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The Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints
My Testimoney
I have been lucky to be born in the church.  My family have been in the church for a number of generations.  I do however have a testimony of the Savor.  I worked with my grandparents for a summer and I made lots of friends in there small branch.  That following fall we moved to Tennessee to be closer to them and let mom be closer to her parents.  I spent that News Years Eve with my uncle at the meeting house and we all took time out to reflect on the years past and the wonderful things the Savor has done for us.  As the hour of midnight approached we all went silent and brought in the New Year praying to the Lord for assurance that the Christ was the Savor and what we were doing was right.  I have felt the spirit many times sense then and know that Christ is the Savor and that he and the Lord loves us all.  It was a wonderful way to begin the New Year and as I look back I can't remember a better New Year.

I have had many wonderful events throughout my life that reaffirms my believes.  One year I was helping with girls camp while stationed in Panama.  The night that we all shared our testimonies it was cloudy and before we were all done a steady rain had started to fall.  My turn came and they would not stop until I had shared my testimony as well.  I looked at the fire that was dying down but still glowing bright dispite the falling rain.  I had a strong feeling to relate the constance glow of the fire to the constance glow of the spirit which will help guide us through life.  We were sharing thoughts of great importance and the spirit was very strong this evening and like the warm of the fire and it's refusal to die in the rain is like the refusal of the spirit of the Holy Ghost to leave us as long as we are doing what is right.

Another event that has stayed with me for years is one that happen one night during Family Home Evening.  I think I was about 10 or 12 some where in that range.  We were living in Hiland Utah.  We were working on our emergency kits and making little burners out of tuna cans, cardboard, and wax.  Dad was cutting the cardboard we kids were rolling it and placing it in the tuna cans and Mom was filling them with wax.  Dad's knife was real sharp and it cut the cardboard with no trouble.  He slipped once and the knife cut a big gash in his pants.  He quickly checked his leg for a cut because of the sharpness of the knife and the force that was used to cut the cardboard.  Luckily he was not hurt. The garments that he had on was scrapped where the knife had passed however they were not cut through.  He showed us and told us how important it was to follow the teachings and receive the blessings of the Temple.  I have heard of other great things that have happen to people who have been wearing their garments but to have seen what happen to Dad really brought it home everytime I hear of the great protection that the Lord provides for his faithful followers.

I have been to many wards and branches in my life so far and the spirit is always the same.  I know that we have a living prophet today and that he guides us with the direction given him from the Lord himself.  I know that all the church leaders have been called from God and that if we will but follow their teachings we are following the teachings of the Lord.  I know the Book of Mormon is a true record directed by the Lord to help us to understand the desires of him.  The prophet Joseph Smith was lead by the grace of the Lord and it was by his faith that we have received the gifts that we enjoy today.  I know that the Lord will provide us personal guidance if we will but study the scriptures and pray for guidance.

Over the last two years I have started to really get into Family History.  I have found many interesting facts about my family and want to learn all I can.  I am also working on tracking the current events.  I feel that everything current and past is part of Family History.  I also believe that if we do not learn what we can so that we can help our loved ones who have past on before us then they may be lost to us.  I also feel that if you do not learn of them then how will you know them when it is your turn to meet them.  It is important to be able to know them so that your joy and love will not be lost looking for someone who is standing right next to you.

I say this in the name of Jesus Christ

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