Hi. I'm a Canuck (Canadian) named CJ. My heritage is British, French Canadian and Native Indian. Although I've never known anything about my Indian heritage, native spirituality has always had personal significance to me. I've found great satisfaction in doing this website.

I call myself Lucky Man for several reasons. First of all, when I get up in the morning and look out the window and see the sky, the trees, the grass, the birds, I feel extremely fortunate to live here in this beautiful country - Canada. I give thanks to the Great Spirit every day for life and for this earth.

The most important person in my life is my wife Jennifer. I'm a lucky man to have her. Other reasons for feeling lucky are my family, health, a good job, and material comforts.

EAGLE HEAD by Royce McClure
How I Found The Bald Eagle As My Animal Totem

A few years ago after I had been injured in an accident I had several dreams that I was soaring with a great bald eagle. When I felt too weak, it carried me on its back. Later as I was recuperating I found an eagle ring. I know that these things were signs that the eagle is my totem...my spirit guide.

Eagle Spirit Guide

The name of the midi you should hear playing is "Lucky Man".
Listen to it all the way through to hear the eagle scream.
Thank you for visiting my website.
"I have been to the end of the earth.
I have been to the end of the waters.
I have been to the end of the sky.
I have been to the end of the mountains.
I have found none that are not my friends."
---Navajo proverb

from ANIMALS AS TEACHERS & HEALERS by Susan Chernak McElroy

"Native Americans and other indigenous peoples have been claiming totem animals for centuries, respecting the special guidance, protection, wisdom, and power that this kind of a relationship with an animal can bring. It is believed that totems choose us, we do not choose them. Sometimes, totem animals come to us in a series of recurring dreams."

Native American Spirituality




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