Hi! this is Ten-Shin's Guestbook, and I'd like you to sign in so I would know the people who visit my web-site and then I could visit your web-site. I hope you have enjoied my page.

cristina - 10/28/00 03:00:22
My Email:edelweiss@musicaole.com
Activities you practice: muntanya
Favourite Climbing or Mountain: Montblanc
Where are you from: El Masnou
Have you liked the web: Està en obres? lol
your web theme: no en tinc encara, no he après, però vull fer-ho

Sting - 08/18/00 12:36:34
My Email:sting.geo@navegalia.com
Activities you practice: Uf! La tira...
ja em diràs com es fa això del Guest-book!! :)

- 05/14/00 22:03:35

oscar - 05/12/00 08:31:50
My Email:navegadorerrante@latinmail.com
Activities you practice: escalada
Favourite Climbing or Mountain: climbing
Where are you from: barcelona
me gusta mucho este tipo de paginas si dispones de fotos interesantes, me gustaria que me las mandases a mi dirección.

- 05/12/00 08:28:47

antoni cabal - 03/09/00 13:54:59
My Email:cabalm@arrakis.es
Activities you practice: senderisme
Favourite Climbing or Mountain: mountain
Where are you from: catalunya
Have you liked the web: o, yes
Have you detected any error on the web: no
your web theme: no web

- 12/16/99 13:25:10

eva - 11/29/99 19:49:30
My Email:evab@lettera.net
Activities you practice: climbing
Favourite Climbing or Mountain: aneto
Where are you from: mallorca

Barbie - 06/17/99 13:40:38
My Email:latinf18@hotmail.com
Activities you practice: estudio sense parar entre altres
Favourite Climbing or Mountain: tan com favorit... cap.
Where are you from: De dónde vengo o de dónde nací? (Ref. Malalts de Tele)
Have you liked the web: Tot el que tu fas és perfecte amor meu!!!
Have you detected any error on the web: No hi ha cap foto de la teva xicota!!!
your web theme: Posa't al dia d'una vegada!!!
Oblida't una mica d'estudiar, ja ho saps una horeta el dia abans és més que suficient i posa't a actualitzar aquesta pàgina!!! (I tu dius que t'agrada la informàtica?) Per cert no t'oblidis de que t'estimo moltíssim!

Barbie - 06/17/99 13:40:30
My Email:latinf18@hotmail.com
Activities you practice: estudio sense parar entre altres
Favourite Climbing or Mountain: tan com favorit... cap.
Where are you from: De dónde vengo o de dónde nací? (Ref. Malalts de Tele)
Have you liked the web: Tot el que tu fas és perfecte amor meu!!!
Have you detected any error on the web: No hi ha cap foto de la teva xicota!!!
your web theme: Posa't al dia d'una vegada!!!
Oblida't una mica d'estudiar, ja ho saps una horeta el dia abans és més que suficient i posa't a actualitzar aquesta pàgina!!! (I tu dius que t'agrada la informàtica?) Per cert no t'oblidis de que t'estimo moltíssim!

La teva xicota. - 05/14/99 12:42:09
My Email:noemisr@usa.net
Activities you practice: ... això tu ja ho saps.
Favourite Climbing or Mountain: ... això també
Where are you from: Granollers
Have you liked the web: pssè.
Have you detected any error on the web: m'he oblidat de mirar les faltes d'ortografia!!!
your web theme: t'estimo
Ostres rei meu, a veure si actualitzes una mica la teva pàgina que està com el primer dia que la vaig visitar. Un ha d'estar al dia. Massa ocupat? Tranquil, ja t'arreclaré. ... Un petonàs.

