More of my Friends



Flash forward about a year and a half to one of my infamous birthday bashes. Mary poses for a pic.




Gray and Leslie show off their sisterly love.



what's up?

Steph, lounging back, looking cool, reluctantly smiles for a quick pic.



IT'S ALIVE!!!!!  ALIVE..!!!!!!

'Liss just being her wild self. (Don't even ask if the punch was spiked. --She did it!)




Getting a tad tipsy? Or is it just natural? Root Beer, Stef and Manda pucker up. So, Stef, is that really Mellow Yellow?



Take the picture already!  Regina's smuffocating!

AHHHHH!!!! How did this get up here?!  Don't look at this picture!!!  Ok, ok, ok... this is me and the gang.  The female half anyway.  Don't even ask about my hair.  This was just after the 'hair incident.'  Stephanie put this crap in my  hair, so Stefanie felt inclined to help me wash it out.  At this point, after holding my head upside down under a faucet for ten minutes, I couldn't see straight for all the blood that had rushed to my head.  That's how I get that wonderful evil look.  :)

(From left to right:  Gray, Stef, Regina, Stephanie, Moi, Leslie, Manda, Mary, & Mandy down in front.  'Lissa and her coz, Leslie were taking the pic.)



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