Thumma Logics


First Laws of Thumalogics by Niew Ton Elder of the Guild of Weights and Measures, First year of the Thaum;  

A Thaum can neither be created or destroyed.   

A Thaum only exists in direct relation to its reflection.    

Mickro Farraud Elder of the Guild of Chronometers was the first to work on the relationship between Thaums and certain metals and crystals. He developed the first Thaumatic Flow Generator using iron and a small flee circus. 

Umm of the Guild of Metta Thumatics, Found the fundamental trinary relationship of Thaumatic Flow; 

Particle = Field / Substance 

This is known as Umms Law A Particle travels within a Field and these are inversely related. Substance is the tendency of things not to change. 

Within a few years of this discovery the first mass-produced mouse powered Thaumatic Flow Generators were in regular use, within a century, utilising the more conventional G-Nome tecnology, the Giant Hamster TFG’s were coming on the sceen. 

Mare Koo Nea Elder of the Guild of Illusionists started working with Tri Thourmiun Crystals and from his studies developed the first Pocket Reality Generator. 

Unfortunately he went insane and spent his latter years in an institution for the unstable “Tooning in to the Eather” for a race he called the Ali Enns who he believed came from the stars and were trying to communicate with him. 

Doo Glles Edims of the Unqualified found the surprising effects of the old runes within pocket reality’s and founded the School of Numerology. 

Bowal of the Order of Truth attended his lectures and from that developed the Tritornium Brain. 

Eian Stigen of the Guild of Illusionists found the answer to the great inigma of Thaumatic Radiation. He discovered Eather an all present none substance and that the flow of Eathral Thaums is equal from all perspectives. After that it gets kind of tricky to get your head around. 

He started working with Tri Thourmiun Crystals with the intention of splitting the Thaum and disappeared in a bright blue flash along with the major industrial center he was working in and a good part of the surrounding county side. 

He is also famous for starting the term Oops! 

Quintom Sussity of the Guild of Metta Thumatics started working with Thaumatic Particle Excelerators. Quintom Sussity was famous for being only a head, it was an unfortunate Oops with a DIY Pocket Reality Generator in his early days. 

He decided to have a go at splitting the Thaum using a single Thaum and a single Trithuminum element. The result was a very small invisible explosion. He then channeled that into a vat of soapy water and from the resulting bubbles concluded; 

Cosmos is divided into five elements. Earth Air Fire Water and the Flow. The Flow is fuled by two undivided elements the Thaumatic Particle and the Thaumatic Field. These are made up of five fundamental Thaums; Left, Right, Straight Up, Loopy and Radical. 

He also concluded that even if the Thaum can be broken into smaller bits, it wouldn't be possible to see them. This is known as the theory of Quintom Sussity

He then went on to prove that everything came from nothing and spontaneously ceased to exist. 

Then the Ali Enns turned up in there flying boats. They bought with them the Star Helm and the concept of Spells. This led to travel between the stars but it required spells to make it work. Some work was done with the Giant Hamster Drive. But it didn’t work as well as spells and the result was a slow cumbersome Star Ship. 

Emm Sea of the guild or Star Roamers Found Alcohol whilst trying to trace down a Metta Blastic Cube on a neabouring planet. He introduced the concept of Party to PRG’s. 

Doo Gallus Iddums of the Unqualified decided to throw a Party in a Star Ship he was cleaning. The result was full Star Helm speed. The Star Ship Melenium was eventually caught on the desert planet of Augh Boo Dah Bea, apparently it was hard to find a drink there.

Two hunderd terror orbits later the Star Ship Nome Tec heads out on it's ongoing effort to boadly roam where no Gnome has known before