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New photos (posted 05/01/00)

Some Josey album photos

04/29/00 photos

Real Old Boys...

dugan.jpg (18864 bytes)   hardt.jpg (18460 bytes)  idiot.jpg (26976 bytes)  murph.jpg (14219 bytes)

pairoflosers.jpg (22410 bytes)   skunkhopper.jpg (37559 bytes)

***   LH Old Boys vs. Wilmington Old Boys

Who's that winger???  meats_wing.jpg (39355 bytes)

The But Brothers sky!  but_sky.jpg (40141 bytes)  ( about a 2" vertical leap!)

Oh JimEBoy!  ohJimE.jpg (22774 bytes)

Did Dennis H. kick that??  dennis_kick.jpg (30511 bytes)   (incoming!)

Yes, another one...team_vs_wilm.jpg (113940 bytes)

Hoff refuses to drink "team" beer  hoff_bar.jpg (28873 bytes)

R.B. doesn't bar2.jpg (35947 bytes)  (who's that bald dude?)

Joe just doesn't know what R.B.'s thinking...bar3.jpg (36082 bytes)

or Hoff bar4.jpg (32785 bytes)

Babs, man, I woulda scored but...bar5.jpg (34944 bytes)

R.B. likes a Howard?  bar7.jpg (26937 bytes)

R.B. tells Joe he's his #1 fan...bar6.jpg (30566 bytes)

Where's Waldo??  bar8.jpg (31674 bytes)

After Joe H. leaves, the party starts...bar9.jpg (30890 bytes)

and goes... bar10.jpg (28545 bytes) (does she want him or what!)

and goes... bar11.jpg (30135 bytes)

Ted taking his turn ripping Joe...  bar12.jpg (33460 bytes)

***   LH Old Boys vs. Philly-Whitemarsh

Is that Bob M. out on the wing????   bobm1.jpg (54669 bytes)

Mullsie telling Charlie Murph where to go...mullsie.jpg (47933 bytes)

Bob M.  making a friend...bobm2.jpg (40790 bytes)

Meats skies for another one...meatssky.jpg (47528 bytes)

And, of course, the team photo - team_vs_wm.jpg (50769 bytes)

***  LH Old Boys vs. Second City Troop "C" Side (the second time around)

Meats - hustling again and Charlie on concussion #2... meatsshoe.jpg (37344 bytes)


The pass that Joe's bald buddy knocked on and into the hands of a SC player who went the other way for a score!!!  jimpass.jpg (37672 bytes)

Ted after he didn't step out of the "try" zone...tedtry.jpg (38897 bytes)

One of Dugan's kicks...dugankick.jpg (107334 bytes)...guess where it landed (read game recap and figure it out)

As luck would have it, we picked a photographer who was farsighted!!!teamblur.jpg (213737 bytes)  It looks like it's from the Zapruder film - who is that on the grassy knoll???  Doles??


Some Lighthorse memories...

At the bar, everyone seemed to be happy...  (and then all hell broke loose!)

Where's the bathroom??  bathroom.jpg (46194 bytes)    

Joe's favorite mixologist...buster.jpg (35649 bytes)

Hey, it's Mark P...    halloween.jpg (26717 bytes)    (halloween party - best costume)

Wait a minute...    halloween2.jpg (33295 bytes)    (am I seeing twins???)


Oh baby, what form!!!  highschool.jpg (30045 bytes)   (the highschool days)

Is that it?    isthatit.jpg (31188 bytes)   (good old E.B.)

Why  the truck needed new shocks...  meats.jpg (40185 bytes)    (Meatsie at his best)

Lighthorse on the opponent like stink on a skunk skunkandjoe.jpg (73614 bytes)    (wait, that is skunk!)

A team photo  teampic1.jpg (149464 bytes)  

another...teampic2.jpg (51905 bytes)   and another... teampic3.jpg (47737 bytes)

A little thirsty???    thirsty.jpg (29109 bytes)

And of course, the three stooges...    threestooges.jpg (59037 bytes)