Wow... even more friends!


duuude... i'm seeing double.....

Hermia, what did I tell you about drinking?



go mrs. hardy, go mrs. hardy!

Manda's and my rendition of A Midsummer Night's Dream.




Los tres amigas-- Ruth, Mandy and myself at graduation.



Mrs. Freakin-Bullock!  Almost ruined this for me!  GRRR!

We're all decked out for graduation.  From left to right, Manda, Brad, Brandon, me, and Melissa.  Don't I look funny with glasses?



Jenni, I hate to break it to you, but this party BITES!

Why the evil look, Mandy? To the left is Jonathonathan, and to the right Brad and Manda. This was taken at my graduation cookout. Click here if you want to see a picture of the infamous hamburgers.



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