The AOU Life List

Welcome to my AOU Life List page. This is a subset of the World list, including species seen only in the defined AOU area, which includes North and Central America, Hawaii, and some other places I've never been.

The AOU Life List (6/2/2009) - 826 species ID'd

  1. American Robin
  2. American Crow
  3. Northern Cardinal
  4. Blue Jay
  5. Mallard
  6. Canada Goose
  7. Great Egret
  8. Western Grebe
  9. Brown Pelican
  10. Snowy Egret
  11. Bufflehead
  12. Double-crested Cormorant
  13. Northern Harrier
  14. Swainson's Hawk
  15. Red-Tailed Hawk
  16. Ring-necked Pheasant
  17. American Kestrel
  18. Golden Eagle
  19. California Quail
  20. Willet
  21. Whimbrel
  22. Marbled Godwit
  23. Sanderling
  24. Red-breasted Nuthatch
  25. Black Phoebe
  26. Rock Pigeon
  27. White-winged Dove
  28. Mourning Dove
  29. Long-billed Curlew
  30. Long-billed Dowitcher
  31. Western Sandpiper
  32. Pacific-Slope Flycatcher
  33. Heerman's Gull
  34. California Gull
  35. Western Meadowlark
  36. Tree Swallow
  37. Cliff Swallow
  38. Barn Swallow
  39. Spotted Towhee
  40. Canyon Towhee
  41. House Sparrow
  42. Song Sparrow
  43. White-crowned Sparrow
  44. Anna's Hummingbird
  45. House Finch
  46. Black-capped Chickadee
  47. White-throated Swift (6/27/91) - Baboquivari, AZ
  48. Royal Tern (7/93) - La Jolla, CA
  49. Turkey Vulture (9/93) - Point Reyes, CA
  50. Killdeer (10/93) - N. of Davis, CA
  51. Solitary Sandpiper (10/93) - N. of Davis, CA
  52. Wilson's Snipe (10/93) - N. of Davis, CA
  53. Greater Yellowlegs (10/93) - N. of Davis, CA


  54. Ring-billed Gull (1/94) - Davis, CA
  55. Great Blue Heron (1994)
  56. Western Scrub-Jay (1994)
  57. European Starling (1994)
  58. Brown-headed Cowbird (1994)
  59. Common Merganser (spring, 1994) - Davis, CA
  60. Barn Owl (summer, 1994) - Davis, CA
  61. Northern Mockingbird (1994)
  62. Red-winged Blackbird (1994)
  63. Brewer's Blackbird (1994)
  64. White-tailed Kite (1994) - Davis, CA
  65. Ruddy Duck (1994) - North Ponds, Davis, CA
  66. Cinnamon Teal (1994) - North Ponds, Davis, CA
  67. Bald Eagle (1/94) - Cache Creek, CA
  68. Dark-eyed Junco (2/94) - UC Davis Campus
  69. Yellow-rumped Warbler (2/94) - UC Davis Campus
  70. Northern Flicker (2/94) - UC Davis Campus
  71. Yellow-billed Magpie (2/94) - UC Davis Campus
  72. Canvasback (2/94) - North Ponds, Davis, CA
  73. Black-necked Stilt (2/94) - North Ponds, Davis, CA
  74. American Avocet (2/94) - North Ponds, Davis, CA
  75. Common Moorhen (2/94) - North Ponds, Davis, CA
  76. American Coot (2/94) - North Ponds, Davis, CA
  77. Nuttall's Woodpecker (spring 1994) - UC Davis Campus
  78. Black-crowned Night Heron (3/94) - Sacramento Delta, CA
  79. Burrowing Owl (3/94) - near Sacramento Delta, CA
  80. American Wigeon (3/94) - Reid Park, Tucson, AZ
  81. Gambel's Quail (3/94) - Tucson, AZ
  82. Gila Woodpecker (3/94) - Tucson, AZ
  83. Blue-throated Hummingbird (3/94) - Tucson, AZ
  84. Black-throated Sparrow (3/94) - Tucson, AZ
  85. Dusky-capped Flycatcher (3/94) - Rincon Mts., Tucson, AZ
  86. Ash-throated Flycatcher (3/94) - Rincon Mts., Tucson, AZ
  87. Great Horned Owl (3/94) - Sacramento Delta, CA
  88. Cattle Egret (4/94) - North Ponds, Davis, CA
  89. Greater White-fronted Goose (4/94) - North Ponds, Davis, CA
  90. California Thrasher (4/94) - Mt. St. Helena, CA
  91. Green Heron (4/94) - Arboretum, Davis, CA
  92. Acorn Woodpecker (5/94) - Putah Creek Riparian Reserve, CA
  93. Steller's Jay (5/94) - Lake Tahoe, CA
  94. Pie-billed Grebe (spring 1994) - Davis, CA
  95. Western Screech-Owl (autumn, 1994) - Davis, CA
  96. American White Pelican (9/94) - Davis, CA


  97. Wood Duck (5/95) - Arboretum, Davis, CA
  98. Black Oystercatcher (6/22/95) - Cape Mendocino, CA
  99. Green-tailed Towhee (6/27/95) - Little Castle Lake, CA
  100. Osprey (8/95) - Snag Lake, Mt. Lassen NP, CA
  101. Common Raven (8/95) - Snag Lake, Mt. Lassen NP, CA
  102. Northern Pintail (12/16/95) - Gray Lodge WR, CA
  103. Northern Shoveler (12/16/95) - Gray Lodge WR, CA
  104. Ring-necked Duck (12/16/95) - Gray Lodge WR, CA
  105. Sandhill Crane (12/16/95) - Gray Lodge WR, CA
  106. Eurasian Wigeon (12/16/95) - Gray Lodge WR, CA
  107. Gadwall (12/16/95) - Gray Lodge WR, CA
  108. White Ibis (12/22/95) - Ocala, FL


  109. Brown Creeper (3/10/96) - Mt. Tamalpais, CA
  110. Curve-billed Thrasher (3/22/96) - Tucson, AZ
  111. Phainopepla (3/23/96) - Organ Pipe NM, AZ
  112. Scott's Oriole (3/25/96) - Organ Pipe NM, AZ
  113. Hermit Thrush (3/25/96) - Organ Pipe NM, AZ
  114. Canyon Wren (3/25/96) - Organ Pipe NM, AZ
  115. Cactus Wren (3/25/96) - Organ Pipe NM, AZ
  116. Great-tailed Grackle (3/25/96) - west of Tucson, AZ
  117. Inca Dove (3/26/96) - Tucson, AZ
  118. Greater Roadrunner (3/26/96) - Tucson, AZ
  119. Zone-tailed Hawk (3/27/96) - Windy Point, Catalina Mts., AZ
  120. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (3/28/96) - Tucson Mountains, AZ
  121. MacGillivray's Warbler (3/29/96) - Douglas Springs Trail, Rincon Mts., AZ
  122. Verdin (3/29/96) - Douglas Spring Trail, Rincon Mts, AZ
  123. Cassin's Kingbird (3/29/96) - Douglas Springs Trail, Rincon Mts., AZ
  124. American Goldfinch (spring 1996) - Davis, CA
  125. Clark's Nutcracker (5/26/96) - Eagle Creek Canyon, CA
  126. Surf Scoter (7/14/96) - Andrew Molera SP, CA
  127. Wrentit (7/14/96) - Manuel Peak Trail, Pfeiffer-Big Sur, CA
  128. Hairy Woodpecker (7/15/96) - Manuel Peak, CA
  129. Mountain Bluebird (7/19/96) - Tuolumne Meadows, CA
  130. Cassin's Finch (7/19/96) - Tuolumne Meadows, CA
  131. Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch (7/20/96) - Peak of Mt. Dana, Yosemite NP, CA
  132. Gray Jay (9/7/96) - Mt. Lassen NP, CA
  133. White-winged Scoter (12/96) - Point Reyes, CA


