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Yogiland's Planescape and AD&D Links

      This is a links page to all things AD&D and Planescape I can find and like.  Any site I list here I highly recommend, and I love hearing about other cool sites.  Please let me know what you like, what you think sucks, and your own pages.  I love to at least link, and if it is cool, I'll list it here.  Thanks, and enjoy!


The Lost Planescape Comic Book:
              This was a comic book produced to publicize the Planescape setting but never published. Therefore, wizards posted it on their website, and it's well worth the read. I like it a lot, and I hope that you do too!

              This is probably one of the best Planescape sites ever made!  There are quotes, great chant, and also tons of fun stuff that is all Planescape completely.  Some events they talk about (especially in Sigis, their Newsrag) doesn't all happen in my game, but still damn cool stuff.  Plus, TSR just named it the Official site for Planescape for the future.

Tokkon's Quote Page:
              This is the page of one of my players from multiple campaigns.  He's picked up a few quotes, and most of them are really fun.  Plus, if you have the time, check out the rest of his site, especially if you like the same stuff I do, and you will have a blast!

               This page is one large group project, with about 50 cutters all working to make it better (including myself; I'll be working on fleshing out the Astral Plane portion). It is constantly expanding and has an influx of new ideas. Go there NOW and enjoy!

The Roaming Genasi Tavern:
               This site doesn't have a ton of features, but they have rules for all genasi, the half-breed inner planers we love. Rules for all of them. Even for the quasi- and paraelemental planes! Definately very interesting.

About.com: Planescape
               This is only another links site, but it is huge, and most of the sites are worth exploring. Have fun!

Planescape: Torment Official Website:
               This site does use shockwave, but it can be cut off.  It really is there just to promote the computer game, Planescape: Torment, but it has an excellent rendition of all the faction (pre-war, of course), and really is some very good eye candy.  Great for a beginner trying to learn something about the setting.

The Pit:
               This is a deditaction page to Planescape: Torment. It has great walkthroughs, lots of review links, all the current news (including spin-off ideas and new patches), a message board if you need help, and even fan work dedicated to the game. Worth a look if you like Torment.

Other AD&D Sites:

The AD&D Internet Index:
             This is a decent site with tons of links.  Definately worth the peery eye.

Other fun game sites:

Cheapass Games:
            Great games, ok site.  It does have some cool stuff though.  Worth a gander...

There are more links in the DM Notes that are Game Master specific. 

            Please let me know if you can think of anything add to this page.  Thanks, and enjoy the rest of this site!  ~Yogi (DUgorek@hotmail.com)

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