Try to type a radius between 50 km to 600 km.


Q: How can we find the constant speed V of a sattelite in a circular orbit?


The radius of the orbit is R, measured from the center of the earth. The acceleration of the satellite is always directed towards the earth. By the law of gravitation, the net force on the satellite of mass m has magnitude F = Gmem/R2. Neton's second law, F = ma tell us that

Solving for v


Q: What is the velocity in Java?

In JAVA, it's


where velocity is the V and radius is the expression for the radius of the sattellite from the earth, and 6.67*Math.pow(10,-11) is the gravitational constant. These variables can be created with any name! Look similar?


Q: What is the Period, T?

Q: What is the Period in Java?

In JAVA, it's


T is the variable for the period, and (2*Math.PI*radius) is the circumference of a circle. Notice that velocity here is derived from the equation above.