  134. Cedar Waxwing (3/97) - Davis, CA
  135. Black-billed Magpie (3/25/97) - Bishop, CA
  136. Eared Grebe (4/6/97) - Bolinas Lagoon, CA
  137. Black-bellied Plover (4/6/97) - Bolinas Lagoon, CA
  138. Golden-crowned Sparrow (4/12/97) - Pt. Reyes, CA
  139. Little Blue Heron (4/25/97) - Ocala, FL
  140. Northern Bobwhite (4/25/97) - Ocala, FL
  141. Common Nighthawk (4/26/97) - Ocala, FL
  142. Eastern Kingbird (4/26/97) - Ocala, FL
  143. Red-headed Woodpecker (4/26/97) - Ocala, FL
  144. Red-bellied Woodpecker (4/26/97) - Ocala, FL
  145. Pileated Woodpecker (4/26/97) - near Ocala, FL
  146. Pigeon Guillemot (6/28/97) - Whidbey Island, WA
  147. House Wren (6/28/97) - Whidbey Island, WA
  148. Western Wood-Pewee (7/13/97) - Cold Canyon, Lake Berryessa, CA
  149. Oak Titmouse (7/13/97) - Cold Canyon, Lake Berryessa, CA
  150. Chestnut-backed Chickadee (7/13/97) - Napa Valley, CA
  151. Black-throated Gray Warbler (7/13/97) - Napa Valley, CA
  152. Lesser Goldfinch (7/13/97) - Cold Canyon, Lake Berryessa, CA
  153. Red-breasted Sapsucker (winter 97-98) - Davis, CA


  154. American Bittern (4/5/98) - Gray Lodge WR, CA
  155. Western Kingbird (4/5/98) - Gray Lodge WR, CA
  156. Western Tanager (5/13/98) - Davis, CA
  157. White-faced Ibis (5/17/98) - Yolo Bypass, CA
  158. Blue Grosbeak (5/17/98) - Yolo Bypass, CA
  159. Sharp-shinned Hawk (5/23/98) - Putah Creek, CA
  160. Spotted Sandpiper (6/2/98) - North Davis Ponds, CA
  161. Black-headed Grosbeak (6/4/98) - Nisqually WR, WA
  162. Band-tailed Pigeon (6/4/98) - Nisqually WR, WA
  163. Violet-green Swallow (6/4/98) - Nisqually WR, WA
  164. Yellow Warbler (6/4/98) - Nisqually WR, WA
  165. Swainson's Thrush (6/4/98) - Nisqually WR, WA
  166. Common Yellowthroat (6/4/98) - Nisqually WR, WA
  167. Glaucous-winged Gull (6/5/98) - Discovery Park, Seattle WA
  168. Downy Woodpecker (6/5/98) - Discovery Park, Seattle WA
  169. Rufous Hummingbird (6/5/98) - Discovery Park, Seattle WA
  170. Vaux's Swift (6/6/98) - Mt. Rainier NP, WA
  171. Winter Wren (6/6/98) - Mt. Rainier NP, WA
  172. Hammond's Flycatcher (6/6/98) - Mt. Rainier NP, WA
  173. White-headed Woodpecker (6/6/98) - Mt. Rainier NP, WA
  174. Mountain Chickadee (6/6/98) - Mt. Rainier NP, WA
  175. Varied Thrush (6/7/98) - Mt. Dickerman, WA
  176. Northern Rough-winged Swallow (6/13/98) - North Davis Ponds, CA
  177. Wild Turkey (6/20/98) - near Sequoia NP, CA
  178. Evening Grosbeak (6/20/98) - Sequoia NP, CA
  179. Cooper's Hawk (7/25/98) - UC Davis campus, CA
  180. Chimney Swift (8/8/98) - Overland Park, KS
  181. Dickcissel (8/10/98) - central Iowa
  182. Short-billed Dowitcher (fall 98) - Redwood Shores, CA
  183. Bushtit (9/98) - San Carlos, CA
  184. California Towhee (9/98) - San Carlos, CA
  185. Forster's Tern (9/18/98) - Redwood Shores, CA
  186. Say's Phoebe (9/18/98) - Redwood Shores, CA
  187. Orange-crowned Warbler (9/19/98) - Mt. Hamilton, CA
  188. Common Murre (10/17/98) - near Farallon Isl., CA
  189. Brown Booby (10/17/98) - Farallon Isl., CA
  190. Black-footed Albatross (10/17/98) - near Farallon Isl., CA
  191. Sooty Shearwater (10/17/98) - near Farallon Isl., CA
  192. Pink-footed Shearwater (10/17/98) - near Farallon Isl., CA
  193. Northern Fulmar (10/17/98) - near Farallon Isl., CA
  194. Green-winged Teal (10/18/98) - Redwood Shores, CA
  195. Least Sandpiper (10/18/98) - Redwood Shores, CA
  196. Snow Goose (10/25/98) - North Ponds, Davis, CA
  197. Lesser Yellowlegs (10/25/98) - North Ponds, Davis, CA
  198. Belted Kingfisher (10/25/98) - North Ponds, Davis, CA
  199. Townsend's Warbler (10/31/98) - home, San Carlos, CA
  200. Red-shouldered Hawk (11/1/98) - Mazzones, San Jose, CA
  201. Common Loon (11/6/98) - Pillar Point, Half Moon Bay, CA
  202. Black Turnstone (11/6/98) - Pillar Point, Half Moon Bay, CA
  203. Horned Grebe (11/8/98) - Point Reyes, CA
  204. Virginia's Warbler (11/8/98) - Point Reyes, CA
  205. Merlin (11/8/98) - Point Reyes, CA
  206. Bewick's Wren (11/21/98) - Edgewood Cty. Park, CA
  207. Semipalmated Plover (11/28/98) - Monterey, CA
  208. Tundra Swan (12/5/98) - Gray Lodge WR, CA
  209. Hooded Merganser (12/13/98) - Redwood Shores, CA
  210. Lesser Scaup (12/27/98) - Elkhorn Slough, CA


  211. Sage Sparrow (1/1/99) - Eureka Valley, CA
  212. Western Bluebird (3/99) - Cache Creek, CA
  213. Black-and-white Warbler (5/31/99) - Pictured Rocks NS, MI
  214. Trumpeter Swan (6/1/99) - Seney WR, MI
  215. Bobolink (6/1/99) - Seney WR, MI


  216. Common Myna (7/2/99) - everywhere in HI
  217. Spotted Dove (7/2/99) - everywhere in HI
  218. Red-Crested Cardinal (7/2/99) - everywhere in HI
  219. 'I'o (Hawaiian Hawk) (7/3/99) - near Honoka'a, Hawaii
  220. Melodious Laughing-Thrush (Hwamei) (7/4/99) - Hilo, HI
  221. Nutmeg Mannikin (7/4/99) - Hilo, HI
  222. Zebra Dove (7/4/99) - Hilo, HI
  223. Black Noddy (7/5/99) - near Kehena Beach, Puna coast, HI
  224. Nene (7/6/99) - Hawaii Volcanoes NP
  225. Java Sparrow (7/7/99) - Maui
  226. Japanese White-eye (7/9/99) - near Lahaina, Maui
  227. Short-eared Owl (Pueo) (7/11/99) - Haleakala NP, Maui
  228. Chukar (7/11/99) - Haleakala NP, summit parking lot

