Rick Bradshaw, general malcontent, on "Affirmative Action" 5.10 - the first route ever bolted at Diablo. (photo: Josh Smith)

Josh Smith on "Ven-Arete" 5.12b (photo: Walt Wehner)

Rick Bradshaw climbing "Ven-Arete" 5.12b (photo: Josh Smith)

Mick Schein on "Early Arete" 5.11d (photo: Josh Smith)

Rick Bradshaw, first ascent of "Humbolt" 5.10a (photo: Josh Smith)

Walt Wehner on the FA of "Humbolt" 5.10a (doctored photo: Josh Smith)

Rick Bradshaw on an unnamed Diablo route (5.10d) (photo: Josh Smith)

Walt Wehner on ? 5.10d, Diablo. (photo: Rick Bradshaw)