Kearsarge Afterguard By- Laws


1.0 Purpose
The Kearsarge Afterguard is a non-profit, uniformed historical organization. It is our main goal to accurately and authentically portray Federal Civil War Naval History through interpretive living history programs.

2.0 Membership

There are three categories of membership:
1- Full member in good standing.
2- Recruit members.
3- Associate members.

2.1 Full member in good standing.

A full member in good standing is one who:
- Is not in arrears in dues.
- Has met the qualifications required to attain full membership as defined herein.

2.3 Recruit Members

New members who have not attained full membership will be designated recruits within the organization structure.

To achieve full membership recruits must satisfy the following requirements:

- Recruits will go through a one year probationary period.
- Applicants for membership must be sponsored by one existing member in good standing.
- Sponsors will ensure that new members comply with the general philosophy and expected commitment, goals and by-laws of the organization, in intent and spirit.
- New members must read three books during the one year probationary period.

Two are mandatory:
1. Life in Mr. Lincoln's Navy by Dennis Ringle.
2. The Alabama and the Kearsarge the Sailors Civil War by William Marvel.
The third selection may be any from the recommended reading list.
- Meets the minimum uniform requirements defined herein.

2.4 Associate Members

Associate members are those not wishing to be uniformed living history interpreters but do wish to contribute in other ways such as financial, or through study, research and sharing of knowledge.

3.0 Dues

The amount of annual dues shall be set by consensus of the Executive Board. Payment of dues by members are payable at any time in the current year. If not paid by Dec. 31, a member shall be considered to be in arrears and is not eligible to vote. Dues are required of new members on joining. New members who join in the last quarter of the year may have their dues applied to next year.

4.0 Organizational structure.

The Kearsarge Afterguard shall consist of an organizational management structure to be known as the executive board and a military rank structure as defined in the contents herein. The two are separate and distinct and the military impression shall be subservient to the Executive Board. Officers and NCOs in the military rank structure may enforce policy at the direction of the Executive Board.

4.1 Administration

The Executive Board consisting of the elected officers of the organization shall administer business, correspondence, administration, financial affairs and communication with other units or organizations. Although not strictly specified, any other affairs, internal or external not specifically mentioned will be governed by the Executive Board.

4.2 Executive Board Offices

The minimum offices of The Kearsarge Afterguard shall consist of Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer. As the organization numbers and/or needs require, other offices may be added by vote of the membership.

4.2.1 Election of Executive Board Officers

4.2.2 Valid Vote

Election of Officers or questions requiring a vote of the membership may be done by written ballot mailed to the membership or in a meeting of the members if at least a simple majority of the voting membership is present or if by mail a simple majority of the ballots have been returned. A written ballot must be signed by the member.

4.2.3 Invalid Vote

If less than a simple majority of ballots have been returned, the executive board shall rule on the question or election.

4.2.4 Voting privileges

Voting is open to full members who have met the definition of members in good standing.

4.2.5 Issues requiring a vote of the membership

1. Election of officers
2. Expenditures over $100.00
3. Special issues.

4.3 Duties of the Executive Board

- Meet on a regular basis as the business of the organization demands.
- Convene an annual meeting of the general membership.
- Investigate and propose organization events.
- Communicate with other units and organizations.
- Advise on contents of newsletter.
- Set realistic goals for completion and report on routine and special projects.
- Present seasonal event schedules.
- Schedule drills and meetings.
- Appoint officers as required by the needs of a specific event.
- Authorize petty officers and NCOs.
- Appoint individuals or committees for specific tasks.
- Authorize expenditures for less than $100.00.
- Ensure regular publication of a newsletter.

4.4 Specific duties of the officers.

4.4.1 Chairman

- Advise and assist other board members in their tasks.
- Prepare agenda for scheduled meetings.

4.4.2 Secretary

- Keep minutes of the Executive Board meetings and publish the minutes.
- Prepare and send official correspondence at the direction of the chairman.
- Maintain records of all members and vital statistics of date of membership, resignations, member status and other pertinent data.

4.4.3 Treasurer

- Maintain financial record of the organization.
- Prepare an annual financial summary.
- Collect dues.

4.5 Election requirements for Executive board officers

- Must be a full member in good standing.
- Candidates for treasurer must be a New Hampshire resident (A requirement of the NH Secretary of State for Corporations in the state).

4.6 Term of office

The term of office for Executive Board Officers shall be three years rotating sequentially in the order of Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer.

5.0 Uniform requirements

5.1 General impression

The uniform impression of the Kearsarge Afterguard shall portray sailors, marines and officers of the US Navy Civil War period.

5.1.1 Physical appearance

Individuals wishing to portray Civil War era sailors, marines and officers will maintain their hair length appropriate to the era. No excessively long hair will be tolerated. No ponytails. Beards, moustaches and other facial hairstyles appropriate to the period are acceptable.

5.2 Rank structure

5.2.1 Naval Officers

Officers will be appointed by the Executive Board as required.

5.2.2 Petty Officers

Individuals wishing to portray ordinary seaman, able bodied seaman and petty officers must be able to demonstrate knowledge of that rating to the Executive Board prior to approval.

5.2.3 Enlisted rank

All new members without demonstrated knowledge in a particular rating or rank will be designated from the following category:
- Boys
- Landsman
- Fireman
- Coal heaver

The enlisted sailor ranks shall be:
- Boys
- Landsman
- Fireman
- Coal heaver
- Ordinary seaman
- Able bodied seaman
- Petty Officer

Individuals wishing to portray ranks other than boys, landsman, fireman, or coal heavers must have Executive Board approval.

5.2.4 Marine officers and enlisted men

The quantities of privates, corporals, sergeants and officers shall be in the following proportions. Individuals wishing to portray Marine officers or NCOs must have Executive Board approval.

- One corporal for every four privates.
- One sergeant for every eight privates.
- A First sergeant for twelve or more privates, corporals and sergeants.
- One officer for twelve or more privates, corporals and sergeants. In lieu of a Marine officer, enlisted marines will be commanded by a Naval officer.

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