  229. Brant (7/24/99) - Pillar Point, Half Moon Bay, CA
  230. Wandering Tattler (7/24/99) - Pillar Point, Half Moon Bay, CA
  231. Ruddy Turnstone (7/24/99) - Pillar Point, Half Moon Bay, CA
  232. Surfbird (7/24/99) - Pillar Point, Half Moon Bay, CA
  233. White-breasted Nuthatch (9/5/99) - Carson Pass, CA
  234. Townsend's Solitaire (9/5/99) - Carson Pass, CA
  235. Clark's Grebe (9/18/99) - Pyramid Lake, NV
  236. Ferruginous Hawk (10/9/99) - Hawk Hill, Marin Headlands, CA
  237. Anhinga (10/23/99) - Cypress Gardens, FL
  238. Purple Gallinule (10/23/99) - Cypress Gardens, FL
  239. Eastern Phoebe (10/23/99) - Sebring, FL
  240. Boat-tailed Grackle (10/23/99) - Cypress Gardens, FL
  241. Common Grackle (10/23/99) - Cypress Gardens, FL
  242. Tricolored Heron (10/24/99) - Lake Okeechobee, FL
  243. Bonaparte's Gull (10/24/99) - Lake Okeechobee, FL
  244. Caspian Tern (10/24/99) - Lake Okeechobee, FL
  245. Black Skimmer (10/24/99) - Lake Okeechobee, FL
  246. Palm Warbler (10/24/99) - Sebring, FL
  247. Wood Stork (10/25/99) - along US 27, central FL
  248. Laughing Gull (10/25/99) - Cocoa Beach, FL
  249. Black Vulture (10/25/99) - Kennedy Space Center, FL
  250. Loggerhead Shrike (10/26/99) - Avon Park, FL
  251. Savannah Sparrow (10/30/99) - Redwood Shores, CA
  252. Thayer's Gull (10/31/99) - Pillar Point, Half Moon Bay, CA
  253. Pelagic Cormorant (10/31/99) - Fitzgerald Marine Reserve, Moss Beach, CA
  254. Brandt's Cormorant (10/31/99) - Fitzgerald Marine Reserve, Moss Beach, CA
  255. Elegant Tern (10/31/99) - Pillar Point, Half Moon Bay, CA
  256. Long-tailed Duck (10/31/99) - Pillar Point, Half Moon Bay, CA
  257. Common Goldeneye (12/5/99) - Bair Island WR, CA
  258. Dunlin (12/5/99) - Bair Island WR, CA
  259. American Pipit (12/5/99) - Redwood Shores, CA
  260. Peregrine Falcon (12/6/99) - Bair Island WR, CA
  261. Red-throated Loon (12/12/99) - Pillar Point, Half Moon Bay, CA
  262. Herring Gull (12/12/99) - Pillar Point, Half Moon Bay, CA


  263. Greater Scaup (1/2/00) - Pillar Point Harbor, CA
  264. Red-Breasted Merganser (4/1/00) - Pillar Point, Half Moon Bay, CA
  265. Hooded Oriole (5/26/00) - San Carlos Hills, CA
  266. Pacific Loon (6/14/00) - Pillar Point, Half Moon Bay, CA
  267. Marbled Murrelet (10/15/00) - Outer Monterey Bay, CA
  268. Rhinoceros Auklet (10/15/00) - Outer Monterey Bay, CA
  269. Black-vented Shearwater (10/15/00) - Outer Monterey Bay, CA
  270. Buller's Shearwater (10/15/00) - Outer Monterey Bay, CA
  271. Cassin's Auklet (10/15/00) - Outer Monterey Bay, CA
  272. Red Phalarope (10/15/00) - Outer Monterey Bay, CA
  273. Ashy Storm-Petrel (10/15/00) - Outer Monterey Bay, CA
  274. South Polar Skua (10/15/00) - Outer Monterey Bay, CA
  275. Pomarine Jaeger (10/15/00) - Outer Monterey Bay, CA
  276. Short-tailed Shearwater (10/15/00) - Outer Monterey Bay, CA
  277. Parasitic Jaeger (10/15/00) - Outer Monterey Bay, CA
  278. Pine Siskin (11/11/00) - Corralitos Lake, Watsonville, CA
  279. Ruby-crowned Kinglet (12/2/00) - Delaveaga Park, Santa Cruz, CA
  280. Virginia Rail (12/10/00) - Palo Alto Baylands Park, CA
  281. Red-necked Grebe (12/29/00) - Moss Landing, CA
  282. Tri-colored Blackbird (12/29/00) - Moonglow Ranch, Moss Landing, CA


  283. Mew Gull (1/6/01) - Twin Lakes Beach, Santa Cruz, CA
  284. Allen's Hummingbird (5/4/01) - Ano Nuevo, CA
  285. Purple Martin (5/20/01) - Port of Olympia, WA
  286. Sabine's Gull (8/5/01) - Outer Monterey Bay, CA
  287. Pygmy Nuthatch (8/23/01) - Delaveaga Park, Santa Cruz, CA
  288. Hermit Warbler (8/26/01) - White Mountains, CA
  289. Broad-tailed Hummingbird (8/26/01) - White Mountains, CA
  290. Rock Wren (8/27/01) - White Mountains, CA
  291. Pinyon Jay (8/27/01) - White Mountains, CA
  292. Sage Thrasher (8/28/01) - Mono Lake, CA
  293. Black-chinned Hummingbird (9/29/01) - Santa Barbara, CA
  294. Limpkin (10/28/01) - Sebring, FL
  295. Crested Caracara (10/28/01) - along Fla 441, FL


  296. Carolina Chickadee (2/11/02) - Doraville, GA
  297. Eastern Bluebird (2/11/02) - Doraville, GA
  298. Northern Gannet (4/11/02) - Nantucket, MA
  299. Common Eider (4/11/02) - Nantucket, MA
  300. Great Black-backed Gull (4/12/02) - Nantucket, MA
  301. American Oystercatcher (4/12/02) - Nantucket, MA
  302. Tufted Titmouse (4/16/02) - Halibut Point State Reserve, MA
  303. Vermillion Flycatcher (6/2/02) - Patagonia Creek Reserve, AZ
  304. Thick-billed Kingbird (6/2/02) - Patagonia Creek Reserve, AZ
  305. Yellow-breasted Chat (6/2/02) - Patagonia Creek Reserve, AZ
  306. Lucy's Warbler (6/2/02) - Patagonia Creek Reserve, AZ
  307. Broad-billed Hummingbird (6/2/02) - Patagonia Creek Reserve, AZ
  308. Summer Tanager (6/2/02) - Patagonia Creek Reserve, AZ
  309. Bridled Titmouse (6/2/02) - Patagonia Creek Reserve, AZ
  310. Ladder-backed Woodpecker (6/2/02) - Patagonia Creek Reserve, AZ
  311. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher (6/3/02) - Rincon Mts., Tucson, AZ
  312. Rufous-crowned Sparrow (6/3/02) - Rincon Mts., Tucson, AZ
  313. Orchard Oriole (7/06/02) - La Cygne, KS

