Olive Oil" 5.7, at Red Rocks

Walt soloing Olive Oil

Theo leads Supercrack 5.10, at Indian Creek

Alisa leading a pitch on "Olive Oil"

Walt on "Olive Oil"

On the summit of "Olive Oil"


Alisa at Sunny and Steep

Walt at Sunny and Steep

Alisa at S&S again...

Theo at Sunny n' Steep

Walt at Sunny n' Steep


Walt, Walt, Walt

Alisa again...