
How much preparation is given to get all things in order to bring before the one who will look over what you have produced, given, and how you have handled yourself, to acces what your penalty or reward will be? EAch year at this time, people are scrambling aroudn making sure that everything they have done throughout the year can be accounted for and that all things might have been done in a way that they will benefit from them now.

In the world in which we all live, we place so much time, money, energy, and emphasis upon the physical part of life without thinking a whole lot on the spiritual. I have no doubt that most every person upon the earth knows that one day they will draw their last breath and leave this state of the physical world, but few know or have the desire to know what happens next. There are many books that will tell one exactly what it is they wish to hear in regards to the next phase of existence, and because of this, one needs to study and be able to teach the truths of God's word and the many facts by which one can know that the Bible is from God and not man. Such things as:

Scientific Fact
Date of Discovery
Bible Location
Man and woman possess seed of life
19th century
Gen. 3:15, 22:18
There is a place void of stars in the north
19th century
Job 26:7
The earth is round
15th century
Isaiah 40:22
Blood being necessary for life
19th century
Lev. 17:11
Oceans having natural paths in them
Psalms 8:8
Oceans containing fresh water springs
Job 38:16
Most seaworthy ship design is 30:5:3 ratio
Genesis 6

The creation of man can be seen in Genesis 2:7 which says, "And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul." By this we can know that God created man with two parts, one being physical and another being spiritual. Solomon, by inspiration tells us that when we die, "Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gaive it." This should make al of us thingk of the dealine that awaits all mankind, seen in the book of Hebrews, "And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment" (Hebrews 9:27)

In Boston, Massachusetts, there is a wonderful museum. In this museum there is an exhibit that has a light that shows the rate of births and also one that show the death rate. Each time that a child is born the light will flash once, and each time a person dies another light will flash once. At the time the death rate was one every three seconds. Today I'm sure this rate may be even higher. I never thought much about it until now as I am getting my taxes together (later than I ever have), hoping I will not need to file for an extension. On April 15th, some 28, 8000 people will die physically (using the 1 every 3 second rule), not only on that day but every day. As each one of use looks to make the "deadline" of April 15th, let us look for those that we may better prepare for the dealine that is before all (Heb 9:27). At this deadline, one may plea for an extension bu no extension will be given.

-Fred C. Nowell Jr.

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