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This page is devoted to the love of the outdoors that camping can bring. We have been camping for the last 8 years or so. We use a Jayco pop-up camper. It is very comfortable. Complete with a screen house. It is probably the closest thing to "Camp Radisson". Anytime we get the urge to travel, we just back up the car, throw the camper on the hitch, and off we go!

It is a lot of work to go camping. There is food to get, gear to pack. But when everybody in the family pitches in, it does not seem that much. Camping is very affordable. It usually costs between $15 to $30 per nite for the site (depending on what the campground offers for activities and accomidations). Compare that with what you have to shell out for a hotel room!

And there is nothing better than sitting outside under the stars next to a gentle fire recalling the days activities.

Here is a sample of some of the places we have been to:

Acadia National Park, Maine

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