    Costa Rica

  314. Rufous-collared Sparrow (7/25/02) - San Jose, CR
  315. Muscovy Duck (7/25/02) - San Jose, CR
  316. Northern Jacana (7/26/02) - Los Lagos, CR
  317. Montezuma Oropendola (7/26/02) - Los Lagos, CR
  318. Collared Aracari (7/26/02) - Montana de Fuego, Arenal
  319. Tropical Kingbird (7/26/02) - Montana de Fuego, Arenal
  320. White-ringed Flycatcher (7/26/02) - Montana de Fuego, Arenal
  321. Orange-chinned Parakeet (7/26/02) - Montana de Fuego, Arenal
  322. Barred Antshrike (7/26/02) - Montana de Fuego, Arenal
  323. Black-cheeked Woodpecker (7/26/02) - Montana de Fuego, Arenal
  324. Black-headed Tody Flycatcher (7/26/02) - Montana de Fuego, Arenal
  325. Brown Jay (7/26/02) - Montana de Fuego, Arenal
  326. Gray-crowned Yellowthroat (7/26/02) - Montana de Fuego, Arenal
  327. Broad-billed Motmot (7/26/02) - Montana de Fuego, Arenal
  328. Rufous-tailed Hummingbird (7/26/02) - Montana de Fuego, Arenal
  329. Clay-colored Robin (7/26/02) - Montana de Fuego, Arenal
  330. Variable Seedeater (7/26/02) - Montana de Fuego, Arenal
  331. Blue-headed Parrot (7/27/02) - Montana de Fuego, Arenal
  332. White-crowned Parrot (7/27/02) - Montana de Fuego, Arenal
  333. Red-lored Parrot (7/27/02) - Montana de Fuego, Arenal
  334. Crested Guan (7/27/02) - Montana de Fuego, Arenal
  335. Red-billed Pigeon (7/27/02) - Montana de Fuego, Arenal
  336. Keel-billed Toucan (7/27/02) - Montana de Fuego, Arenal
  337. Chestnut-mandibled Toucan (7/27/02) - Montana de Fuego, Arenal
  338. Common Tody-Flycatcher (7/27/02) - Montana de Fuego, Arenal
  339. Bananaquit (7/27/02) - Montana de Fuego, Arenal
  340. Yellow-faced Grassquit (7/27/02) - Montana de Fuego, Arenal
  341. Grayish Saltator (7/27/02) - Montana de Fuego, Arenal
  342. Gray Hawk (7/27/02) - Mirador Trail, Arenal
  343. White Hawk (7/27/02) - Mirador Trail, Arenal
  344. Blue-gray Tanager (7/27/02) - Montana de Fuego, Arenal
  345. Black-striped Sparrow (7/28/02) - Montana de Fuego, Arenal
  346. Orange-billed Sparrow (7/28/02) - Montana de Fuego, Arenal
  347. Neotropic Cormorant (7/28/02) - Rio Frio, N. CR
  348. Mangrove Swallow (7/28/02) - Rio Frio, N. CR
  349. Black-bellied Whistling-Duck (7/28/02) - Rio Frio, N. CR
  350. Amazon Kingfisher (7/28/02) - Rio Frio, N. CR
  351. Black-headed Trogon (7/28/02) - Rio Frio, N. CR
  352. Passerini's Tanager (7/28/02) - Rio Frio, N. CR
  353. Great Potoo (7/28/02) - Rio Frio, N. CR
  354. Ringed Kingfisher (7/28/02) - Rio Frio, N. CR
  355. Snail Kite (7/28/02) - Rio Frio, N. CR
  356. Palm Tanager (7/28/02) - Montana de Fuego, Arenal
  357. Streak-headed Woodcreeper (7/29/02) - Montana de Fuego, Arenal
  358. Gray-fronted Dove (7/29/02) - Montana de Fuego, Arenal
  359. Black-cowled Oriole (7/29/02) - Montana de Fuego, Arenal
  360. Swallow-tailed Kite (7/29/02) - NW of Santa Elena
  361. Blue-and-white Swallow (7/29/02) - NW of Santa Elena
  362. Violet Sabrewing (7/29/02) - Monteverde, Hotel Belmar
  363. Green Violet-ear (7/29/02) - Monteverde, ..
  364. White-eared Ground Sparrow (7/29/02) - Monteverde, ..
  365. Black Guan (7/29/02) - Monteverde, ..
  366. Stripe-tailed Hummingbird (7/29/02) - Monteverde, ..
  367. Scarlet-thighed Dacnis (7/29/02) - Monteverde, ..
  368. Green Hermit (7/29/02) - Monteverde, ..
  369. Stripe-throated (Little) Hermit (7/29/02) - Monteverde, ..
  370. Green-crowned Brilliant (7/29/02) - Monteverde, ..
  371. Yellow-throated Euphonia (7/30/02) - Monteverde, ..
  372. Brown-hooded Parrot (7/30/02) - Monteverde, ..
  373. White-breasted Wood-wren (7/30/02) - Monteverde, ..
  374. Purple-throated Mountain Gem (7/30/02) - Monteverde Reserve
  375. Gray-breasted Wood-wren (7/30/02) - Monteverde Reserve
  376. Prong-billed Barbet (7/30/02) - Monteverde Reserve
  377. Black-breasted Wood-Quail (7/30/02) - Monteverde Reserve
  378. Slaty-backed Nightingale-Thrush (7/30/02) - Monteverde Reserve
  379. Three-striped Warbler (7/30/02) - Monteverde Reserve
  380. Eye-ringed Flatbill (7/30/02) - Monteverde Reserve
  381. Common Bush-Tanager (7/30/02) - Monteverde Reserve
  382. Coppery-headed Emerald (7/30/02) - Monteverde Reserve
  383. Slate-throated Redstart (7/30/02) - Monteverde Reserve
  384. Spangled-cheeked Tanager (7/30/02) - Monteverde Reserve
  385. White-throated Robin (7/30/02) - Monteverde Reserve
  386. Long-tailed Manakin (7/30/02) - Monteverde Reserve
  387. Golden-olive Woodpecker (7/30/02) - Monteverde (Ecofarm)
  388. Three-wattled Bellbird (7/30/02) - Monteverde (Ecofarm)
  389. Emerald Toucanet (7/30/02) - Monteverde (Ecofarm)
  390. Brown-billed Scythebill (7/30/02) - Santa Elena (Skywalk)
  391. Rufous-and-white Wren (7/31/02) - Monteverde, Hotel Belmar
  392. White-naped (Yellow-throated) Brush-Finch (7/31/02) - Monteverde, Hotel Belmar
  393. Black-faced Solitaire (7/31/02) - Monteverde, Hotel Belmar
  394. Blue-and-gold Tanager (7/31/02) - Monteverde, Hotel Belmar
  395. White-collared Swift (7/31/02) - Monteverde, Hotel Belmar
  396. Golden-browed Chlorophonia (7/31/02) - San Luis Ecolodge
  397. Boat-billed Flycatcher (7/31/02) - San Luis Ecolodge
  398. Gray-headed Chachalaca (7/31/02) - San Luis Ecolodge
  399. Blue-crowned Motmot (7/31/02) - San Luis Ecolodge
  400. Rufous-capped Warbler (7/31/02) - San Luis Ecolodge
  401. Red-faced Spinetail (7/31/02) - San Luis Ecolodge
  402. White-tipped Dove (8/1/02) - San Luis Ecolodge
  403. Plain Wren (8/1/02) - San Luis Ecolodge
  404. Groove-billed Ani (8/1/02) - San Luis Ecolodge
  405. Social Flycatcher (8/1/02) - San Luis Ecolodge
  406. Orange-billed Nightingale-Thrush (8/1/02) - San Luis Ecolodge
  407. Crimson-collared Tanager (8/1/02) - San Luis Ecolodge
  408. Rufous-breasted Wren (8/1/02) - San Luis Ecolodge
  409. Mountain Robin (8/1/02) - San Luis Ecolodge
  410. Mottled Owl (8/1/02) - San Luis Ecolodge
  411. Hoffman's Woodpecker (8/2/02) - San Luis Ecolodge
  412. Ochraceous Wren (8/2/02) - San Luis Ecolodge
  413. Yellow-crowned Euphonia (8/2/02) - San Luis Ecolodge
  414. Yellow-bellied Elaenia (8/2/02) - San Luis Ecolodge
  415. Magnificent Hummingbird (8/2/02) - San Luis Ecolodge
  416. Sooty Robin (8/4/02) - Volcan Poas
  417. Black-and-yellow Silky-Flycatcher (8/4/02) - Volcan Poas
  418. Yellow-thighed Finch (8/4/02) - Volcan Poas
  419. Slaty Flowerpiercer (8/4/02) - Volcan Poas
  420. Wrenthrush (8/4/02) - Volcan Poas
  421. Brown Violet-ear Hummingbird (8/4/02) - La Paz Waterfall Gardens
  422. Black-bellied Hummingbird (8/4/02) - La Paz Waterfall Gardens
  423. Volcano Hummingbird (8/4/02) - La Paz Waterfall Gardens
  424. Magnificent Frigatebird (8/5/02) - Marenco Lodge, Osa Peninsula
  425. Scarlet Macaw (8/5/02) - Marenco Lodge, Osa Peninsula
  426. Mealy Parrot (8/5/02) - Marenco Lodge, Osa Peninsula
  427. Cherrie's Tanager (8/6/02) - Marenco Lodge, Osa Peninsula
  428. Mangrove Black-Hawk (8/6/02) - Marenco Lodge, Osa Peninsula
  429. Red-footed Booby (8/6/02) - PN Corcovado
  430. Least Tern (8/6/02) - PN Corcovado
  431. Black-throated Trogon (8/6/02) - PN Corcovado
  432. Black-hooded Antshrike (8/6/02) - PN Corcovado
  433. Rufous Piha (8/6/02) - PN Corcovado
  434. Golden-crowned Spadebill (8/6/02) - PN Corcovado
  435. Bright-rumped Attila (8/6/02) - PN Corcovado
  436. Blue-crowned Manakin (8/6/02) - PN Corcovado
  437. Slaty-tailed Trogon (8/6/02) - PN Corcovado
  438. Tawny-winged Woodcreeper (8/6/02) - PN Corcovado
  439. Boat-billed Heron (8/6/02) - PN Corcovado
  440. Cocoa (Buff-throated) Woodcreeper (8/6/02) - PN Corcovado
  441. Buff-rumped Warbler (8/6/02) - PN Corcovado
  442. Chestnut-backed Antbird (8/6/02) - Marenco Reserve, Osa Peninsula
  443. Green Kingfisher (8/6/02) - Marenco Lodge, Osa Peninsula
  444. Bay-headed Tanager (8/6/02) - Marenco Lodge, Osa Peninsula
  445. Yellow-headed Caracara (8/7/02) - Marenco Lodge, Osa Peninsula
  446. Long-billed Hermit (8/7/02) - Marenco Lodge, Osa Peninsula
  447. White-shouldered Tanager (8/8/02) - Marenco Reserve, Osa Peninsula
  448. Wedge-billed Woodcreeper (8/8/02) - Marenco Reserve, Osa Peninsula
  449. Blue Dacnis (8/8/02) - Marenco Reserve, Osa Peninsula
  450. Golden-naped Woodpecker (8/8/02) - Marenco Reserve, Osa Peninsula
  451. Lesser Greenlet (8/8/02) - Marenco Reserve, Osa Peninsula
  452. Black-striped Woodcreeper (8/8/02) - Marenco Reserve, Osa Peninsula
  453. Black-crowned Tityra (8/8/02) - Marenco Reserve, Osa Peninsula
  454. Yellow-crowned Night-heron (8/9/02) - Rio Sierpe
  455. Ruddy Ground-Dove (8/9/02) - Sierpe
  456. Smooth-billed Ani (8/9/02) - near Palmar Sur

