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This page is mainly dedicated to light-tackle sea fishing. This is a sort of hybrid between coarse and sea fishing.
Because of this coarse, sea and game fishermen alike can find handy information for their field of the sport.

Associated with the page there is a 'Tips' page, which contains stunning new ideas, intended to help anglers improve their fishing and get more fun out of the sport.
Tips from previous months can be found in the 'Archive'.

This page supports catch-and-release fishing.
We believe this is the best way to preserve the future of our sport.
Sport fishing is not aimed to kill. It is aimed at having people enjoying themselves whilst doing as little harm as possible to mother nature.
Take my word:
Go fishing, enjoy yourselves, catch fish, have a couple of big scraps with good fish, snap a few photos of your catch and put those fish back to where they belong.
The moment you release your best fish will surely be the most satisfying moment of your whole day.
Try it out, and you won't be disappointed.

If you have any material which you would like us to publish on this page (for free) just send it in. It's good to help others improve their knowledge of fishing.If you have any comments or suggestions to make, do not hesitate to email us. You will only be helping us to give you more of what you like.

Until we meet again,        Good fishing.

Page created and maitained by Kristian Zammit / Email krist@cyberdude.com / Last updated  18-01-1998

 Tip of the monthArchive of fishing tips of previous monthsLinks to other fishing pagesTackle dealers worldwide (and on the web)Post any suggestions here. Only Netscape 3+ users.Mail