Manu - 04/24/99 09:05:02
My URL:http://members.es.tripod.de/annapurna/index.html
My Email:annapurna2000@teleline.es
Activities you practice: Montañismo
Todos los viistantes de esta páginas podran participar en el sorteo mensual de libros, Consultar página web Real Expedición Annpurna 2000.

ramon - 03/16/99 15:57:36
My Email:rierola@caixamanlleu.com
Activities you practice: big wall and ice climbing
Favourite Climbing or Mountain: pirineos and alps
Where are you from: barcelona
Have you liked the web: yes
Have you detected any error on the web: no
your web theme: climbing, not still finished

Noemí Santamaria Rosa - 10/14/98 08:12:25
My Email:latinf18@hotmail.com
Activities you practice: alpinisme no!!!
Favourite Climbing or Mountain: none
Where are you from: Granollers
Have you liked the web: Què vols que et digui???
Have you detected any error on the web: no m'hi he fixat gaire...
your web theme: nnn
Aquí és on em puc cremar?????? (Suposo que si) Com veus he mirat la teva pàgina (això ho fa l'excés de temps lliure)Ets el rei. Simplement. No hi ha més paraules que ho puguin definir. Ah. l'Anna m'ha fet notar que tens molts admiradores... Jo no!! (Vull dir d'admiradores!!!)

Kara Townsend - 06/27/98 20:05:23
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com

Hi! I saw your site and thought it was great. I know how difficult it is to keep a quality site. Good Job! Let me know if you want to exchange links :)

Rafael - 05/05/98 21:59:17

Jose Antonio - 04/24/98 16:16:33
My Email:jose-antonio.antonanzas@alum.unirioja.es
Activities you practice: escalada y esqui
Favourite Climbing or Mountain: naranjo de bulnes o Nanga Parbat

lgeo - 03/11/98 19:20:55
My Email:lgeo@jdmart.ugr.es
Activities you practice: climb/bike/

Xosé Manuel Otero - 03/04/98 20:15:51
My Email:JMOF@santandersupernet.com
Activities you practice: Mountain, Climb
Favourite Climbing or Mountain: Mountain
Where are you from: GALIZA
more climb, more mountain, more comunication in the web

- 02/18/98 10:46:41

William Hernández - 02/13/98 01:20:02
My Email:wehslc97@ufg.edu
Activities you practice: Montañismo
Where are you from: El Salvador, Centro America.

Jeanette - 09/22/97 00:51:42
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Yosemite/Trails/4060
My Email:mikepg@key-net.net
Activities you practice: trapping, hunting,fishing,boating,astronomy,dogs,
Where are you from: Pennslyvania
Have you liked the web: yes
Have you detected any error on the web: no
your web theme: fur trapping
nice page! I have been trying to visit my neighbors as it is a nice way to learn about different things.

gemma - 09/17/97 09:34:27
Activities you practice: sexe
Favourite Climbing or Mountain: pennis mountain
Where are you from: sabadell
Have you liked the web: yes a lot
Have you detected any error on the web: no perfect
i want to meet you!!!

txell - 08/18/97 08:49:30
My Email:txell@arrakis.es
Activities you practice: rien de rien
Favourite Climbing or Mountain: pedraforca
Where are you from: sant fost
Have you liked the web: les fotos
Have you detected any error on the web: no
La podries scriure també en català i en castellà com a mínim.

Corpetit - 08/18/97 08:40:49
My URL:http://www.teleline.es/personal/rds00002
My Email:corpetit@teleline.es
Activities you practice: emprenyar, escalar i qualsevol cosa que un es pugui fer mal.
Favourite Climbing or Mountain: Via Ferrari al Cerro Torre
Where are you from: Moye der Vaye
Have you liked the web: tot
Have you detected any error on the web: norrrrr
your web theme: Alpinisme
Podries ficar les coses amb catala, no? La resta esta força be.

Albert Bosch - 07/30/97 09:02:20
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/yosemite/trails/4061
My Email:ulom@lettera.skios.es
Activities you practice: climbing
Where are you from: Catalonia
Have you liked the web: yes! alot
Have you detected any error on the web: no
your web theme: climbing

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