Join Your Local Horseshoe Club!

I'm a member of the Sonoma County Horseshoe Pitchers Assn. We are a Nationally recognized and sanctioned group. Our club meets at the east end of Doyle Park, Santa Rosa every Tuesday from 5-7:30 P.M..

Basically you pay a once-a-year, $23.00 fee to join. This gets you a membership number and allows you to pitch in any OPEN tournament in the U.S. Besides meeting great people from around the county and of various business backgrounds, you have an opportunity to learn from the best in a sport that knows no age boundaries.

We have one of the largest groups in Northern California and actively accept new members throughout the year.

Tournaments consist of games against persons of similar ringer percentages. It's fair, everyone can win money, plaques, and plates for first or second place in a 6 to 8 person group.

We are totally non profit!