Yogi's Netrunner Trading Node 

        Greetings Intrepid runner.  You got some good stuff, but what bette stuff.  Then you've come to the right place.  I got good stuff.  I've got lots of stuff.  You want some stuff?  Then put your frackin' stuff on the table wet drive, and let's see if your stuff and my stuff want to switch owners, eh?

Spare Cards:

Corporation, Base Set:
Aardvark (x3).....Black Ice Quality Assurance (x2).....Corporate Negotiating Center.....Cortical Scanner (x2).....Crybaby.....Dieter Esslin.....Disinfectant, Inc. (x2).....Encoder, Inc. (x2)..... Encryption Breakthrough.....Falsified - Transactions Expert.....Fatal Attractoor.....Fortress Architects (x2).....I Got a Rock (x2).....Jenny Jett (x2).....Krumz (x3).....Nerve Labyrinth..... Nevinyrral (x2).....Omni Kismet, Ph.D.....Political Overthrow.....Roving Submarine (x2).....Silver Lining Recovery Protocol.....Singapore City Grid (x2).....Shotgun Wire.....Twenty-Four-Hour Surveillance

Runner, Base Set:
AI Boon.....Corporate Ally (x3).....Deal with Militech (x6).....Deep Thought (x2).....Emergency Self-Construct.....False Echo.....Forged Activation Orders.....Fortress Respecification (x4).....Hot Tip for WNS.....Incubator.....Joan or Arc.....Lifesaver(tm) Nanosurgeons (x2).....Microtech AI Interface (x2).....Microtech 'Trode Set.....misc.for-sale.....MIT West Tier.....N.E.T.O......Netspace Inverter (x4).....Organ Donor (x3).....Poltergeist.....Priority Wreck (x2).....Record Reconstructor..... Ronin Around (x4).....Scatter Shot (x2).....Snowball.....Top Runners' Conference

Corporation, Proteus:
AI Board Member.....Cybertech Think Tank (x2).....Executive Boot Camp (x3).....Lesley Major..... Marcel DeSoleil (x2).....Mobile Barricade.....Obfuscated Fortress (x2).....Pavit Bharat (x2).....Please Don't Choke Anyone (x3).....Roadblock.....Simon Francisco.....Toughonium (tm) Wall.....Weapons Depot (x2)

Runner, Proteus:
Airport Locker.....Armageddon (x2).....Back Door to Netwatch (x2).....Bargain with Viacox (x2)..... Blackmail (x2).....Live News Feed.....Lucidrine(tm) Drip Feed (x3).....Prearranged Drop..... Promises, Promises (x2).....Scaldan.....Test Spin (x5).....The Deck (x2).....Viral Pipeline (x2)

Corporation, Classic:
Glacier.....Shock Treatment

Runner, Classic:
Gypsy (tm) Schedual Analyzer.....Little Black Box.....Meat Upgrade.....Omnitech "Spinal Tap" Cybermodem.....Omnitech Wet Drive

*=In trade talks, not confirmed yet, ask anyway!

 ^=In the mail to me or held for sale.

Make me an offer!

I'm looking to complete my set, so even if it looks like I don't have what you need, check anyway! As for trading references, look up any of the people on my list of Spellfire Friends or Babylon 5 trader page. I'll make a netrunner list like that up as soon as I trade with someone via the mail. Thanks for looking. Mail me if you see ANYTHING that intrests you.

My Mailbox

Last Updated: April 24, 2003

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