  457. Wilson's Warbler (8/25/02) - Pogonip City Park, Santa Cruz, CA
  458. Red-necked Phalarope (9/8/02) - Elkhorn Slough, CA
  459. Flesh-footed Shearwater (10/13/02) - Outer Monterey Bay


  460. Carolina Wren (5/5/03) - Highlands Hammock SP, FL
  461. Rose-breasted Grosbeak (5/17/03) - Green Bay, WI
  462. Yellow-headed Blackbird (5/17/03) - Green Bay, WI

    Costa Rica

  463. Broad-winged Hawk (11/22/03) - San Luis Ecolodge
  464. Squirrel Cuckoo (11/23/03) - San Luis Ecolodge
  465. Yellowish Flycatcher (11/23/03) - Monteverde Reserve
  466. Gray-throated Leaftosser (11/23/03) - Monteverde Reserve
  467. Masked Tityra (11/24/03) - San Luis Ecolodge
  468. Pale-billed Woodpecker (11/24/03) - San Luis Ecolodge
  469. Buff-throated Saltator (11/24/03) - San Luis Ecolodge
  470. Ruddy Woodcreeper (11/24/03) - San Luis Ecolodge
  471. Baltimore Oriole (11/24/03) - San Luis Ecolodge
  472. Scissor-tailed Flycatcher (11/25/03) - near Tamarindo
  473. White-throated Magpie-Jay (11/25/03) - Tamarindo
  474. Sandwich Tern (11/26/03) - Tamarindo
  475. Streak-backed Oriole (11/26/03) - Tamarindo
  476. Hook-billed Kite (11/26/03) - Tamarindo
  477. Common Ground-Dove (11/27/03) - Tamarindo
  478. Orange-fronted Parakeet (11/27/03) - Tamarindo
  479. Great Kiskadee (11/28/03) - Tamarindo
  480. Banded Wren (11/28/03) - Tamarindo
  481. Mangrove Hummingbird (11/29/03) - PN Las Baulas
  482. Bare-throated Tiger-Heron (11/29/03) - PN Las Baulas
  483. Pacific Screech-Owl (11/29/03) - Tamarindo
  484. Melodious Blackbird (11/30/03) - Tamarindo
  485. Cinnamon Hummingbird (11/30/03) - Tamarindo


  486. Horned Lark (4/17/04) - Racetrack Valley, CA
  487. Lazuli Bunting (5/2/04) - Wilder Ranch Park, CA
  488. American Dipper (5/15/04) - Yosemite (Happy Isles), CA
  489. Sooty Grouse (6/21/04) - Yosemite NP, CA
  490. Rough-legged Hawk (11/29/04) - along I-80 near Elko, NV
  491. Bohemian Waxwing (12/21/04) - Fort Collins, CO


  492. Redhead (1/2/05) - Loveland, CO
  493. Cackling Goose (1/2/05) - Loveland, CO
  494. Glaucous Gull (1/2/05) - Loveland, CO
  495. Eurasian Collared-Dove (1/2/05) - rural Larimer County, CO
  496. Gray Catbird (2/9/05) - Matheson Hammock Park, Coral Gables, FL
  497. Ovenbird (2/9/05) - Matheson Hammock Park, Coral Gables, FL
  498. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (2/10/05) - Everglades Hostel, FL
  499. Black-throated Green Warbler (2/10/05) - Long Key State Park, FL
  500. Reddish Egret (2/10/05) - Long Key State Park, FL
  501. Roseate Spoonbill (2/10/05) - Long Key State Park, FL
  502. Eastern Towhee (2/11/05) - Everglades NP
  503. Great Crested Flycatcher (2/11/05) - Everglades NP
  504. Brown Thrasher (2/11/05) - Everglades NP
  505. Blue-winged Teal (2/11/05) - Mrazek Pond, Everglades NP
  506. Blue-headed Vireo (2/11/05) - Mahogany Hammock, Everglades NP
  507. Northern Parula (2/11/05) - Mahogany Hammock, Everglades NP
  508. American Redstart (2/11/05) - Mahogany Hammock, Everglades NP
  509. Glossy Ibis (2/12/05) - Shark Valley, Everglades NP
  510. Mottled Duck (2/12/05) - Shark Valley, Everglades NP
  511. White-eyed Vireo (2/13/05) - Avon Park, FL
  512. Pine Warbler (2/13/05) - Avon Park, FL
  513. Yellow-throated Warbler (2/13/05) - Avon Park, FL
  514. Fish Crow (2/14/05) - Avon Park, FL
  515. Painted Bunting (2/15/05) - Avon Park, FL
  516. American Tree Sparrow (2/21/05) - Riverbend Natural Area, Fort Collins, CO
  517. Barrow's Goldeneye (2/27/05) - Prospect Ponds, Fort Collins, CO
  518. Prairie Falcon (3/16/05) - Garden of the Gods, Colo Spgs, CO
  519. Chipping Sparrow (4/23/05) - Dixon Reservoir, Fort Collins, CO
  520. Franklin's Gull (4/24/05) - Fossil Creek Res., Fort Collins, CO
  521. Wilson's Phalarope (4/24/05) - Fossil Creek Res., Fort Collins, CO
  522. Bullock's Oriole (5/4/05) - Dixon Reservoir, Fort Collins, CO
  523. Gray Flycatcher (5/4/05) - Dixon Reservoir, Fort Collins, CO
  524. Lark Sparrow (5/7/05) - Coyote Ridge, Fort Collins, CO
  525. Worm-eating Warbler (6/5/05) - Dixon Reservoir, Fort Collins, CO
  526. Warbling Vireo (6/7/05) - Dixon Reservoir, Fort Collins, CO
  527. Western Gull (6/9/05) - Santa Cruz, CA
  528. Lincoln's Sparrow (6/21/05) - Upper Beaver Meadows, RMNP, CO
  529. Red-naped Sapsucker (6/21/05) - Upper Beaver Meadows, RMNP, CO
  530. Williamson's Sapsucker (6/21/05) - Upper Beaver Meadows, RMNP, CO
  531. Cordilleran Flycatcher (6/22/05) - Glacier Basin, RMNP, CO
  532. Tropical Parula (6/25/05) - Grandview Cemetery, Fort Collins, CO
  533. Bell's Vireo (6/29/05) - Tamarack Ranch, Crook, CO
  534. Upland Sandpiper (6/29/05) - Ovid, CO
  535. Yellow-billed Cuckoo (6/29/05) - Julesberg, CO
  536. Lark Bunting (6/29/05) - near Bonny Lake, E CO
  537. Scaled Quail (6/29/05) - John Martin Reservoir, Las Animas, CO
  538. Piping Plover (6/29/05) - John Martin Reservoir, Las Animas, CO
  539. Mississippi Kite (6/30/05) - Cottonwood Canyon, CO
  540. Chihuahuan Raven (6/30/05) - Cottonwood Canyon, CO
  541. Indigo Bunting (6/30/05) - Cottonwood Canyon, CO
  542. Lewis' Woodpecker (6/30/05) - Cottonwood Canyon, CO
  543. Pine Grosbeak (7/6/05) - Rainbow Curve, RMNP, CO
  544. Bank Swallow (7/17/05) - Fossil Creek Res, Fort Collins, CO
  545. Grasshopper Sparrow (7/19/05) - Shawnee Mission Park, KS
  546. Eastern Meadowlark (7/19/05) - Shawnee Mission Park, KS
  547. Field Sparrow (7/21/05) - Shawnee Mission Park, KS
  548. White-tailed Ptarmigan (8/6/05) - Longs Peak trail, RMNP, CO
  549. Olive-sided Flycatcher (9/17/05) - ELC, Fort Collins, CO
  550. Pectoral Sandpiper (9/19/05) - Prewitt Reservoir, CO
  551. Semipalmated Sandpiper (9/19/05) - Prewitt Reservoir, CO
  552. Stilt Sandpiper (9/19/05) - Prewitt Reservoir, CO
  553. Curlew Sandpiper (9/19/05) - Prewitt Reservoir, CO
  554. Baird's Sandpiper (9/25/05) - Fossil Creek Res, Fort Collins, CO

