Phantas-Sea Quote Page

        I want to make a big thank you to Greg Kilberger, DM of this campaign where I play a monk kit cleric from Players Option: Spells and Magic.  It's very fun, and it's a game my wife and I can share.  While there are many sight gags that have been lost for the ages, there are still some fun quotes that certain members of the group will never forget or live down.  Come enjoy with us!

"I hate getting quoted out of context!"
- Greg

"He's going to communicate through Hula Dancing."
- Dave, regarding the above quote on how Greg will avoid it

"Two kids in the house all alone?  Hell, I'm drinkin'"
- Greg

"Just keep rubbing it..." "If I had a dime for everytime I've heard that..."
- Greg, then Ryan (Rubbing the wet erase marker off the maps, pervert!)

"If Derek were braver, he'd stay with the horses."
-Adam, player of Derek, the brave as Sir Robin knight

"It's so think, it's thick."
- Greg

"The DM's initiative roll licks choad.  I want it put in the record."
- Ryan, when Greg's one beat his two

"Turn and burn!"
- Yogi (cleric destroying low level undead)

"Aaahhhhh.  The deadly rump eating toads?"
- Ryan

"I haven't been able to unleash my weasel yet..."
- Ryan (about his ranger's "pet")

"If we can annoy death enough..."
- Stout (played by Ryan)

"Yeah, and we all know he can't keep it in his sheath."
- Tae Lin (played by John) about Nanook the Barbarian (regarding multiple weapons)

"Oh look, urine!"
- Dave

"Do you want to shoot you acid wand?" "Hell, yeah!!!"
- Greg, then Dave

"Apperently I don't masterbate enough..."
- Dave

"I'm Sacajaweia leading Louis & Clark with a baby kobald on his back."
- Dave, describing why his character (Melf) is carrying the kobald baby

"Oh darn, I was hoping for some willy wounds there..."
- Greg, having kobalds attack while Nanook took a leak

"Remember, I have an assload of herbs." "Assload of Herpes?"
- Malin (Yogi's Monk), then Tarr (Lanse's Tiefling)

"Kobalds do it doggie-style"
- Ryan

"I'm all for using the Cone of Cold when somebody's trying to eat me!"
- Floppsy the Jester

"It's a good thing you had glasses on, or your eyes would have popped straight out."
- Chris, after Yogi found out that Marie's bard had Protection from Normal Missles and didn't tell anyone about it before the gauntlet in Dragon Mountain

"I had some of... nope, drank it."
- Greg, responding to Marie's asking if anyone had some Lytocane

"You just blew Brother Malin"
- Yogi (it involved a Gust of Wind spell, you dirty minds you!

"It's either that, or a baby kobald gnawing at my armpit."
- Dave, player of Melf, who is carrying the kobald baby

"This Kung Pow haw more Pow then Kung.  Heck, the garlic chicken has more Pow than garlic or chicken"
- Ryan, talking about gaming food

"For some reason, Derrick is enjoying the small dark room."
- Greg, commenting on Derrick staying in a small room with nothing in it of interest

"The new Time-Life series: Do-It-Yourself-Surgery!"
- Ryan

"I'm using my appraise skill and targeting Tylin's ass."
- Dave, for Melf

"Are you seeping?"
- Greg

"What movie did you see?"  "Saving Grace"  "Kick ass!  Was Grace saved?"
- Greg, his wife Diane, and Greg again

"Are you sick of me blowing you?"
- Yogi, after flopping down a book a few time, blowing over some minitures

"We need a Speak with Tylin spell."
- Brother Malin, while trying to understand Tylin's pantomime (she was polymorphed into a spider at the time)

"I'm tip-toeing while crouching.  It's doesn't work very well."
- Jasper, for Nanook the barbarian

"Oooh!  One nipple's hard - must be a zombie!"
- Lanse, when Yogi asked if Malin could tell the type of undead by the aura he felt.

"You bastard!  For that, I'm going to make you grow hair!"
- Greg, for the were-cat kobald NPC

"And remember, he's also a client!"
- Floppsie, after the above comment

"Bigby's Rosy Palm?!?"
- Dave, commenting on the long lost spell by the great wizard

"Hey, anyone know dwarven?  Anyone?  Oh wait, I do."
- Melf

"Tylin is a pussy, let's just say that."
- Greg, just as John, Tylin's player, came in

"You're going to die!"  "Why?"  "You killed my sister!"  "That's not all I did..."
- a kobald and Melf talking while fighting

"Heal the cow!"  "What?!?"  "Heal the cow!!!"  "Oh, I better get a moooove on..."
- Tar and Floppsie regarding a cow the kobalds were torturing

"I'll admire them fully until I kill them."
- Dave, regarding the kobald camoflage commandos

"Hey, don't fuck with my cow!"
- Tar, the tiefling warrior

"I'll be as menacing as I can be while I dance cutely."
- Floppsie

"Chris is the black hole of pencils."
- Ryan, talking about a fellow player

"Does that make me the black hoe of pencils?"
- Rie

"Oh, dots mean places, spaces mean nothing..."
- Chris, trying to translate one of Greg's map

"Do you know how much ass this kicks?!?"
- Ryan, twenty-something, about a power-ranger watch

"Hey, look, I got a screw!"  "Yeah, but where are the nuts?"  "Oh."
- Jasper, Ryan, and Jasper again, looking worried

"The cow says 'I'll be quiet'."
- Greg, as the group considers leaving the cow found in Dragon Mountain behind

"Do elves have belly buttons?"
- Marie

"You know what's left of Tarr?  Tar!"
- Greg, after Tarr was apperently hit by a huge block

"I can trick him my sticky sweetness."
- Lanse, for Tarr

"Bullette Ballet!"
- Yogi, after Tylin transformed into a Bullette and then slid

"We need 'wield kobald'."
- Yogi, when the characters are surronded by dead kobald bodies

"I'm pulling a Floppsie.  I'm a tasty meat snake just out of reach."
- Brother Malin

"I'm all for Tarr doing bad things to your snake."
- Floppsie

"I'll put away my sword."  "He relaxes considerably."
- Nanook the huge barbarian, then Greg for an NPC

"So, who did I just kill?"
- Melf, after reacting instinctually

"Oooooh, dwarf jerky!"
- Ganief, regarding undead dwarves

"No Jared, I'm playing with the big boys right now..."
- Marie (Jared is Greg's three year old)

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