    Costa Rica

  555. Rufous-naped Wren (9/29/05) - Hotel Los Volcanes, Alajuela
  556. Olive-crowned Yellowthroat (9/29/05) - Road to Rara Avis
  557. Speckled Tanager (9/29/05) - Rara Avis
  558. Green Honeycreeper (9/29/05) - Rara Avis
  559. Emerald Tanager (9/29/05) - Rara Avis
  560. Ashy-throated Bush-Tanager (9/29/05) - Rara Avis
  561. Violet-crowned Woodnymph (9/29/05) - Rara Avis
  562. Black-and-yellow Tanager (9/29/05) - Rara Avis
  563. Russet Antshrike (9/29/05) - Rara Avis
  564. Golden-hooded Tanager (9/29/05) - Rara Avis
  565. White-lined Tanager (9/30/05) - Rara Avis
  566. Shining Honeycreeper (9/30/05) - Rara Avis
  567. Spotted Woodcreeper (9/30/05) - Rara Avis
  568. Pale-vented Robin (9/30/05) - Rara Avis
  569. King Vulture (9/30/05) - Rara Avis
  570. Stripe-breasted Wren (9/30/05) - Rara Avis
  571. Tufted Flycatcher (9/30/05) - Rara Avis
  572. White-ruffed Manakin (9/30/05) - Rara Avis
  573. Chestnut-capped Brush-Finch (9/30/05) - Rara Avis
  574. Scale-crested Pygmy-Tyrant (9/30/05) - Rara Avis
  575. Tawny-capped Euphonia (9/30/05) - Rara Avis
  576. Snowcap (9/30/05) - Rara Avis
  577. Eastern Wood-Pewee (9/30/05) - Rara Avis
  578. Nightingale Wren (10/1/05) - Rara Avis
  579. Buffy Tuftedcheek (10/1/05) - Rara Avis
  580. Red-eyed Vireo (10/1/05) - Rara Avis
  581. Gray-necked Wood-Rail (10/1/05) - Rara Avis
  582. Olive Tanager (10/1/05) - Rara Avis
  583. Ocellated Antbird (10/1/05) - Rara Avis
  584. Solitary Eagle (10/1/05) - Rara Avis
  585. Black-headed Nightingale-Thrush (10/1/05) - Rara Avis
  586. Long-billed Gnatwren (10/1/05) - Rara Avis
  587. Common Pauraque (10/1/05) - Rara Avis
  588. Tawny-crested Tanager (10/2/05) - Rara Avis
  589. Silver-throated Tanager (10/2/05) - Rara Avis
  590. White-collared Manakin (10/2/05) - Rara Avis
  591. Rufous Mourner (10/2/05) - Rara Avis
  592. Little Tinamou (10/2/05) - Rara Avis, Costa Rica
  593. Chestnut-sided Warbler (10/2/05) - Rara Avis
  594. Bay Wren (10/3/05) - Rara Avis
  595. Cinnamon Becard (10/3/05) - Rara Avis
  596. Long-tailed Woodcreeper (10/3/05) - Rara Avis
  597. Purple-crowned Fairy (10/3/05) - Rara Avis
  598. Red-throated Caracara (10/3/05) - Rara Avis
  599. Streaked-crowned Antvireo (10/3/05) - Rara Avis
  600. Great Green Macaw (10/3/05) - Rara Avis
  601. Black-faced Grosbeak (10/3/05) - Rara Avis
  602. Tawny-faced Gnatwren (10/3/05) - Rara Avis
  603. Hepatic Tanager (10/3/05) - Rara Avis
  604. Yellow-eared Toucanet (10/4/05) - Rara Avis
  605. Thicket Antpitta (10/4/05) - Rara Avis
  606. Thrush-like Schiffornis (10/4/05) - Rara Avis
  607. Lattice-tailed Trogon (10/4/05) - Rara Avis
  608. Plain Antvireo (10/4/05) - Rara Avis
  609. Scarlet Tanager (10/4/05) - Rara Avis
  610. Slaty-breasted Tinamou (10/4/05) - Rara Avis
  611. White-throated Crake (10/4/05) - El Plastico, Rara Avis

  612. White-throated Sparrow (11/13/05) - Custer Cty, CO
  613. Ross' Goose (11/13/05) - 11-Mile Reservoir, Park Cty, CO
  614. Barred Owl (12/16/05) - Mahogany Hammock, Everglades NP, FL
  615. Lesser Black-backed Gull (12/31/05) - Lake Loveland, CO


  616. Marsh Wren (1/1/06) - S of Cattail Pond, Loveland, CO
  617. Northern Waterthrush (1/5/06) - Poudre River, Fort Collins, CO
  618. Northern Shrike (1/9/06) - CR 21, Logan Cty, CO
  619. Lapland Longspur (1/13/06) - CR 21, Logan Cty, CO
  620. Brown-capped Rosy-Finch (1/17/06) - Fawn Brook Inn, Allenspark, CO
  621. Black Rosy-Finch (1/17/06) - Fawn Brook Inn, Allenspark, CO
  622. Red Crossbill (1/28/06) - Lory State Park, Fort Collins, CO
  623. Long-billed Thrasher (2/3/06) - El Paso Cty, CO
  624. Northern Saw-whet Owl (3/1/06) - Rist Canyon, CO
  625. Northern Goshawk (3/4/06) - Allenspark, CO
  626. Eastern Screech-Owl (3/5/06) - Poudre River, Fort Collins, CO
  627. Harris' Sparrow (3/13/06) - Carson Nature Center, Littleton, CO
  628. Crissal Thrasher (3/15/06) - Red Rock NCA, NV
  629. Greater Sage Grouse (4/7/06) - Coalmont, CO
  630. McCown's Longspur (4/11/06) - Pawnee Grasslands, CO
  631. Vesper Sparrow (4/17/06) - Fossil Creek Res., Fort Collins, CO
  632. Brewer's Sparrow (4/26/06) - Weld CR 110/15, CO
  633. Cassin's Vireo (5/6/06) - Dixon Res., Fort Collins, CO
  634. Sora (5/8/06) - East Reservoir, Lakewood, CO
  635. Yellow-throated Vireo (5/10/06) - Lee Martinez Park, FC, CO
  636. Golden-crowned Kinglet (5/13/06) - McGraw Ranch, RMNP, CO
  637. Dusky Grouse (5/13/06) - McGraw Ranch, RMNP, CO
  638. Flammulated Owl (5/14/06) - Stove Prairie Rd., Poudre Canyon, CO
  639. Dusky Flycatcher (5/14/06) - Rist Canyon, CO
  640. Least Flycatcher (5/14/06) - Rist Canyon, CO
  641. Clay-colored Sparrow (5/14/06) - Fossil Creek Res., FC, CO
  642. Black Tern (5/14/06) - Lower Latham Res., LaSalle, CO
  643. Blackpoll Warbler (5/14/06) - Crow Valley Campground, Briggsdale, CO
  644. Gray-cheeked Thrush (5/14/06) - Crow Valley Campground, Briggsdale, CO
  645. Veery (5/15/06) - Crow Valley Campground, Briggsdale, CO
  646. Plumbeous Vireo (5/17/06) - Chico Basin Ranch, CO
  647. Abert's Towhee (5/21/06) - Sweetwater Wetlands, Tucson, AZ
  648. Pyrrhuloxia (5/21/06) - AZ-Sonora Desert Museum, Tucson, AZ
  649. Lesser Nighthawk (5/21/06) - Sierra Vista, AZ
  650. Rufous-winged Sparrow (5/22/06) - San Pedro River, AZ
  651. Painted Redstart (5/22/06) - Scheelite Canyon, Ft. Huachuca, AZ
  652. Hutton's Vireo (5/22/06) - Scheelite Canyon, Ft. Huachuca, AZ
  653. Arizona Woodpecker (5/22/06) - Scheelite Canyon, Ft. Huachuca, AZ
  654. Elegant Trogon (5/22/06) - Scheelite Canyon, Ft. Huachuca, AZ
  655. Red-faced Warbler (5/22/06) - Scheelite Canyon, Ft. Huachuca, AZ
  656. Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher (5/22/06) - Ramsey Canyon Preserve, AZ
  657. Mexican Jay (5/22/06) - Ramsey Canyon Preserve, AZ
  658. Grace's Warbler (5/22/06) - Ramsey Canyon Preserve, AZ
  659. White-eared Hummingbird (5/22/06) - Beatty's B & B, Miller Cyn, AZ
  660. Lucifer Hummingbird (5/22/06) - Ash Cyn B & B, AZ
  661. Greater Pewee (5/22/06) - The Reef, Carr Cyn, AZ
  662. Yellow-eyed Junco (5/22/06) - The Reef, Carr Cyn, AZ
  663. Spotted Owl (5/23/06) - "Jaws", Scheelite Cyn, Ft. Huachuca, AZ
  664. Rose-throated Becard (5/23/06) - Patagonia Roadside Rest, AZ
  665. Violet-crowned Hummingbird (5/23/06) - Paton's yard, Patagonia, AZ
  666. Elf Owl (5/23/06) - Santa Rita Lodge, Madera Cyn, AZ
  667. Whippoorwill (5/23/06) - Santa Rita Lodge, Madera Cyn, AZ
  668. Whiskered Screech-Owl (5/23/06) - Madera Canyon, AZ
  669. Botteri's Sparrow (5/24/06) - along Whitehouse Rd., Madera Cyn, AZ
  670. Brown-crested Flycatcher (5/24/06) - Proctor Rd., Madera Cyn, AZ
  671. Bronzed Cowbird (5/24/06) - Madera Kubo, AZ
  672. Flame-colored Tanager (5/24/06) - Madera Kubo, AZ
  673. Northern Beardless-Tyrannulet (5/24/06) - Pena Blanca Lake, AZ
  674. Five-striped Sparrow (5/25/06) - California Gulch, AZ
  675. Varied Bunting (5/25/06) - California Gulch, AZ
  676. Harris' Hawk (5/25/06) - along AZ Hwy 79, AZ
  677. Least Grebe (5/25/06) - Sweetwater Wetlands, Tucson, AZ
  678. Common Poorwill (5/26/06) - Pena Blanca Lake campground, AZ
  679. Olive Warbler (5/26/06) - Rose Canyon campground, Catalinas, AZ
  680. White-rumped Sandpiper (5/29/06) - Bonny SWA, CO
  681. American Golden-Plover (5/29/06) - Bonny SWA, CO
  682. Cassin's Sparrow (5/29/06) - Flagler SWA, CO
  683. Willow Flycatcher (5/29/06) - Flagler SWA, CO
  684. Hudsonian Godwit (5/29/06) - Duck Lake, Fort Collins, CO
  685. Wood Thrush (6/3/06) - Crow Valley campground, Briggsdale, CO
  686. Northwestern Crow (7/6/06) - Olympia, WA
  687. Black Swift (8/3/06) - Box Canyon Falls, Ouray, CO
  688. Calliope Hummingbird (8/18/06) - Hild's yard, Fort Collins, CO
  689. Buff-breasted Sandpiper (8/29/06) - Jackson Reservoir, CO
  690. Tennessee Warbler (9/12/06) - Crow Valley Campground, Briggsdale, CO
  691. Nashville Warbler (9/18/06) - Shawnee Mission Park, KS
  692. Common Tern (9/20/06) - Union Reservoir, Longmont, CO
  693. Black-throated Blue Warbler (10/22/06) - Fort Lauderdale airport, FL
  694. Cerulean Warbler (10/22/06) - Fort Lauderdale airport, FL
  695. White-crowned Pigeon (10/23/06) - Mahogany Hammock, Everglades NP, FL
  696. Short-tailed Hawk (10/23/06) - Coastal Prairie Trail, Everglades NP, FL
  697. King Rail (10/23/06) - Anhinga Trail, Everglades NP, FL
  698. Ruby-throated Hummingbird (10/23/06) - Kenwood School, Kendall, FL
  699. Florida Scrub-Jay (10/24/06) - Sebastian Buffer Preserve, FL
  700. Gull-billed Tern (10/24/06) - Sebastian, FL
  701. Seaside Sparrow (10/25/06) - Merritt Island NWR, FL
  702. Yellow-billed Loon (11/22/06) - Erie Reservoir, CO
  703. Black Scoter (11/27/06) - Union Reservoir, Longmont, CO


  704. Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow (1/1/07) - Moonglow, Moss Landing, CA
  705. Harlequin Duck (1/1/07) - Monterey, CA
  706. Pacific Golden-Plover (1/3/07) - Poipu, Kauai, HI
  707. White-rumped Shama (1/3/07) - Poipu, HI
  708. Chestnut Munia (1/4/07) - Poipu, HI
  709. Great Frigatebird (1/4/07) - Waimea, HI
  710. Laysan Albatross (1/4/07) - Polihale State Beach, HI
  711. Hawaiian Duck (1/6/07) - Hanalei NWR, HI
  712. Hawaiian Coot (1/6/07) - Hanalei NWR, HI
  713. Erckel's Francolin (1/7/07) - Waimea Cyn Dr, HI
  714. Red Junglefowl (1/7/07) - Koke'e State Park, HI
  715. White-tailed Tropicbird (1/7/07) - Waimea Canyon, HI
  716. 'Apapane (1/7/07) - near Kalalau Valley, HI
  717. 'Elepaio (1/7/07) - " " ", HI
  718. 'Anianiau (1/7/07) - " " ", HI
  719. Iceland Gull (2/3/07) - Pueblo Reservoir, CO
  720. Juniper Titmouse (2/3/07) - Royal Gorge, CO
  721. Northern Pygmy-Owl (2/5/07) - near Stout, CO
  722. Sharp-tailed Grouse (2/25/07) - near Vale, SD
  723. Black-backed Woodpecker (2/25/07) - Black Hills, SD
  724. Gunnison Sage-Grouse (4/4/07) - Doyleville, CO
  725. Lesser Prairie-Chicken (4/5/07) - rural Prowers Cty, CO
  726. Mountain Plover (4/5/07) - rural Prowers Cty, CO
  727. Greater Prairie-Chicken (4/6/07) - Wray, CO
  728. Chestnut-collared Longspur (4/6/07) - Briggsdale, CO
  729. Bachman's Sparrow (4/24/07) - Three Lakes WMA, FL
  730. Brown-headed Nuthatch (4/24/07) - Three Lakes WMA, FL
  731. Prairie Warbler (4/25/07) - Green Key, New Port Richey, FL
  732. Gray Kingbird (4/25/07) - Honeymoon Island State Park, FL
  733. Monk Parakeet (4/25/07) - Walsingham substation, St. Petersburg, FL
  734. Wilson's Plover (4/25/07) - Fort DeSoto Cty Park, St. Petersburg, FL
  735. Louisiana Waterthrush (4/25/07) - Fort DeSoto Cty Park, St. Petersburg, FL
  736. Cape May Warbler (4/25/07) - Fort DeSoto Cty Park, St. Petersburg, FL
  737. Kentucky Warbler (4/26/07) - Fort DeSoto Cty Park, St. Petersburg, FL
  738. Masked Booby (4/26/07) - Fort DeSoto Cty Park, St. Petersburg, FL
  739. Red Knot (4/26/07) - Fort DeSoto Cty Park, St. Petersburg, FL
  740. Prothonotary Warbler (4/26/07) - Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary, Immokalee, FL
  741. Black-whiskered Vireo (4/26/07) - Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary, Immokalee, FL
  742. Red-cockaded Woodpecker (4/26/07) - Babcock-Webb WMA, FL
  743. Boreal Owl (5/12/07) - Cameron Pass, CO
  744. Fox Sparrow (5/12/07) - Moose Visitor Center, State Forest SP, CO
  745. American Three-toed Woodpecker (5/12/07) - State Forest SP, CO
  746. Lawrence's Goldfinch (6/11/07) - Larry Arnold's yard, Grand Junction, CO


  747. Snowy Plover (1/1/08) - Jetty Rd, Moss Landing State Beach, CA
  748. Swamp Sparrow (1/28/08) - Greenlee Preserve, Lafayette, CO
  749. Long-eared Owl (2/7/08) - Wellington SWA, CO
  750. Clapper Rail (2/27/08) - Fort Island Gulf Park, FL
  751. Budgerigar (2/27/08) - Gulf Winds Dr, Hernando Beach, FL
  752. American Woodcock (2/28/08) - Weekiwachee Preserve, FL
  753. Sedge Wren (2/28/08) - Weekiwachee Preserve, FL
  754. Chuck-will's-widow (2/29/08) - Mangrove Bay Golf Course, St. Pete, FL
  755. Fulvous Whistling-Duck (3/1/08) - STA-5, FL
  756. Montezuma Quail (3/19/08) - near Madera Kubo, AZ
  757. White-tailed Hawk (3/26/08) - near Aransas NWR, TX
  758. Hooded Warbler (3/27/08) - Aransas NWR Birding Trail #2, TX
  759. Whooping Crane (3/27/08) - Aransas NWR Obs Tower, TX
  760. Couch's Kingbird (3/27/08) - Aransas NWR, TX
  761. Plain Chachalaca (3/28/08) - Allen Williams yard, Pharr, TX
  762. Golden-fronted Woodpecker (3/28/08) - Allen Williams yard, Pharr, TX
  763. Black-crested Titmouse (3/28/08) - Allen Williams yard, Pharr, TX
  764. Buff-bellied Hummingbird (3/28/08) - Allen Williams yard, Pharr, TX
  765. Olive Sparrow (3/28/08) - Allen Williams yard, Pharr, TX
  766. Altamira Oriole (3/29/08) - TNC Southmost Preserve, TX
  767. Least Bittern (3/29/08) - TNC Southmost Preserve, TX
  768. Green Jay (3/29/08) - Laguna Atascosa NWR, TX
  769. Red-crowned Parrot (3/29/08) - near Valley Nature Center, Weslaco, TX
  770. Green Parakeet (3/31/08) - north McAllen along 10th St, TX
  771. Golden-cheeked Warbler (4/2/08) - Emma Long City Park, Austin, TX
  772. Black-capped Vireo (4/2/08) - Shin Oak Deck, Balcones Canyonlands, TX
  773. Cave Swallow (4/2/08) - E of Webberville, along FM 969, TX
  774. Rusty Blackbird (4/8/08) - Prospect Ponds, Fort Collins, CO
  775. Ruff (5/1/08) - Boulder Reservoir, CO
  776. Magnolia Warbler (5/17/08) - Chico Basin Ranch, CO
  777. Long-tailed Jaeger (9/7/08) - McIntosh Reservoir, Longmont, CO


  778. Snow Bunting (1/27/09) - Weld County Roads 29/100, CO
  779. Mourning Warbler (5/14/09) - Big Thompson Creek, Loveland, CO

    Costa Rica

  780. Red-legged Honeycreeper (5/21/09) - Pura Vida Hotel, Alajuela, CR
  781. Crimson-fronted Parakeet (5/21/09) - Pura Vida Hotel, Alajuela, CR
  782. Yellow-green Vireo (5/21/09) - Valle Campanas, Santa Elena, CR
  783. White-vented Euphonia (5/21/09) - Valle Campanas, Santa Elena, CR
  784. Red-fronted Parrotlet (5/21/09) - Valle Campanas, Santa Elena
  785. Steely-vented Hummingbird (5/21/09) - Valle Campanas, Santa Elena
  786. Resplendent Quetzal (5/22/09) - Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve
  787. Orange-bellied Trogon (5/22/09) - Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve
  788. Streak-breasted Treehunter (5/22/09) - Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve
  789. Collared Redstart (5/22/09) - Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve
  790. Mountain Elaenia (5/22/09) - Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve
  791. Golden-bellied Flycatcher (5/22/09) - Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve
  792. Golden-crowned Warbler (5/22/09) - Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve
  793. Ruddy Pigeon (5/22/09) - road from Monteverde Cloud Forest
  794. Paltry Tyrannulet (5/22/09) - road from Monteverde Cloud Forest
  795. Piratic Flycatcher (5/24/09) -- road to Santa Elena
  796. White-fronted Parrot (5/24/09) - Valle Campanas, Santa Elena
  797. Gray-breasted Martin (5/24/09) - Paquera
  798. Lineated Woodpecker (5/25/09) - Curu Wildlife Refuge
  799. White-collared Seedeater (5/25/09) - Curu Wildlife Refuge
  800. Turquoise-browed Motmot (5/25/09) - Curu Wildlife Refuge
  801. Blue-black Grassquit (5/25/09) - Curu Wildlife Refuge
  802. Striped Cuckoo (5/25/09) - Curu Wildlife Refuge
  803. Olivaceous Woodcreeper (5/25/09) - Curu Wildlife Refuge
  804. Northern Barred Woodcreeper (5/26/09) - Curu Wildlife Refuge
  805. Streaked Flycatcher (5/26/09) - Curu Wildlife Refuge
  806. Double-striped Thick-Knee (5/26/09) - road to Barcelo Tambor
  807. Scrub Euphonia (5/26/09) - Barcelo Tambor
  808. Violaceous Trogon (5/27/09) - Barcelo Tambor
  809. Plain-breasted Ground-Dove (5/27/09) - Barcelo Tambor
  810. Roadside Hawk (5/27/09) - Barcelo Tambor
  811. Chestnut-headed Oropendola (5/28/09) - Rara Avis
  812. Great Tinamou (5/28/09) - Rara Avis
  813. Barred Hawk (5/29/09) - Rara Avis
  814. Violet-headed Hummingbird (5/29/09) - Rara Avis
  815. Black-faced Antthrush (5/29/09) - Rara Avis
  816. Fasciated Antshrike (5/29/09) - Rara Avis
  817. Royal Flycatcher (5/29/09) - Rara Avis
  818. Green-fronted Lancebill (5/29/09) - Rara Avis
  819. White-necked Jacobin (5/29/09) - Rara Avis
  820. Purplish-backed Quail-Dove (5/30/09) -- Rara Avis
  821. Short-billed Pigeon (5/30/09) -- Rara Avis
  822. Azure-hooded Jay (5/30/09) -- Rara Avis
  823. Barred Forest-Falcon (5/31/09) -- Rara Avis, CR
  824. Plain-brown Woodcreeper (5/31/09) -- Rara Avis, CR
  825. Checker-throated Antwren (6/1/09) -- Rara Avis, CR
  826. Green Thorntail (6/2/09) -- Rara Avis, CR

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Last updated June 5, 2009